Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

YEEES, alternate costumes confirmed!!!! The guy from presentation said "every character has 2 or 3 costumes to wear" :) I'm so happy :)

OMG are u fuck*ng sure about this???? Wow awesome news. Hope Ivy's will be great, also hope she'll be one of those who'll have 3.
I did not expect new gameplay this soon. Bamco is full of surprises eh?.
For those of you who are asking for the source of the alternate costume claim (can't quote all of you guys lol) I found it on IGN's livestream. Since their stream is still going right now, I can't timestamp it, so here's a shitty-quality snippet that I recorded:
YEEES, alternate costumes confirmed!!!! The guy from presentation said "every character has 2 or 3 costumes to wear" :) I'm so happy :)

Wow, Talim with mid-armor break is definitely a good bit... off-putting.

They couldn't think of anything more appropriate than an 11 year old wearing a bra?
I'm thinking that instead of thinking based on the selection screens how many stages/characters are in, it might be more appropriate to think about it as this is what's in that is being tested. So if there is more than than 23 characters as of the e3 build, it could be that the dev team only had 23 of the full roster that they were in a position to test and and work on with the 13 or so announced characters actually able to be viewed and played. Don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but that's also how a couple of people I know and myself personally would do because in all honestly game devs are lazy and only implement things when we need to. xD

Also, Talim sounds a bit different from her reveal trailer which I'm not feeling, I liked her voice more than, though I could be imagining things. But damn, I agree with the talim mains. That gameplay leaves somethings to be desired.
Wow, Talim with mid-armor break is definitely a good bit... off-putting.

They couldn't think of anything more appropriate than an 11 year old wearing a bra?

I know it might seem a little inappropriate, but it was in their culture to wear robe that shows off the belly, if you break the jacket it will only remain the indonesian top, it's a little bit awkward but fair enough I guess

Also I don't tend to sexualize much characters unless they are explicitly designed for it, so much of these problems never came to my mind, I just see a little girl fighting and jumping all over the screen
Well, I haven't posted here in a long time. A long time.

I couldn't help but notice the brand manager's choice of words was "almost a reboot" rather than something more concrete. For me, this just reinforces the impression that the dual timeline idea has been overthought. This looks like just a retelling of the old story with some new details and minor changes at best to accomodate current trends. In other words, retconning, like has been done before. At the same time, he also claimed "supers" were new mechanics added with SCVI even though Critical Edges were in SCV, so who really knows?

I'm pleased to finally see Talim and Voldo are confirmed, as they were who I expected. As for the rest of the unconfirmed cast, this is my take on the matter:

Soul Calibur 6 Character Select.png
SoulCalibur 6.jpg

However, I do not consider these images to be very reliable, to be perfectly frank. The story trailer showed only a condensed list of confirmed characters at the time of its release, and both Ivy and Nightmare had more story events after what the second image released later on showed. What's more, this second image was released with the Talim announcement, and yet her name was allegedly blotted out with other unconfirmed characters. Simply put, I can't trust much of any of this will reflect the final game upon release.

But that's the fun of speculating, isn't it?

Wow, Talim with mid-armor break is definitely a good bit... off-putting.

They couldn't think of anything more appropriate than an 11 year old wearing a bra?
Most likely 14 (I know, only three years, but there's still something about making your point that pointing out that she's so young, you may as well get the age right, and there's still quite a difference between 11 and 14 development-wise), and it's literally almost the same as she wore in SoulCalibur II but without the arm gear. It's about what can be expected with armor break.

There's still nothing explicitly sexual about Talim. It's not like her top gets torn and tattered like Taki. It's the same as it was before, just with the vest and arm gear taken off. It's just a top, not a "bra" as you put it. She never wore anything on top of it in the first place, just a vest around it.
Im going in October to the NYCC i hope to god that atleast by then Big Daddy Cervantes is announcing and at least playable. Eighter that or i think theyll prob drop at the bare minimum (4) characters at next months Evo 1 of which i hope is Cervantes. Common cervy guys its about time right???
I couldn't help but notice the brand manager's choice of words was "almost a reboot" rather than something more concrete. For me, this just reinforces the impression that the dual timeline idea has been overthought. This looks like just a retelling of the old story with some new details and minor changes at best to accomodate current trends. In other words, retconning, like has been done before. At the same time, he also claimed "supers" were new mechanics added with SCVI even though Critical Edges were in SCV, so who really knows?
I've always been taking it as a retelling of the story we already know, but with more details, things that were hidden in bios and artbooks before. I really don't expect much if any real retcon, based on all the story things they've shown us so far, all the key events are still happening, and most of the rivalries are just like they were before. Xianghua vs. Ivy is debatably new, but because Xianghua is on the side of Soul Calibur and Ivy is on the side of Soul Edge, it's really not all that far-fetched. Grøh is the far more interesting inclusion, but it's possible that he's a part of Kilik's Dark History that he doesn't talk about because of things that will happen that we will see. Xianghua is still going to get Soul Calibur and defeat Inferno, we know that for sure, so perhaps Kilik gets separated at some point of the journey, deals with Grøh, and then reconvenes with Xianghua and Maxi, and they never really talked about it, because Kilik felt it was personal. I dunno, we'll just have to see.

Character Select
What if Inferno occupies the center, who would you put there instead? And what about those little circles on the bottom left and bottom right?

Story Select
I really don't get putting Tira below Voldo and Talim below Sophitia when it would make so much more sense the other way around. Tira has a lot of ground to cover to get us her origin story as a Bird of Passage and discover Soul Edge, while Talim mostly is going to discover a Soul Edge fragment and depart on her journey that will take place in SoulCalibur II, that this timeline doesn't cover.

However, I do not consider these images to be very reliable, to be perfectly frank. The story trailer showed only a condensed list of confirmed characters at the time of its release, and both Ivy and Nightmare had more story events after what the second image released later on showed. What's more, this second image was released with the Talim announcement, and yet her name was allegedly blotted out with other unconfirmed characters. Simply put, I can't trust much of any of this will reflect the final game upon release.
This can be explained, because if you look at the main story progression, the first one we got that had Kilik vs. Grøh on it, the story was further along than the one that had Sophitia vs. Rothion. More side character stories will unlock as the main story is progressed, that much has been confirmed in an interview.

But that's the fun of speculating, isn't it?
For sure!
The guy who made that claim has been wrong about SC6 in interviews before. He doesn't seem to know much about the game so I wouldn't put too much weight this.
So like, Kilik GIs Voldo's CE here. Is this normal?

Yeah, non break attack criticals can be GI'd. I know in earlier builds they could be RE'd too, but I haven't seen that in a while so I'm unsure if it's still in.
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I've always been taking it as a retelling of the story we already know, but with more details, things that were hidden in bios and artbooks before. I really don't expect much if any real retcon, based on all the story things they've shown us so far, all the key events are still happening, and most of the rivalries are just like they were before. Xianghua vs. Ivy is debatably new, but because Xianghua is on the side of Soul Calibur and Ivy is on the side of Soul Edge, it's really not all that far-fetched. Grøh is the far more interesting inclusion, but it's possible that he's a part of Kilik's Dark History that he doesn't talk about because of things that will happen that we will see. Xianghua is still going to get Soul Calibur and defeat Inferno, we know that for sure, so perhaps Kilik gets separated at some point of the journey, deals with Grøh, and then reconvenes with Xianghua and Maxi, and they never really talked about it, because Kilik felt it was personal. I dunno, we'll just have to see.

I think we're just arguing semantics. I'd consider Grøh's entire inclusion in the story to be a retcon since him being there and interacting with any of the characters or having any bearing on the plot was invented for this retelling. We don't know the full impact it will have on the story, but assuming it is as you say, I'd still consider it very much a retcon. The same for any new battles/interactions added or others removed. Regardless, I believe we're both in agreement that this entire notion of it being a "reboot" has so far seemed overblown. This entry seems to largely be updating SB-SCII to SCV's lore, which I'm perfectly content with.

What if Inferno occupies the center, who would you put there instead? And what about those little circles on the bottom left and bottom right?

I don't believe that will be the case, personally, since it looks like they're going for the SCV aesthetic of having a random centerpiece taking up space. But if not, then my big three picks would be Seong Mi-Na, Yun-Seong, or a younger Hilde. My preference would be the latter, but I'd bet more money on either of the former.

As for the circles, if they have a purpose, will open up CAS and Random select sub-screens similar to SCIV and SCV. For CAS, it would be the same system as previous games. For Random, it would be a choice between male, female, or either.

I really don't get putting Tira below Voldo and Talim below Sophitia when it would make so much more sense the other way around. Tira has a lot of ground to cover to get us her origin story as a Bird of Passage and discover Soul Edge, while Talim mostly is going to discover a Soul Edge fragment and depart on her journey that will take place in SoulCalibur II, that this timeline doesn't cover.

The positions are largely arbitrary. I didn't give it much thought beyond vaguely evil characters on one side and vaguely good characters on the other. Until Talim and Voldo's spots on the roster are confirmed, I'm not convinced there's a pattern outside the Siegfried and Nightmare columns, which I put Raphael and Tira on since this is their most ambiguous alignments in the franchise.

This can be explained, because if you look at the main story progression, the first one we got that had Kilik vs. Grøh on it, the story was further along than the one that had Sophitia vs. Rothion. More side character stories will unlock as the main story is progressed, that much has been confirmed in an interview.

Yes, but considering so many characters already have story events up to the very end of the timeline, it's still odd that those chapters haven't already been unlocked. You may be right. All the stories seem to be a chapter short of what's shown and could all be much longer than 3-5 chapters each. We know Maxi and Grøh have around double that at least. Until I see updated images though, I still don't trust the "data".

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Yooo Voldo's CE leaves him close and in BT? Pelvic thrust has an auto GI and LH property? Still can't figure out the SC.

I just love the look when Talim is twirling her weapons and all the wind properties around her.

The announcer says "Perfect!" with some vigor!
WCCFTech: It’s been such a long time since Soul Calibur V and this is the first entry on a next generation platform. The Chronicles Mode is the major campaign to Soul Calibur VI. How much of the timeline does this encompass?
Okubo: In the story mode, we’re rewinding the timeline back to Soul Calibur I and II, in the 16th Century, and telling the story of Soul Calibur and Soul Edge, light versus darkness. I don’t think we were able to fully depict it as well as we would have liked in Soul Calibur I and II, so we are revisiting that narrative with new episodes and characters.

WCCFTech: Across the whole timeline, there’s a huge amount of time between each title and character, such as different iterations of Nightmare. Will we see that affect the story with different costumes or character variations, such as showing up as an alternate or younger/older version of their character?
For Soul Calibur VI, I don’t know if the term ‘reboot’ is the right term to use, but we are revisiting the narrative and retelling the story. Of course, we have the setting of the Astral Realm as well. In terms of characters and their design of which characters are participating in Soul Calibur VI, we tried not to be too bound by their specific era or setting as much as delivering a roster of the most fun characters we thought characters should experience.
from WCCFTech
I couldn't help but notice the brand manager's choice of words was "almost a reboot" rather than something more concrete. For me, this just reinforces the impression that the dual timeline idea has been overthought. This looks like just a retelling of the old story with some new details and minor changes at best to accomodate current trends. In other words, retconning, like has been done before.
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