Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

I'm pretty much not subscribed to PSN+ for online, but thanks to this:
It's influenced my decision not to bother paying for it. With inconsistent quality connections and unstable and unplayable lag, plus these types of CAS appearing in ranked play of all places, there's almost no reason to bother paying additional money to go online if this is going to be the result. Thanks for making my decision easier Namco.
Okay so now that I've played the game a little bit more, here are some of my thoughts,

-GI input lag. At first when I was playing against the AI, I thought there was an input lag in general. Then I quickly realized that all my other inputs were on point and seemingly instant (at least by my perception of it). For some weird reason, GI comes really late, like to the point of barely being able to pull it off. Don't know if this is an issue across the board, but I'm on the PS4. Anyone else have a similar experience please let me know, I might be crazy.

-havent been online yet. 90% of my time was in training mode trying commit the move changes to muscle memory. First I learn all the moves, then I scrap the ones I find useless.

-Only using Siegfried so far. May try out nightmare and astaroth tomorrow. Wow sieg has waaay more stance options than in 5, A+B moves from stance are BACK! His move list in general feels bigger. Feels higher tier than before, but since everyone more or less got better, he might still be low on the totem pole.

-AI. Wow the computer really REALLY abuses RE. I try stepping on anticipation more then I get CH with a horizonal. It feels like the AI is reacting to my inputs the instant I press them. GB moves come out too slow most of the time, though I have had a tiny bit of success with that. I wish I would have recorded the AI doing that shit, it was like every other move I swear to god. And ESPECIALLY cervantez, he was the worst offender in the hands of the AI. I wanted to reserve judgement on RE until I played it, but so far I'm not a huge fan of it. It disrupts the flow of the battle, makes it take longer, and is kinda annoying TBH. I have used it, but maybe only a handful of times in a match. It's useful, but when it's abused it makes the game less fun for me.

-tomorrow I will try online and get spanked. Wish me luck!
plus these types of CAS appearing in ranked play of all places,
This is not possible to make within the constraints of CaS. These creations are only possible on PC with Cheat Engine. You'll never see these abominations on console. You can even see the pirated-windows watermark at the bottom corner lmao.

I also can't say I've experienced the sluggish netcode people keep complaining about. My matches run just fine on PS4.
What is Ozma doing in Soul Calibur, is it the new DLC character? :P

FF9 Ozma.jpg
Okay so now that I've played the game a little bit more, here are some of my thoughts,

-GI input lag. At first when I was playing against the AI, I thought there was an input lag in general. Then I quickly realized that all my other inputs were on point and seemingly instant (at least by my perception of it). For some weird reason, GI comes really late, like to the point of barely being able to pull it off. Don't know if this is an issue across the board, but I'm on the PS4. Anyone else have a similar experience please let me know, I might be crazy.

-havent been online yet. 90% of my time was in training mode trying commit the move changes to muscle memory. First I learn all the moves, then I scrap the ones I find useless.

-Only using Siegfried so far. May try out nightmare and astaroth tomorrow. Wow sieg has waaay more stance options than in 5, A+B moves from stance are BACK! His move list in general feels bigger. Feels higher tier than before, but since everyone more or less got better, he might still be low on the totem pole.

-AI. Wow the computer really REALLY abuses RE. I try stepping on anticipation more then I get CH with a horizonal. It feels like the AI is reacting to my inputs the instant I press them. GB moves come out too slow most of the time, though I have had a tiny bit of success with that. I wish I would have recorded the AI doing that shit, it was like every other move I swear to god. And ESPECIALLY cervantez, he was the worst offender in the hands of the AI. I wanted to reserve judgement on RE until I played it, but so far I'm not a huge fan of it. It disrupts the flow of the battle, makes it take longer, and is kinda annoying TBH. I have used it, but maybe only a handful of times in a match. It's useful, but when it's abused it makes the game less fun for me.

-tomorrow I will try online and get spanked. Wish me luck!

Bro if you are gona main Sieg you should watch this VOD, avoidingthepuddle has been making some interesting videos about what he finds out about every character and he did Sieg already so dont know if it helps but its worth watching it.

ok, this is weird. there's definitely something up with the Xbox version, or at least my copy of it.

I mentioned this before, but I've noticed some major lag when navigating through the menus and UI. This is strictly offline play. And I'm playing on Xbox One X.

others mentioned they experienced similar lag on their PS4.

and I'm talking lag of upwards to 6 or 7 seconds in some case. You press select, and then there's a delay before it gets processed. Seems most noticeable in Arcade mode, when you first select the mode and it brings up the Character select portraits. There really is a delay of about 6 or 7 seconds. This also happens in Creation, when you choose Weapon Style, which also brings up that Character select portrait.

So maybe it's a bug related to character select screen. but there's also lag in other areas, too. like pausing the game and bringing up the Move List. Or choosing Hair Style options in Creation. There's a slight 2-3 second delay.

I got so frustrated, and curious, that I went out and bought the PS4 version to test out on my Pro.

and guess what?? NO LAG!!

If there is a lag, then it's only 1 or 2 seconds, instead of 3 seconds on the Xbox. And the Character select portraits in Arcade or in Creation for Weapon Styles? On my PS4, there's NO LAG at all. Compared to a noticeable 6-7 second delay on Xbox.

so, yeah, there does seem to be something going on with the Xbox version. Maybe it's a bug, or maybe the game isn't as "optimized" for Xbox. But there's something there. And when playing on the Xbox One X, the most "powerful" console, you don't expect to encounter such obvious delay/lag, especially when it's not present on the less powerful PS4 Pro.

Hopefully, they can fix this Xbox issue with a patch. But in the meantime, I may just have to switch to the PS4 for this game. cuz that lag/delay on the Xbox was getting really annoying.

anyone else experience this?
Okay so now that I've played the game a little bit more, here are some of my thoughts,

-GI input lag. At first when I was playing against the AI, I thought there was an input lag in general. Then I quickly realized that all my other inputs were on point and seemingly instant (at least by my perception of it). For some weird reason, GI comes really late, like to the point of barely being able to pull it off. Don't know if this is an issue across the board, but I'm on the PS4. Anyone else have a similar experience please let me know, I might be crazy.

-havent been online yet. 90% of my time was in training mode trying commit the move changes to muscle memory. First I learn all the moves, then I scrap the ones I find useless.

-Only using Siegfried so far. May try out nightmare and astaroth tomorrow. Wow sieg has waaay more stance options than in 5, A+B moves from stance are BACK! His move list in general feels bigger. Feels higher tier than before, but since everyone more or less got better, he might still be low on the totem pole.

-AI. Wow the computer really REALLY abuses RE. I try stepping on anticipation more then I get CH with a horizonal. It feels like the AI is reacting to my inputs the instant I press them. GB moves come out too slow most of the time, though I have had a tiny bit of success with that. I wish I would have recorded the AI doing that shit, it was like every other move I swear to god. And ESPECIALLY cervantez, he was the worst offender in the hands of the AI. I wanted to reserve judgement on RE until I played it, but so far I'm not a huge fan of it. It disrupts the flow of the battle, makes it take longer, and is kinda annoying TBH. I have used it, but maybe only a handful of times in a match. It's useful, but when it's abused it makes the game less fun for me.

-tomorrow I will try online and get spanked. Wish me luck!
Your right gi do be off, delay sucks though sometimes I can't pull off my taki air grabs online that is. Can someone explain to me why I have lag against full bar connection and no lag on some players with 1 or 2 bar connection makes no sense.
After playing excessively on ps4 these couple of days, I have to say I have not encountered many atrocious or cheap CaS. The only problem is the height, but other than that most of the time the edits are funny or made with a lot of attention, a lot of them are cool. However I did much better during the beta and I attribute that to the changed apperance and voice over. I liked the voice editing in SC4, what happened to that? Since SC5 it's been weird, changing the pitch doubles the voice in a weird way. Some CaS voices are also very quiet compared to the main cast.

I also think the long rocaille skirt, or whatever it's called, should be outright removed from the game along with the cultist robe. Hideous and ridiculous.
Is it just me or does the netcode seem bad? Most of my games so far feel kind of gloopy. And in lots of them there are periods of terrible lag that make it almost unplayable for a few seconds. With that and the empty CaS I'm a little disappointed. Don't have much hope for the series if this is all the producers could bring themselves to fund. You can see the corners cut everywhere...even the UI is worse than past games...

I think they could easily ban specific cas parts and height options from ranked and give a notification when you apply them that the character will not be available for ranked play. Just like you can't use downloaded creations online.
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