Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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Believe what you want, but Soul Calibur VI is real and you will see that it is soon enough.
I even have information about it that I have been advised to, under no circumstance leak. It would dwindle down who is releasing the information to a select few if I did.

What I can say that I am allowed to that I haven't yet is that there will be a huge focus on story elements, and the game was still in the motion capture stage even back in May of this year. The game's very far behind schedule ever since the delay last year due to their moveset / style switching mechanic not working out like they wanted to.
But like I said recently, they did retain this idea in a certain capacity, however. You will understand what I mean by this eventually.

I wish I could say more. But for now, everything I have said about it is what I am allowed to.
I keep being told it is being revealed "very soon" and in December. So regardless of if they do it at TGA or PSX, it's happening next month.
I was told it more than likely will not be on display and playable for a little while longer yet though.
Believe what you want, but Soul Calibur VI is real and you will see that it is soon enough.
I even have information about it that I have been advised to, under no circumstance leak. It would dwindle down who is releasing the information to a select few if I did.

What I can say that I am allowed to that I haven't yet is that there will be a huge focus on story elements, and the game was still in the motion capture stage even back in May of this year. The game's very far behind schedule ever since the delay last year due to their moveset / style switching mechanic not working out like they wanted to.
But like I said recently, they did retain this idea in a certain capacity, however. You will understand what I mean by this eventually.

I wish I could say more. But for now, everything I have said about it is what I am allowed to.
I keep being told it is being revealed "very soon" and in December. So regardless of if they do it at TGA or PSX, it's happening next month.
I was told it more than likely will not be on display and playable for a little while longer yet though.
I hope you're aware we'll be throwing you into the Lizardman den if you're bullshitting us.

I play a lot of VF5 now and God it has great, polished animations and graphics and it is from 2007! Everything is so smooth, clothing,weather effects and colours are so bright and fluid. It's like Soul Calibur but with no weapons :P And 17 fighters are enough, no need for mimics or copy of style/weapon. I cannot wait for SC6 annoucement xD
Believe what you want, but Soul Calibur VI is real and you will see that it is soon enough.
I even have information about it that I have been advised to, under no circumstance leak. It would dwindle down who is releasing the information to a select few if I did.

What I can say that I am allowed to that I haven't yet is that there will be a huge focus on story elements, and the game was still in the motion capture stage even back in May of this year. The game's very far behind schedule ever since the delay last year due to their moveset / style switching mechanic not working out like they wanted to.
But like I said recently, they did retain this idea in a certain capacity, however. You will understand what I mean by this eventually.

I wish I could say more. But for now, everything I have said about it is what I am allowed to.
I keep being told it is being revealed "very soon" and in December. So regardless of if they do it at TGA or PSX, it's happening next month.
I was told it more than likely will not be on display and playable for a little while longer yet though.
Believe what you want, but Soul Calibur VI is real and you will see that it is soon enough.
I even have information about it that I have been advised to, under no circumstance leak. It would dwindle down who is releasing the information to a select few if I did.

What I can say that I am allowed to that I haven't yet is that there will be a huge focus on story elements, and the game was still in the motion capture stage even back in May of this year. The game's very far behind schedule ever since the delay last year due to their moveset / style switching mechanic not working out like they wanted to.
But like I said recently, they did retain this idea in a certain capacity, however. You will understand what I mean by this eventually.

I wish I could say more. But for now, everything I have said about it is what I am allowed to.
I keep being told it is being revealed "very soon" and in December. So regardless of if they do it at TGA or PSX, it's happening next month.
I was told it more than likely will not be on display and playable for a little while longer yet though.

Okay so you're DasVergeben from reddit , right ?

But I'm surprised that you come on 8wayrun, but hey .. that's a nice surprise too .
So maybe you can confirm or not some of our concerns about the next SC , as you like aha

Personally, I wonder :

-> Did they keep the time skip ?
-> Are Patroklos and Pyrrah still there , or are Sophitia and Cassandra FINALLY back ?
-> Is there a Weapon Master mode or something like that ? Or Chronicle of the Sword ?
-> How about this multi-moveset thing ? It is quite interesting .

So If you can give some information about that, that would be really nice !! :sc1yos1::sc2ast2::sc2vol2:
Believe what you want, but Soul Calibur VI is real and you will see that it is soon enough.
I even have information about it that I have been advised to, under no circumstance leak. It would dwindle down who is releasing the information to a select few if I did.

What I can say that I am allowed to that I haven't yet is that there will be a huge focus on story elements, and the game was still in the motion capture stage even back in May of this year. The game's very far behind schedule ever since the delay last year due to their moveset / style switching mechanic not working out like they wanted to.
But like I said recently, they did retain this idea in a certain capacity, however. You will understand what I mean by this eventually.

I wish I could say more. But for now, everything I have said about it is what I am allowed to.
I keep being told it is being revealed "very soon" and in December. So regardless of if they do it at TGA or PSX, it's happening next month.
I was told it more than likely will not be on display and playable for a little while longer yet though.
Did your friend ever mention to you why they decided to not develop an Xbox port?
Okay so you're DasVergeben from reddit , right ?

But I'm surprised that you come on 8wayrun, but hey .. that's a nice surprise too .
So maybe you can confirm or not some of our concerns about the next SC , as you like aha

Personally, I wonder :

-> Did they keep the time skip ?
-> Are Patroklos and Pyrrah still there , or are Sophitia and Cassandra FINALLY back ?
-> Is there a Weapon Master mode or something like that ? Or Chronicle of the Sword ?
-> How about this multi-moveset thing ? It is quite interesting .

So If you can give some information about that, that would be really nice !! :sc1yos1::sc2ast2::sc2vol2:

DasVergeben is my name on reddit, yeah. I couldn't just make it Vergeben on there like I use on gamefaqs since it was taken, so I added Das to it. lol

I'm going to try and answer these without giving too much away due to my not being allowed to say certain things, or say them yet.
-> From what I hear, yes. I was told it takes place after V, but was eluded to there possibly being retcons or something like that going on.
-> I have yet to be told about any of those 4, but don't take that as any kind of deconfirmation. I only know of 7 characters at the moment if anyone is curious.
-> Don't know yet / haven't been told anything about something like those being in it yet. But as a fan, I would hope so. Especially with the story being as big of a focus as it will be this time.
-> I really can't say anything about that just yet. I'm sorry.
-> I haven't been told about an Xbox One version still. It doesn't mean it doesn't exist. But it has made me suspicious that there might not be one because of that.
-> I have yet to be told about any of those 4, but don't take that as any kind of deconfirmation. I only know of 7 characters at the moment if anyone is curious.
Are these 7 characters cool? Don't have to post their names, just curious if they are making an interesting roster in your opinion.
Are these 7 characters cool? Don't have to post their names, just curious if they are making an interesting roster in your opinion.

One is Kilik (with staff moveset back) but I already took that cat out of the bag.
The other two returning characters I know are...for lack of a better term "obvious." So you should be able to figure out who those are.
The other 3 are new. Two of the new ones sound really cool and have a lot of potential in regards to their characters, movesets, and the fanbase taking to them much easier than any of the newcomers from V, I will put it like that.
Then the 3rd new character is someone I can't share much about even in vagueness since even I don't know much about them, but the source suspected to be a Fire Emblem character for reasons I can't get into.
And then there's Link.
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I'm going to try and answer these without giving too much away due to my not being allowed to say certain things, or say them yet.
-> From what I hear, yes. I was told it takes place after V, but was eluded to there possibly being retcons or something like that going on.
-> I have yet to be told about any of those 4, but don't take that as any kind of deconfirmation. I only know of 7 characters at the moment if anyone is curious.
-> Don't know yet / haven't been told anything about something like those being in it yet. But as a fan, I would hope so. Especially with the story being as big of a focus as it will be this time.
-> I really can't say anything about that just yet. I'm sorry.
-> I haven't been told about an Xbox One version still. It doesn't mean it doesn't exist. But it has made me suspicious that there might not be one because of that.

It's nice you come here to share information , I've been waiting SC 6 since 2013 lol posted on facebook, to Namco, to everyone .. and there was nothing lol ..

Okay, so we can expect a nice story mode with good content (with maybe time travel thing with Astral Chaos ?). Maasaki Hoshino (still producer ?) was aware that the SC's fan were waiting for a developed universe, maybe more than competitive things (even if I totally respect the hardcore players).

So we can expect till now Nighmare, Siegfried, Kilik, 2 new characters, Link and maybe one character from Fire Emblem.
I really really hope they'll bring back Cassandra .. damn.

I can't wait to see what they what they have done with the multi-moveset, It must have been really hard to set in proper way, it'll be a really new and nice feature there .
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