On Winning

Losing is one of the most difficult things to deal with. A loss implies that you are wrong- your methods are wrong, your thinking is wrong. It suggests that- if I am wrong about this, what else am I wrong about? It can be a crippling, destabilizing event that damages your ego into disrepair.

But what about when you’re ready to change? What happens when you accept your loss for what it is, and you’re ready to begin to fight earnestly? You must throw away guilt and honor and social regard for others. As it turns out, the path to glory is only fit for the ruthless.

Do whatever it takes to win.

Spam your opponent mercilessly with the same move. Play dirty with ringouts, CE traps, and self-perpetuating okizeme situations. Disrespect your opponent to get him to lose his temper. Teabag, taunt, and overkill his corpse.

Anything goes. Honor does not have a meaning in this game.

Now listen carefully- I don’t mean you should log off now and start running naked in the streets.

Honor your opponent in real life, but not in the game.

Imagine being at a tournament. You sit down, plug your controller in. You look your opponent in the eye, you shake his hand. It’s good sportsmanship. Maybe you make some small talk before the match.

On that TV screen, you do the virtual equivalent of killing his parents, eating his children, and raping his wife. I’m talking total war, Genghis Khan, heads on stakes, streets run red. Guys with gas masks and flamethrowers. Burn everything. Flip open the glass cover and smack the big red button.

Scorched earth, nuclear winter, blackened sky, glass craters. Complete and utter annihilation.

In real life, you turn to him and say, “Good game”, and then shake his hand. Maybe go and eat dinner together or hang out and chat afterwards.

In a strange way, fighting in a no-holds-barred, “dishonorable” fashion in the game

is honor.

Holding back your cheap and dirty (read- your strongest) tactics implies that you think less of your opponent, that you do not show him your true strength, all that you have when you are pushed to your limit and nothing else exists besides your desire to win.

“Not fighting seriously would be disrespectful.”

(We do not cheat, or physically harm our opponents because we are civilized men; this is 2012. But were we barbarians, this would be fair game as well.)

The problem is focusing on the now.

If you are trying to win now, you are not trying to get stronger. If you do not get stronger, you will not win in the future.

The only way to get stronger is to do things differently than you are now. Doing new things means you won’t be as good as when you were doing old things (you mess up because you’re trying new things). While you’re messing up, your opponent is probably playing their best- so you’re getting hit.

Thus, you lose until you become better.

The only way to get stronger is to lose. You can lose in practice mode, you can lose in the field, but you must lose somewhere.

(For you FMA fans- that’s the real-world application of Equivalent Exchange.)

The best way to focus on winning is to not focus on winning.

When you are truly focused on winning, you are focused on losing. Or rather- you are focused on learning. Without loss, without taking the time to learn, every day, every chance you get, continuously, you may win now, but you cannot win later. As you learn more, you win more- but you mustn’t stop learning, not for anything or anyone.

After a while of following this… wins and losses become meaningless; there is no joy, no pain, no emotion tied to winning or losing, they are just outcomes and nothing more. You improve as you go, enjoying the process along the way. You are just playing the game and nothing else.

It is not about winning or losing. It is about fighting. It is about the thrill of battle. It is about the adrenaline. It is about knowing yourself, knowing your limits, and pushing past them, gritting your teeth and straining until blood begins to run from your eyes. This is the answer to the question “What is the meaning of life?” It is to struggle. It is the experience… of being human. Of conflict.

This is why you play.

Not to win, but to live.

Forget about winning and losing… then you can start to see-

Fighting as communication.

You never know a man until you fight him.

It’s easy when your mind is clear and you are not wrapped up in the chains of anger and desire to make fast friends with your opponents. Because- you have fought to the death with them… Through multiple lifetimes.

We are descended from barbarians, savages, animals, after all. Violence is what we are attracted to, violence is what we understand. Violence is the basest language that all humans speak.

And you have spoken volumes with your opponent in battle. French, German, Korean, Portuguese- it matters not. Because we are talking in the universal language- and everyone understands the meaning of a cold blade and a boot to the face.

You’ve peeked into their mind, you know their limits, their strengths, their tenacity. Their essence. You know them.

It is much deeper than a layman’s friendship.

It is respect.

This is the true brilliance of fighting games- the enlightenment from brutal violence, the purity of war- and nobody has to die or get hurt.

Splendid, isn’t it?
Do whatever it takes to win.

Spam your opponent mercilessly with the same move. Play dirty with ringouts, CE traps, and self-perpetuating okizeme situations. Disrespect your opponent to get him to lose his temper. Teabag, taunt, and overkill his corpse.

Anything goes. Honor does not have a meaning in this game.

Play to win.

Hello perfect victory.
"On that TV screen, you do the virtual equivalent of killing his parents, eating his children, and raping his wife. I’m talking total war, Genghis Khan, heads on stakes, streets run red. Guys with gas masks and flamethrowers. Burn everything. Flip open the glass cover and smack the big red button.

Scorched earth, nuclear winter, blackened sky, glass craters. Complete and utter annihilation."

Well, that escalated quickly. . _.

but in all seriousness, this article was a great read, like always ^^
This article has inspired me. No longer do I feel ashamed of approving of UMVC3 MorriDoom.

Nightmare and Mitsu will always be bitches, though. ALWAYS.
DrakeAldan you are my lord and savior. When I first read your articles I read to educate myself in how to play a game, but I leave now with knowledge that not only has an impact on how I play, but also how I live. These articles have affected myself in more than just ways to improve in fighting games, but also as a person. It is with great respect that I thank you for creating these articles and making me better in more than just one aspect of my life. I hope to one day meet you and thank you in person.
This is not directed at you but about the general topic.

I totally disagree with "Do whatever it takes to win."
and your philosophy.

I know where you are coming from.

If you think deeper, there is something called 武德 。or "Martial Virtue."

Most important aspects:
仁 Ren: benevolence and mutual love
义 Yi: righteousness, justice, judging with the heart, having friendly feelings
礼 Li: respect, rules of conduct, politeness
智 Zhi: knowledge, reason, education and learning
信 Xin: trust, sincerity and openness, to truely believe in something, and also to keep one's promises, be stable and engaged in things
勇Yong: courage and braveness...

My point is that, even in this game, there are some martial virtues you can adhere to as you combat your opponent. There is nothing wrong in choosing a "gentler" and less brutal form of play to win your opponent.

Your articles have tended towards a cultivation of your mind and spirit to get good at the game. I am touching on virtues one might want to embrace if you truly want to master this game.

Peace out.
There is nothing wrong in choosing a "gentler" and less brutal form of play to win your opponent.
And what would this be?

Specifically, what would this be? What restrictions would you have people follow? What moves or sequences would be frowned upon?

The game is about beating your opponent until he does not rise from the ground. Tell me, what is gentle about this?

Virtuousness and righteousness are good... for general conduct. When your objective is the death of your opponent, you cannot respect him, for if you respected him, why would you try to kill him?

If you hold back just because you think you are above barbarianism, you will be bested by those who have no such limitations.

Shamelessness and ruthlessness are the way to power. It is striving towards maximum efficiency. If spamming is your opponent's weakness, but you are embarrassed to do so, you are not doing your best. If taunting your opponent causes his mind to wander, but you hold back because it isn't gentlemanly, you are not doing your best.

If you are not doing your best, it means you think you are above your opponent, better, more dignified, that he does not deserve your best. It is disrespectful to your opponent as well.

Ask yourself- what is the point? What is the objective? What is the goal?

Is the game decided by who is the most virtuous, or is the game decided by who is left standing?

Devoting your entire self to pursuing your objective is an inhuman and vile act. It is effective, but because people are held back by their own restrictions, you will end up alienating them because they do not understand.

This path forsakes everything for victory. It poisons relationships and leaves you standing alone...

which is why I said to leave it in the game.

In real life, you treat people with respect, you practice humility, kindness and gentleness. You stick to your word and give of yourself openly.

These virtues are well-suited to social conduct. We all live together, so one should live to promote peace and harmony among all men.

Wu De is the Chinese martial arts code of appropriate social interaction.

Being a good person has nothing to do with actually fighting.

Don't get confused. Martial arts, in its basest form, is how to murder another human being.

If you are not willing to do what must be done when you sit down to fight, then this is the wrong game for you, as you'll never reach your full potential.

I hear Animal Crossing is a good alternative.
I met a true warrior years ago during the reign of SCII... this warrior always fight their opponents with the same courage and skill level... he never underestimate any match... and after a win he said: "good fight! I win but I was hard to do it"...- he always said that, even after a 10-1 victory... but when he did find a fighter with raw potential he always try to teach his opponent about their mistakes. - man, you got to do something against that move! is a high move! duck and punish! don't try to remember! react!

Almost everybody in the community raise to another level after this young man start helping their comrades... thanks OmegaDR, to make me know how to win while having fun.
Feng words are so deep, that's the ultimate form of respect.
Very funny description of a fight (section 1 & 2) but I don't agree with that.
A fight shouldn't be dirty, we fight to win and give it all we have but we don't strike under the belt (nor rape people !!).
Because it's the ultimate form of expression, a fight should be beautiful, happy, sad, painful, enjoyable, and provides satisfaction. It's the converging point of all sorts of ambiguous feelings and pushes our senses to their limits and sharpens our perception of time and space. It's a pure Art.
That's especially true in regards of Soul Calibur Series, it provides all the tools we need to make a beautiful, glorious fights. So why fighting cowardly ?
So why fighting cowardly ?
If cowardly methods of fighting were ineffective, they would not be worth speaking on.

War is deception. It's not who's the strongest, but who's the most cunning.

What is the definition of "dirty"? What is "fighting underhandedly" but a social construct meant to keep people in their place?

We are born screaming, bloody, and naked... To be savage is to be. Many stash this side of their nature away, believing it to be unclean... It is just a part of who we are.

Do not forget where you come from.