SCV Yoshimitsu Q&A and General Discussion


[11] Champion
Welcome to the SCV Yoshimitsu Q&A and General Discussion thread.

Any general gameplay discussion including, but not limited to questions, general tips, and/or strategy are welcomed in this thread.

As this thread will get quite messy, an FAQ will be eventually be compiled answering, of course, the most frequently asked questions.
So what's everyone's feeling on the new way you do possession fist? You have to charge it up by auto-gi'ing with Flash(A+K) and even then, it's still random which one you get. What's everyones take on this?
So what's everyone's feeling on the new way you do possession fist? You have to charge it up by auto-gi'ing with Flash(A+K)...
You do? Who discovered that?

I hadn’t tested it seriously yet, but I definitely noticed that it didn’t seem to be timer-based anymore — which to be honest is a big disappointment for me. I’d gotten so used to playing the meta-game of counter watching.

So I guess the question is, is it truly random? And what do you mean by charging it — as in, depending on how many times you use Flash, the repertoire of possible moves expands? Does flash have to actually counter anything? Etc.

If there’s no way to control this, I’m not using it. Which sucks.


So I very briefly tested MED A+B (I guess now it’s IND A+B?) and you can definitely do an initial jump with K on landing. But I didn’t, in the 2–3 times I used it, manage to land the ensuing backflip.

I don’t know if my TV has somehow developed more lag than I ever noticed in SCIV (and FYI, it’s running in Samsung’s “Game Mode” which reduces latency), but the timing on SDF K landing seems to have become more difficult. Does this match anyone else’s experience?
So what's everyone's feeling on the new way you do possession fist? You have to charge it up by auto-gi'ing with Flash(A+K) and even then, it's still random which one you get. What's everyones take on this?

Sounds similar to the system they used in SC2, except instead you had to drain life. Then you'd have a a charge (or two?) that you could expend. Probably a good idea to really confirm the randomness of it, so we don't end up sticking to that assumption like we did in SCIV.

So I very briefly tested MED A+B (I guess now it’s IND A+B?) and you can definitely do an initial jump with K on landing. But I didn’t, in the 2–3 times I used it, manage to land the ensuing backflip.

I don’t know if my TV has somehow developed more lag than I ever noticed in SCIV (and FYI, it’s running in Samsung’s “Game Mode” which reduces latency), but the timing on SDF K landing seems to have become more difficult. Does this match anyone else’s experience?[/quote]

wow i saw the name change yesterday (from Meditation to Indian Stance) but it didn't register in my brain till i saw this post lol

and i agree, the SDF K is a little more difficult to land in this game. i was decent at in SCIV, but i'll keep at it.
Pardon my post.

Has anyone tried the MED A+K? It has some intriguing stuff worth looking at. I found it via movelist.
I did notice you can do IND A+K into a few new things, such as IND A+K,A,A+K, rinse/repeat....don't know how useful it's going to be, since it hurts you and gives any opponent time to get out of range before doing the unblockable. []
It's 1 frame now. a:B+K, gotta slide the shit out of it and be precise. I spent about a few hours on it and was able to get it down to 90% of the time now.
Why did they make shit tighter and at the same time make the rewards less hahaha?!? He's still fun though. I'm just scratching my head at the moment... What's the point of 1frame moves if other character can get similar results and damage with something like 66B?
The only BE move that I've actually used during matches is 33a,A+B+K. I feel that yoshi lost a lot of his flare and fun and actually became a more practical/basic character.
His range has been cut dramatically. Also 22K is high now... poopy..

I've been using 6B as a make shift old 6A. Less range and doesn't cut step but it's pretty decent.
I don't know if anyone mentioned this:

I did some G.I. practice with a Yoshi VS Yoshi.
I saw that if Yoshi (I guess anyone else as well) does some kind of aerial attack (perhaps 9K for example) and you G.I. it, the opponent would flip backwards and get fall damage.

But I think Yoshi can add an extra hit during the backflip like a:BK or 6K.
Interesting observation. Initially it sounded like a waste of a meter, but if we consider that Viola uses 9K as a way to get distance, lay an orb down, and as part of her B&B combos we could use this kind of information against her. I still need to test this, but I see it being effective against Viola if she wants to create space with 9K.
From what I see as well, aerial G.I.s wall splats and rings out. So G.I.s can be interesting yet highly situational tools near walls or edges.
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