Remove 1 character from the game!

Raphael has a good story, it wouldn't do to kick him out. I vote for the Star Wars Trio. They add nothing to the story and make online play annoying as hell.
I don't understand why people are voting the Star Wars characters since they are just guests. They willn't return.

Canon characters?

Mitsurugi. Why? After 10+ years of the same lame tactics, it gets really old. Plus, he went from an interesting character storywise in Soul Edge with lots of potential to boring, uninspired and redundant.

Just overall lame.

There are others but he towers above them all.

Just die Mitsurugi.
Voldo. . .seriously that Herbet mutherfucker he just needs to die. . .How many times does he need to stay in a fucking cave and fail.
Rid me of Kilik please. nothing screams "Im a Noob" when your unknown opponent picks him....
I won't say the Star Wars characters, since they're obvious.

I actually like Mitsurugi's style, although I wish they'd give him more iaido moves, because Setsuka's flaws make it hard for a lot of players to enjoy the iaido in SCIV, and iaido is a very cool fighting style, especially when used with a longer katana. I prefer Mitsurugi's 3rd costume appearance in Soul Calibur II the most, however.

If I had to pick one character, I'd prolly say one of the Sophitia clones, simply because they're not offering anything new to the game. I sorta feel the same about Yoshimitsu, although not as much. Though he possesses some interesting moves, most of his decent ones are clones of Mitsurugi's moves, and personally I wish they would include some more unique weapon styles, and perhaps even a claw style that doesn't make you look like a total lunatic.

I'd also like to point out that another character who seems to be commonly used by 'noobs' online is Cervantes, most likely because they just want to keep exploiting all of his insanely overpowered special moves.
@Shoryu_Magami: I always thought Iaijutsu (Not Iaido) encompassed sword techniques for when the sword was drawn, and transitioned into kenjutsu after it's out (And it's generally supposed to stay out till the battle's over). The kind Setsuka uses is mostly fictional.

Edit: Cervy's moves aren't really overpowered, even online. Most noobs abuse his 66B, his A+G throw, his 4B+K, and his fucking weak teleport (Not the instant one, the one where he teleports back and does a GB GDR). The only time he can give you trouble with just these moves is with lag, which most other characters can abuse as well.
Yeah, I'm well aware that the fighting style is mostly fictional, but Setsuka isn't the one who first used it. It's a very popular style within most of japanese culture, and one that my own character uses in multiple stories I've created. As for the 'iaido' term I used earlier, it's possible that it was a typo from where I found it, but that's the term I found. 'Iaijutsu/iaido' is a term usually referring to the technique of killing the enemy in the same motion that you draw the sword.

Also, in a few samurai games I play, one of which I specialize in, keeping the sword sheathed and then using a fast draw slash against the enemy at the perfect opening to cause instant death is a very useful technique I fight with.

Of course, Yoshimitsu's moves are more fictional then Setsuka's, by far.

Also, I agree about the comments concerning Cervantes, in fact I find him one of the easiest characters to beat, especially when people use him online because they just spam the special moves, but I still find them rather annoying.
I know that this probably won't count, but I would of liked to see old man Obi-Wan instead of Yoda... would of made a lot more sense to put him in the guest character list of SCIV (Yoda vs Vader = WTF?!).
This threads been dead for almost a year and suddenly its resurrected :S.

Flyful IMO Seig and NM are two of the more balanced characters in the game I dont think either should be removed just because they used to be one character. Furthermore out of the two Seig is much closer to SC2 Nightmare.

Anyway the character id remove is Yoda. I probs don't need to elaborate too much but in terms of balance I dont have that much of a problem with Vadar or starkiller in fact I think they did a good job with vadar but Yoda... Eeh
I'd remove Hilde. That or tone her down a bit. She's insane. Also, Amy. I'm sure many have said these two. Haha.
Most of the characters' styles are great, it's just their background and overall... err... flare... has died. What they did in SCII was refreshing; get rid of some of the older characters and introduce new characters, similar style with a bit of a twist.

If they did that with characters like Mitsurugi or Siegfried I'd be happy. Even Cervantes.

I'm actually waiting for Namco to kill off Siegfried. It probably wont happen... ever, but I'm so sick of his shit. He died in his own ending... and half the other people's endings, so sure, why not, right?

Oh and I agree with Xephukai... Playing Hilde seems so unnatural with the charges and all the crap.
most of the good characters die or live a peaceful life in their endings, most of the evil ones lived to terrorize.

If SC5 would come out i think most of the good casts will be gone and a evildoers probably still around.
Jelly Mitsu, Seig and Cervy have been in every game since SB as has Voldo, Taki, Sophie and Mi na. Their all staples of the series and i don't think their going anywhere no matter how many times seig dies in a melo dramatic way.

That said I do agree that replaceing Hwang with Yun Seong and adding new characters that kinda derive from other characters like Cass - Sophi, Seig - Nightmare and Amy - Raph was pretty cool.
Yeah I know, a girl can dream. Remember in Tekken though? When they removed Kazuya and a lot of the other mains from T3 and introduced a whole new generation of fighters, then brought the old ones back in T5? Eh, I'm just saying.
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