Soulcalibur VI General Roster Speculation Thread

SoulCalibur VI: which 3 characters do you most hope for?

  • A brand new character

  • Amy

  • Cassandra

  • Hilde

  • Hwang/Yunsung and/or Lizardman

  • Rock

  • Setsuka

  • Viola

  • Z.W.E.I.

  • Other: Abyss, Algol, Dampierre, Elysium, Leixia, Li Long, Patroklos, etc.

Results are only viewable after voting.
At this point, the launch roster is either going to be the twenty characters we know about or twenty + two (Hwang and Aeon). (I'm leaving out Inferno from this equation, since he might not be playable. And even if he were, he'd probably be disregarded anyway since he's just a mimic.)

Part of the problem of speculating is that both scenarios are ridiculous for different reasons. There are lots of things that would make me think, "no reasonable dev team would ever do that," but Project Soul being Project Soul makes those arguments irrelevant.

1. I can't believe they'd launch with only twenty characters.
When they first showed us the character select screen, people flipped out because there were "only" twenty spaces on the select screen. (I'll ignore the fact that that twenty is an okay size for a fighting game roster at launch.) Anyway, the freak out was so severe that one of the first questions Kayane asked Okubo at their first interview was about the character select screen. Okubo assured fans that the select screen wasn't final. He didn't guarantee more than twenty characters, but he said that it wasn't final.

Then they show the E3 demo, and fans rejoice that there are now twenty-three glorious spots on the character select screen. Now, I have to think that PS was aware of why fans were worried about only have twenty characters, so I'd also think that they'd be aware of what seeing twenty-three slots would make fans think. I mean, they had to know, right?

So the image from the Raph/Cerv build (which could be the launch build), shows the character select screen from the E3 build, but with random holes in it. Obvious DLC slots, is the leading suspicion. But how in the world could they not see how fans would react to this? Instead of just admitting up front that the roster will probably be around twenty, they signaled to fans that they'd get more characters, only to then design a character select screen that emphasizes the fact that characters are missing. There's no way they could be this bad at PR, could they?


2. I can't believe that there will be more than twenty characters at launch.
The Melbourne build is almost certainly the final build. The E3 demo has been used at publicity events since July, and the game went gold shortly before the Melbourne "reveal." There's no reason for another preview build of the game to exist, and the timing certainly suggests that it's the final build.

(Theoretically, there might have been another build. IGN posted some gameplay footage of Talim and Voldo shortly after they were revealed. But there's no evidence that this version of the game didn't also have Raph and Cervantes, nor is there any evidence that it was pressed on a disk. They could have just visited the Namco-Bandai offices and captured the footage there.)

Could they be secret characters? That seems unlikely, since modern fighting games have long since moved away from unlockable characters.

It also seems unlikely because, after the Tira brouhaha, Okubo said that they still have a few characters to reveal. Assuming
the "secret characters" got reveals, that would mean they still had four characters (Raphael, Cervantes, Hwang and Lizardman). This might be splitting hairs, but four characters would be almost 20% of the roster. That hardly seems like a few.

But the biggest counter argument is that, ever since the game has gone gold, the leaks have been coming non-stop. Cervantes was leaked in CAS preview videos, the Melbourne build and in the SCVI deck of cards. Surely Hwang or Lizardman would have been given away somehow, right? They couldn't be so bad at keeping some secrets, while simultaneously being so good at keeping others, right?

Conclusion: WTF Project Soul
Well the word Few has to mean more than two as in 3 to 4. If say there was two reveals left, I think he would of said there still a couple more reveals left. Couple = 2
Well the word Few has to mean more than two as in 3 to 4. If say there was two reveals left, I think he would of said there still a couple more reveals left. Couple = 2
well my counter to that would be
Japanese and English doesn't translate well and when okubo said that azwel hadn't been revealed yet.
Why do "Hwang/Yunsung and/or Lizardman" get to be lumped together in the poll? Considering the current situation kind of skews the results quite a bit, not to mention leaving it entirely uncertain which ones are why. Seeing as in the current situation two of those three are theorized to be most likely they definitely need to be voted on individually.
Why do "Hwang/Yunsung and/or Lizardman" get to be lumped together in the poll? Considering the current situation kind of skews the results quite a bit, not to mention leaving it entirely uncertain which ones are why. Seeing as in the current situation two of those three are theorized to be most likely they definitely need to be voted on individually.
Sorry, it was a defence mechanism. I am hoping both Hwang and Lizardman will be revealed soon so we can ignore that option entirely, hence I lumped them together. I am even hoping Hwang will have some of Yun's moves or be a hybrid character. Wishful thinking on my part, right? :)

How did Cass drop below Hilde? Has somebody been registering fake accounts?
well regardless we can assume that people are divided on if they want hwang/yun or lizzy

but that just means setsuka is the most popular one either way

so that's neat :)
Because they didn't announce Cervantes and Raphael today, I am inclined to believe that they are the characters to be revealed in Tokyo Game Show and there is a good chance that the final launch roster for SoulCalibur VI is what we see in the recent leak.

However, assuming that those fours empty slots aren't for DLC characters though, the characters I would want to see are:
  1. Hwang // using a reworked moveset from SoulCalibur III: Arcade Edition
  2. Aeon // using dual ax and mixing his moves from SoulCalbur IV and SoulCalibur V
  3. Rock // reworked to further differentiate from Astaroth
  4. New Character // female preferred
This would complete the Dreamcast roster aside from mimics.

For Season One DLC Characters, I would like to see:
  1. Tira // already confirmed
  2. Setsuka // popular character with a unique weapon and moveset
  3. Hilde // popular character with a unique weapon and moveset
  4. Guest // no avoiding guest characters so I'll just list it here
Adding Setsuka and Hilde would further diversify the roster. Adding another guest is also inevitable based on Tekken 7 DLC pattern. As for the guest, I'm thinking it's going to be 2B due to fan demand.

For Season Two DLC Characters, I would like to see:
  1. Cassandra // reworked to further differentiate from Sophitia
  2. Yun-Seong // using a different type of sword but with the same moveset
  3. New Character // hopefully using a reworked moveset of Ezio
  4. Guest // another guest character since it's inevitable
Cassandra should be slightly reworked where she keeps her unique moves but would be very different from Sophitia. I guess it would make sense to give Casandra some of Patroklos' moves and mix it up with moves exclusive to her. As for Yun-Seong, he plays very different from Hwang so there shouldn't be a huge change in moveset but maybe his weapon could be changed to maybe a "Korean Sword" instead of a Chinese Dao. From what I've seen, a Korean Sword looks a little closer to a Japanese Katana than a Chinese Jian or Chinse Dao. Maybe something like one handed slightly curved Katana would work. Either that or Yun-Seong can keep the Dao and Hwang can have the Korean Sword. As for the guest character this time around, we could maybe get the character from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice or Dante from Devil May Cry.
It’s quite silly to say that the Melbourne build is almost certainly the final build.

It might be the final roster, but there’s so much that can happen in development and what they choose to release to the public, purposely or not.
Well between that wrong build and the cards shown in the general discussion topic going up to Raph and Cervantes (but not Inferno who we have seen in-game), looks like those two just need some polishing.
It’s quite silly to say that the Melbourne build is almost certainly the final build.

It might be the final roster, but there’s so much that can happen in development and what they choose to release to the public, purposely or not.
It definitely isn't the final build since Raphael's command list has a lot of placeholders but there is a good chance that the roster of that build is final. I believe that what we see in that leak is what we get in terms of the character roster at launch but I certainly wish I am wrong about it. Either way, I have accepted it and will be enjoying the game despite the roster. Seeing more will definitely make me look forward to playing the game even more than before.