PSN/XBL Ragequitters

EMINIME1............Oh man I never fought such a terrible Cervantes man.......I completely beat him with Maxi and he kept RQing and then sending some hatemail but I'll admit that the 3rd time I fought him (ranked kept giving pairing me up with him) I did troll a bit with Maxi but seriously he was terrible and he loved to duck low too
A guy named FatalMeenpop RQ on me with his really spammy Sophie.
He was also really laggy, possibly had a a really poor internet connection and trying to use that to his advantage because he can't play for real.
had a a really poor internet connection and trying to use that to his advantage because he can't play for real.

This sounds like half of my SC4 experiences and 70% of my SC2 experiences!!!

Once you play games like Killer Instinct and Tekken Tag tournament 2 you realize what a good netcode really is... xD
Momolepapi from France, who I had on my friend list for over a year. :( I'm so saddened. Before he rq, he tried to pull NM ThrowCalibur on me, but then I had a comeback (lost 2 rounds). But when he lost he vanished and unfriended me. Also, my writing to him in English seems to have infuriated him the whole time. x)
A guy named domaniq jumped ship with a really bad Raph.
He had a good connection though. He was just low on health and dashboarded.
Here you can see and compare his ratio 218/78.
He took the loss there but I guess he couldn't hand his own salt and quit after losing here.
He said "I turned off my because [laggy Mitsurugi] got frustrating".
But he was using 'Rugi too
Could've sworn i've met him too. He RQ'd on my Talim lol

Yeah it was the same with a lot of the top rankers with the most wins! xD I either get a tough fight or "something" disconnects at the end. I saw his body go all limp towards the end of the fight..

I noticed if people quit on this game they need to do so before the finishing KO, and it locks up your game for a while too, sometimes you can't even go to the next match!!!! =PP It punishes you when they quit! Madness!
A guy named domaniq jumped ship with a really bad Raph.
He had a good connection though. He was just low on health and dashboarded.

You know? I faced that guy lots of times, but he never quit. DAFUQ DID YOU DO TO MAKE HIM QUIT? Suspicious person!
Be sure they quit, sometimes it can just get disconnected by accident

domainq is a good player at least in my personal experience, fought him in SC4 and SC2 HD, never quit on me, altough never found him in SC5 even when he plays it.
Be sure they quit, sometimes it can just get disconnected by accident

domainq is a good player at least in my personal experience, fought him in SC4 and SC2 HD, never quit on me, altough never found him in SC5 even when he plays it.

He's actually #1 for the most wins on SC4 and #1 for highest level. (I'm like #5 so I faced him all the time! xD) he has a pretty good Raphael, but can you believe he played like 40,000+ Ranked matches on SC4? That's a lot of fights!! He's beaten me a lot more times than I've beaten him, he never quit though. =] I'm just glad he passed that cheating loser Asaba.. xD
He's actually #1 for the most wins on SC4 and #1 for highest level. (I'm like #5 so I faced him all the time! xD) he has a pretty good Raphael, but can you believe he played like 40,000+ Ranked matches on SC4? That's a lot of fights!! He's beaten me a lot more times than I've beaten him, he never quit though. =] I'm just glad he passed that cheating loser Asaba.. xD

Yes, I know, I even send him a message with my congratulations for being first, never got answered tough =(

In my personal experience, really tought in SC4, but not so much in SC2, I don´t know if it´s because of Raph (I don´t think so, everyone says he is overpowered in SC2) or because he just needs more practice. But like I said, never quit on me or send hatemail, always accepted his looses like a man, true player =)

PD: That Asaba guy, once I was going to fight him, he introduced himself talking like a god, I had like 7 messages with pure ego, and in the end he didn´t fight xD Never fought him or seeing him fighting, I wonder about his skills, I don´t even know his main, guess it will be a forever mistery to me.
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