Street Fighter 4!

say you are doing a really hard link, most likely cr.LP to cr.MK or something, You can perform it like:

cr.LP, cr.MK~cr.LK, where ~ denotes a roll from cr.MK to cr.LK

The input display in training model should show:


It essentially let's you hit MK twice much faster than double tapping and turns a one-frame link into a two-frame link.

So for Ryu you can hit f+HP, cr.HP much more easily by doing:

f+HP, cr.HP~cr.MP
So for the Ryu link, you're hitting c.HP and then c.MP, and that will count as two chances to hit c.HP? Not sure why it would work, but I'll try it.
basically HP has priority over MP, in a link with normals HP+MP counts as both, but HP comes out. So rolling from HP to HP+MP gives you two HP inputs very quickly. If you go into training mode and do HP~MP quickly with HP held down the input display will show:

i hate the update something FIERCE. Its lagging the SHIT out of the game... I'm getting really pissed at it...
Game plays the same for me. No more lag than before. Hell, I even got a 5 bar (green) connection for the first time ever. Although the opponents certainly aren't any better. I fought an Akuma who didn't throw a single fireball. Not a single one. All he did: j.HK, s.HK, c.HK. That's it. I "lol"ed

EDIT: Nevermind about the 5 bar connection, apparently Capcom BSed the bar system so now 5 bars = the old 4 bars, 4 bars = the old 3 bars, etc. This now renders 3 bars un-playable. Pretty dick move from Capcom if you ask me.
thats more of what I meant point just being that the matches I'm forced to play aren't playable. I feel I found 4 bars before more often than 5 bars yea... most of my matches feel pretty much trash. But its been getting better as the day have gone on. That being said it IS a dick move by them. I mean seriously... WHO do you think the bars are gonna fool except an idiot?? (but then again.. like you said.. the ppl haven't gotten any better I honestly feel I have had maybe 1 legit lose in the new mode and that was only because it was KINDA laggy and I was being stupid against an abel (apple....). The other few loses were all in 3 bars which felt like 2 bars or worse. I also accepted a 1 bar once or twice.. lsot both of em ... lol...

but yea... its slowly feeling a little better I guess.
Weird, I haven't noticed anything different really, though I tend to assume that I lose a game because I suck rather than because of lag. Haven't played the game offline enough to know what should and shouldn't be poked out of really, as opposed to say, SC where I know for a fact that certain things shouldn't flow. That being said, I have yet to play against a single flowchart ken, so something is different I think, but there have certainly been a lot more Ryu's, Sagat's, and Zangeifs, go figure.
xbox live is the one thats been having more of the issues with the actual game than PSN from what I've gotten from different boards. I was up when the update first came out and at first it didn't work AT ALL for live while PSN ppl were playing right off the bat :( lol.

yea... I think part of the issue is that because you block EVERYTHING low really... its harder to tell with the lag if you don't play offline as well and are to a point of skill in the game that you are using links and FA at the right times and what not. Which is why I get grumpy losing online because of something like a FA coming out weird or other weird timing errors. I'm no god at the game but I'd call myself pretty decent... enough to know who I'd be losing to in an arcade and who I'd be killing.

Which also makes me mention that I tend to like playing first to 3 wins instead of first to 2 so the fact you can't change that is a little annoying. Its one of those things that helps me deal with the lag. There have been plenty of matches online where I lose the first two due to a mix of me not realizing someone is going to SRK EVERY time I attempt a link, lag, and just some other random error on my part....and then go on to win the next three because I decide to stop my links to block his SRK spam and stuff like that.

Personally though I've seen mainly 3 characters in the new mode... cookie cutter balrog (and its funny cuz I love playing balrog with akuma because they never learn that you can ultra/super EVERY single one of his charge moves at a distance after throwing a fireball...), jump-trip-fireball-SRK ryu (I played ONE decent ryu so far... he befriended, and "pound those punches" Blanka. Also the usual kens but not as much as those three. Not as many sagats as I would have expected though...
I officially love Champ mode.

Granted, Capcom cheated us with the modding of the bar rating system. However, I'm actually having fun playing Champ mode. Way more fun than I did with rank. I think it's mainly because there is finally VARIETY in my matches. I'm no longer CONSTANTLY having to tolerate Lariat/360 spam Giefs, flowchart Kens, or Hurricane humping Ryu players. Does it really take blind select for people to finally come out of the fucking closet with their character choice? Rather sad if you ask me. But hey, at least they are coming out. Finally.

Yes of course there are lag issues, but it's something to expected so I never take my matches seriously. I just play to play because I'm bored. I managed to get one of my matches uploaded as well. It's against a Abel player.
i never played ranked soooo.. lol.. but once I got into the G2 I found the games a lot more fun and the players a lot better. So overall I agree with you. I'm still getting screwed from the lag though ... baah. HAve you played in g2 yet though? It seriously right now feels like 95% balrog, akuma, ryu, (very few kens) and blanka... and of course a bunch of giefs. I saw 2 vipers though!! lol. And they were both pretty good. I don't think I've ever seen a decent viper not online. And I saw 3 or 4 decently good sims. I also found a GOOD fellow akuma player with a decent connection to me!!! HAZZA!!! lol. But seems even 4-5 bars tend to lag spike me at the wosrt times (mid combo) recently.... ... sometimes I realize it and stop the combos mid-way.. but othertimes I end up getting screwed and missing a SRK or something and getting punished hard.. BAAH.
alright, my shot at an overall console tier list...

top = sagat, viper, seth, akuma, ryu, dhalsim
upper-mid = gief, balrog, rufus, blanka, bison, gouken
mid = chun, fuerte, cammy, gen
lower-mid = ken, honda
low = guile, abel, fei-long, sakura, dan, vega, rose

Why did poor Sakura have to be low tier? T_T

oh well, maybe she will get better if they go ahead and make SF4: Dash
i ike that one to eltoshan... like you said... few debates but for the most part the groupings of ABC and what not seem about the right places. But the lists have to put geif down. he's that special kinda bullshit character though because he's a god against anyone without a projectile, but suffers if they can space him well. I play akuma and honestly I should NEVER lose a round to him. But of course sometimes I do because I make a mistake and pay for it with a huge amount of life. And sagat rocks him as does seth. Totally agree on both.

but yea... I like the chart as well. always liked event hubs.
Well my stick just crapped out on me as of 30 minutes ago. :(

So I'll be taking a break from SFIV until I get the ish fixed, or get the TE Stick when it finally ships to my store so I can buy it (one's coming in, although my manager refuses to tell me when exactly).

I'm going to miss Viper. :`(
Well my stick just crapped out on me as of 30 minutes ago. :(

So I'll be taking a break from SFIV until I get the ish fixed, or get the TE Stick when it finally ships to my store so I can buy it (one's coming in, although my manager refuses to tell me when exactly).

I'm going to miss Viper. :`(

You could always use pad like me!


... :l

...... :(