Taki's Replacement Revealed?!

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This week Daishi has been teasing that he might do an early reveal of one of the two silhouettes posted about a week ago. He's been asking which of the two silhouettes people want to see most, and today he gives us an early look at a brand new female character!

new character.jpg

Daishi has been rather glib on whether or not Taki would be returning. However, with the reveal of this character, it can be assumed that Taki may only play a secondary role in Soul Calibur 5.

Thanks Daishi! Comic Con 2011 is only a week away, stay tuned for the next reveal!
  • New! Novelty is good; I want SC5, not SC4.5.
  • Reasonable bust size! No more water balloons (or pornographically skintight outfit).
  • Ninja! Probably will be fast, may have Taki’s moveset or a new ninja moveset.
  • Cute! Nice legs! Self-explanatory.
  • Taki was a serious, muscular BADASS. This girl looks like she... has a cute ass. Not badass.
  • Possible replacement of series icon.

  • Some implied personality (spunky?), but actual plot / motivation / voice / character / context yet to be revealed.


I hate to say “I told you so....” ;-)
I'm very sure that Maxx Dreamkiller really likes this desing; it's like a MIX of Taki's armor from SC3 with the appearance and "MOE" feel of Amy. But in my very opinion this design is offensive; Taki has been played for most than a decade!! And as a popular character she have to be back!!

In my opinion is a total lack of originality; this design is like take Taki's armor and give it to some "secondary manga character".

SoulCalibur characters have personality, like Ryu in SF, like Scorpion in MK, like Wolverine in MvC; now that new character have almost -1 in the personality score (Example: Amy has 1; Taki has 9).

We have time to change this decision; let's being a revolution!!
I'm very sure that Maxx Dreamkiller really likes this desing; it's like a MIX of Taki's armor from SC3 with the appearance and "MOE" feel of Amy. But in my very opinion this design is offensive; Taki has been played for most than a decade!! And as a popular character she have to be back!!

In my opinion is a total lack of originality; this design is like take Taki's armor and give it to some "secondary manga character".

SoulCalibur characters have personality, like Ryu in SF, like Scorpion in MK, like Wolverine in MvC; now that new character have almost -1 in the personality score (Example: Amy has 1; Taki has 9).

We have time to change this decision; let's being a revolution!!

We've only seen a picture! And I really like her design! ;-;

And I really think lots of people here are color blind...the only thing she has pink on her are her little sandal things and her hairpiece; everything else that she wears is red.

lol Don't worry Namco know what they're doing.

P.S. Don't start a revolution or the kitty gets it :'( (lol)
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Now i get it! This is Taki herself showing off her new poodle jutsu. She'll use it whenever her opponent seems dumb enough to be fooled by an even dumber type of character who likes to tie her armour with pearl necklaces.

Yeah, Bride Wars V, err Soul Calibur V will be AWESOME /sarcasm

This is actually Taki herself using her Transformation Jutsu, a.l.a Tsunade of Naruto, to disguise herself as a young, nubile blonde teenager, and thus the uncharacteristic smile on her face for defying old age.
Lol I love all those old people that play soul calibur that want stupid Milf action... Please ancient ones, can we have something new(with fresh blood please)? :S anyway its to late to whine...

*wraps my arm around your shoulder*

There's nothing stupid about Milf action, my young friend. Heck you're 16 though, you gotta put yourself in some of us old timer's shoes. Some of us have been playing these characters for a decade, some literally since before you were born. Of course they're attached and of course they're upset. But the way I look at it time marches on. Yesterday's supple young babe is today's milf (I'm looking at you, Cass) and as you get older you'll come to see that what you once thought was ancient doesn't look so bad. You'll have plenty of time for it to happen to you though. And when it does I'll be there, not quite dancing on account of my bad knees and replacement hip, whipper snapper.

By the same token I can live with change. But I want muh milfs!
to go off on an aside, its not that far off, they're not classical greeks anyways.
What do you mean? Pantyhose was invented like 50 years ago.

she looks so horribly dumb. bamco's sexism really just doesn't restrict itself to cutting out females over 40...
Dude, what are you talking about? Are you saying it's a dumb design? Your line about sexism doesn't really connect. Are you saying she looks dumb as in mentally? Pretty sure that would make you the one generalizing dude.
What a piece of shit this game is going to be if it continues the way is going, good luck my friends playing this spice girls/backstreetboys soul calibur.
lol at people complaining that it's too anime, shit from Japan has always been all anime style. You're acting like Taki wasn't already a typical anime character with her big floppy tits flying around and super jumps and ninja magic and what have you. But this one is more cutesey, so all of a sudden it's a lame anime stereotype?
*wraps my arm around your shoulder*

There's nothing stupid about Milf action, my young friend. Heck you're 16 though, you gotta put yourself in some of us old timer's shoes. Some of us have been playing these characters for a decade, some literally since before you were born. Of course they're attached and of course they're upset. But the way I look at it time marches on. Yesterday's supple young babe is today's milf (I'm looking at you, Cass) and as you get older you'll come to see that what you once thought was ancient doesn't look so bad. You'll have plenty of time for it to happen to you though. And when it does I'll be there, not quite dancing on account of my bad knees and replacement hip, whipper snapper.

By the same token I can live with change. But I want muh milfs!

Seriously, Best reply ever id so want to sig this :)

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