Patroklos Q&A/Discussion Thread

His 88_22 moves aren't all that great for punishment. AA and B are both high, which can be a problem against moves that end up crouching. 22_88B even seems to randomly whiff on standing characters from time to time. The slide input from 88 to 66B works fine, but I have trouble getting it out after 22. Even in training I get mixed results from 236B, over 33B to 66B and even 6B which usually whiffs. All that trouble for the max dmg combo made me look for an alternative aswell.

22_88K ~ 236K is 64 dmg, which is good enough for me. Just trade 16 dmg for consistency, if you're an input scrub like me :P
Hey team Patroklos,

I need a good, simple, basic character to work on my SC fundamentals. Is using Patroklos a good choice, or is there better?

if you wanna improve zoning and how to move pat is a good choice, but he needs a lot of game knowledge too, he must be used in different way versus every char. if you are searching someone that can play on fundamentals without thinkin too much on spacing(but for me it's a fundamental too), phyrra is maybe the best choice
probably someone more expert than me can suggest in a better way anyway!
Well my main problem is that I've been over reliant on my char (Hilde) to do my work for me, both offline and online.
Rather than focusing on my opponents patterns, spacing, and mixups, I've been using my tricks and the enemy's lack of character knowledge to win. I've developed really bad habits because of this, and I think that using a simple character without any real tricks could help me break those habits and make me focus on fundamentals.
22_6B (step 66B) is possible, just dont slide to the 6. Jump right to it quick. I swear most of my game is 66B, step 66B, or duck 66B. hah!
Pickup Mits. You can win with him while in a coma, let alone if you apply yourself. Not saying he's OP, he's just not hard to really get going with.
I second Mitsurugi. He has a LOT of tools, you can do good damage even if you don't know what you're doing. He's even got great movement- you can learn anything in the game with him (even how to GI, GI A+B is great damage and it's easy!)

Patroklos is rushdown. He can be hard to control sometimes (you have to think a couple moves ahead of the other guy). You have to stay in the other guy's face.

He's a specialist because of his short range, not only do you have to know your basics, you have to continually play to your strengths.
Is there any data out there on guard crush power of specific moves? Recently I've noticed that the 236K somersault is crazy good at guard crush, as in it probably crushes anyone flashing red who tries to block it. I'm curious as to just how much better it is than other, safer options.
So apparently Pat's JS AB recovers with TC frames, because I just had a Cervantes try to CE punish it and the bullet went clean over my head. Lol.

Is there any data out there on guard crush power of specific moves? Recently I've noticed that the 236K somersault is crazy good at guard crush, as in it probably crushes anyone flashing red who tries to block it. I'm curious as to just how much better it is than other, safer options.

You can go into training mode and just do the same move over and over against a blocking training dummy to see how many it takes to break their guard. Easiest way to test guard break moves.
22_88 AA is great for ringouts, and I constantly do dash-in -> roll to stepping 1K as a meaty low after getting a knockdown, though that hardly counts as a stepping attack. A lot of the time, in actual punish situations, I just step into throw.
I have played every Soul game except the psp thing, but i've never really played much online before this one, and I could use some help getting rid of my bad habits. Here is my third online fight, got owned in the first, and the second was too easy. Help me!!

I'm starting to think 66A is a waste of time. Has someone said that before?

25 frames, blockable on reaction. Brave Edge damn near useless... High advantage on hit but I can't hit this against good players.

Feels like 236AB is much better...
Yes, but if 236AB is blocked, you won't get up again.

66A is a long range, step catching mid that guard crushes in 12, great move for getting in imo. =/
it's a great move, jsab is good too, but that move is making me weak. i noticed it today in my last offline session. people are starting backdashing between a and b, launching me. now i prefer doing just jsa, trying to hitconfirm. spamming jsab like i did(and i'm still doing) is a bad habit. 66a is very good imho, near corner/wall aa is guaranteed too. and 66abe can be used in that case you know people will step. 90 dmg, not bad at all. 66a is safer than jsab and they can be used both, depending on your style. now that people started to killin' me after jsab 66a is my favourite choice. 1 good think about jsab(apart the tech crouch property) is that after 1k it catch backdash happy players, like 66b. and it's patroklos best weapon vs nightmare since it punish every nm move(3b, wsb etc.), crushing the k from the style, being faster than every other move from the style and enough fast to punish the single move without the style transition.
You play the game in which console?

Anyway, here's some starter tips:

-6BBB is basically a counter. If you break his guard, land this.

-While you're downed, do wrKA. Depending on your choice, you can follow-up with 2A+B or engage the CE.

-Throws are escapable by pressing a attack button. You will take very minor damage by escaping one, but it's better than getting successfully grabbed. Also, you can avoid being grabbed altogether by simply crouching.

I could think of more, but if I ever got more to share, I'll edit this post.
Well, with this being your third match it's obvious the main thing you need to do is just play more. You'll get it over time.

-I'm just going to tell you right now 6BBB is not as good as you think it is, if you do all three it's -18 and that's a major punish against most characters.
-Use WAY more 1K this low is too good and it's patroklos' money maker.
-Remember to step, this is a 3D game and it's always good to make use of the third dimension to create opportunities and force your opponent into using Horizontals.
-236B is your main punisher you can punish anything -15 or more within range, if you're not sure if it'll hit brave edge it to make it safe

You have both the big damage combos down, but the real core to playing patroklos is just getting in your opponent's face and using low kick good mids and anti steps to make it feel like they can't do anything. There is a place for 6BBB when you know they are going to press a button but most of the time there are better options which allow for more continued pressure.
Honestly I wouldn't always use the CE after 66B+K, not really good for damage since it's scaled heavily. Worth it for a ring out though. 1K and wrKA works wonders. 22_88AA is a good anti-step move and 3B comes out pretty quick.
Maybe I'm just doing it wrong... Thanks guys...

Yeah, temporary insanity. Sorry people.

Spacing is oddly exciting when you're doing it up close.