Setsuka's Lounge

Setsuka Lounge

I'm intentionally avoiding online with Setsuka, because my offline game has suffered greatly due to online play, and I don't want to commit her JFs to muscle memory with the online timing.

But I'm usually down for some matches in general. Hit me up with a friend invite if you're on the West Coast.
Setsuka Lounge

I don't find myself having to much trouble differentiating my online vs offline game play with her. It takes me about 30 minutes of practice with her moves offline and I can pull them off 95%
Setsuka Lounge

As far as using punishable tactics offline I tend to change how I play. Using a much different move set and spread of set ups
Setsuka Lounge

This is probably just me, but WTF am I the only one who has problems doing color edits of Setsuka's 1P?!
Gah... I'm just so anal about things matching
Anyways, what are some combo's you guys use online?
Setsuka Lounge

Same combos as offline. You use the best combos that you're able to execute consistently offline.
Setsuka Lounge

Hey guys I'm a pretty decent Setsuka player(ever since SC3) but I hit a bump in the road with her as I use the same moves as everyone else online to win...I'm trying to reach greatness with her since I love the fact that she's able to punish anyone in the game with her blinding speed.

What moves are essential to reach the next level with Setsuka and how can I set it up?
Setsuka Lounge

What moves are essential to reach the next level with Setsuka and how can I set it up?

You should check out the videos thread, look at some of the latest tournament results videos. Also, take a look at the Top 10 Moves thread.

To really answer the question, more info is needed. What are the moves you use? Do you use any of her JFs?
Setsuka Lounge

Guys I cant wait to play SOUL CALIBUR 5!!

They shud improve our lovely geisha ,SETSUKA ,Agree?????

It makes me jealous to see other character performing combo without JF, while setsuka ..... needs time ( to master) and timing....,and the damage isnt as good as the Queen of gayness : SOPHITIA or King of GAYNESS : mitsurugi
Setsuka Lounge

Guys I cant wait to play SOUL CALIBUR 5!!
They shud improve our lovely geisha ,SETSUKA ,Agree?????
I agree with your 1st sentence, but only partially agree with your 2nd sentence.
They should improve our lovely white geisha, BUT only in terms of moves and moves input.
Sets is really beautiful as she is now in SC4. In SC3, she was ugly as a fucking whore.
In SC5 (if it ever comes out) and if they change her back to SC3 or make her uglier, I'm gonna drop the game altogether.

Seriously, SC4 Sets is the prettiest female in this game.
Asian chicks like Xianghua, Mina blah blah blah are ok and boring at best.
White chicks like Sophie, Cass etc have weird chubby-genie faces. I don't wanna comment on Ivy.

It makes me jealous to see other character performing combo without JF, while setsuka ..... needs time ( to master) and timing....,and the damage isnt as good as the Queen of gayness : SOPHITIA or King of GAYNESS : mitsurugi
No.......King of GAYNESS should be Kilik. Fuck Kilik.

If SC5 ever comes out, my wish list for Setsuka would be as follows:

1) Change 1A : A : A to 1A : AA instead

2) Change FC3B : B to FC3BB [Hold]

3) Change BT B+K : B to BT B+K B

4) Change Umbrella from 2143aB to 214A+B

5) Change JF Umbrella from 2143a : B to 214A+B [Hold]

6) Change 1B : B to to 1BB

7) Increase the speed of agB from i23 to i15

8) B+K's speed should be increased from i23 to i15 or lesser

9) Give Setsuka some mix-ups like Mitsu and Sieg.
Sieg has some really good mix-ups and he can even cancel some of his moves midway to trick the opponent into releasing block / attacking, and then he suddenly continues his attack which was canceled previously (e.g: his WR A 2 can be repeated as many times as possible before he finally does AA)

10) Give Setsuka some moves to deal with currently bad match-ups like Kilik. They should give her a projectile attack which travels only half the screen, so as not to make her too broken.
Like maybe she throws her sword like a boomerang and then it returns back to her, and she sheathes it back. Make it i22 to be fair.

11) Her grab / throw is good but not good enough. Extend the reach of her grab a bit more and give her throws more damage.

12) Give Setsuka more lows and better lows. Most of her attacks are mids and highs and that's her weakest part. And Namco.......PLEASE MAKE 11A faster and make it hit grounded opponents.

13) Give Setsuka air combos, like what the Apprentice has. It's only natural.

14) SETSUKA MUST FTW IN SC5!!!!!!!!!!!
Setsuka Lounge

Some of those changes sound good--like changing 1A:A:A to 1A:AA, 11A hitting grounded opponents, and the umbrella being a touch easier--but others would make her totally broken. B+K from i23 to i15? lol.
Setsuka Lounge

lol @ all your proposed changes :p

your close range mixup options are:
high - throws
mid - b+k
low - 1a:A:a

that some serious mixups and damage right there.

all your execution changes are needless. i do wish 1a:A:a was slgihtly easier OR just 1 JF instead of two but i think the rest of her JF's are just fine. i also wished her 11a would hit grounded as it really looks like it should but shit happens, she has other grounded options.

setsuka also has tonnes of combos.

i actually don;t know if you are joking after reading the part about projectiles lol
Setsuka Lounge

Nikar, that would be cyborg not a normal character:P.

Just give me back my old good 17i ag:B and i will be happy : (.
Setsuka Lounge

SCIV is the last game in the series,isn't it? I mean there's no way they could continue the story-line since it's already over with. But I guess that's if you make Hilde's ending Canon.
Anyways give her 3 or 2 more lows and a better Victorian costume and I'll be happy,lol.
Setsuka Lounge

I think she's fine the way she is. I do miss her old aB though. Maybe make the window for umbrella after A+KB just a little bit larger. I like the fact that she's a character that requires a lot of practice to use, but is very rewarding in the end.
Setsuka Lounge


Anyway, though, it will be really sad if SC5 doesn't come out.
I mean, yeah, story-wise, they probably can't continue, but they could extend the story.

Like introducing a new boss who made a new sword more powerful than SC and SE etc...there's so many possibilities. Or maybe re-package the whole thing as Soul Calibur : New Age or something.

SC4's sales were pretty good in that it sold millions around the world, so it's a great pity if they don't continue it. It's the best 3D fighting game of it's era, seriously. DOA sucks like hell, and 3D street fighter / KOF series are total crap.
Setsuka Lounge

So, as I'm noticing, everyone here loves Cheese!! (don't deny it)

But...what cheese does everyone love?

Provolone FTW!