The Misheard Phrases Thread

Dead or alive 4; Kasumi's taunt
What I thought she said>>>>>>>Hi
What she actually said>>>>>>>>Hai (Yes in japanese)
One of Hworaong's victory phrases in T5 sounds like "Skeet on ya". He says it when he sits on his defeated opponent. I think its Korean for "I'm bored" or something like that.
Bang in Blazblue, Jap voice, sometimes when he does 2D it sounds like he's saying PS TWOOOOO!!!!!!!

He's so poor stuck in the bottom of the city he can't afford dat triple lol.
AH! I was gonan bump this thread with the release of BB, but it seems some folks have beaten me to the punch! oh well.

when English Arakune does his super, it sounds like hes saying:
Playing some SFIV recently I was trying to figure what Akuma was saying when he throws his multi-hit hadouken
Street Fighter IV: Akuma
"Sacre Bleu!"

It's not Shakunetsu either which is the name of the move...
Soul Calibur IV: Mitsurugi
Misheard: "Otaku ga iran!" ("I don't want an otaku!")
Actual: I'm not actually sure.

I didn't realize this post was updated, anyway that's what he actually says, just in this case otaku = pleasantries.
Conkers Bad Fur Day (Nintendo 64)
In multiplayer you can play Beach where you're either Nazi teddy bears or escaping French Squirrels. When the squirrels run they make many excited noises and shoot phrases in silly french-esque accents. The most common noise how ever was them rapidly muttering something that sounded like "horny-horny-horny" over and over in a panting tone.

I'm playing a game as a horny French Squirrel escaping Nazi Teddybears...oh how far we've come.
Some funny shit from the Militia team on Brofare, now that I think about it. Stuff like "Barack-o-Beef!" and "look on the john!" and one where mans just yells "BAMMMMBIIIII!!!!" really loud lol. Oh my roomate pointed out "fish rice!" the other day too. Obviously I have no idea what they're actually saying, they're brazillian or some shit.

Also not game related, but my roomate hadn't seen Irving the Socially Awkward Bee yet (youtube search it, same channel as this vid) and I came across this one again. Oldie but goodie.
Ive been hearing one of the custom female voices who is voiced by the same lady who does Amy's a lot recently and there is an awful lot of "wtf is she saying" happening in these sessions. This is the most prominent one I can remember (and could figure out what was said)

SCIV: Amy wanna-be voice
I'll Kiss you!
I'll Pierce you!
ahhh, BB. the announcer says so many things. "the vanilla face is turning" "The gorilla face is burning" and one of my friends even heard "The manilla mace is murdering" one night. thankfully it was about 3am so such a butchery of the language was forgiveable :sc2ber2:
WOW, my thread has been resurrected!

Well this one is kinda dumb but here it goes:

When Vanille does a paradigm shift, she says "I'm not all smiles and sunshine!"

For a while I thought she was saying "I miss all the flowers and sunshine"
I will not led this thread die, you should know better.


Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Alex
You should help me!
No idea

Whenever he starts his super combos
What Game: Soul Calibur 3

What Character: Xianghua

What she actually says: Dunno but itz Japanese

What I hear: Hot Dog


What Game: Soul Calibur 4

What Character: Setsuka

What she actually says: Dunno but itz in English and itz during her B+K setup.

What I hear: Fuck!
What Game: Soul Calibur 4

What Character: Setsuka

What she actually says: Dunno but itz in English and itz during her B+K setup.

What I hear: Fuck!

She actually (suppose to) says "Batsu" - which means "strike" - "attack" - "punishment" - its connotation depending on what instance you say it. She saids this with Sakura/Silver Moon fury combo. I think the English voice actor couldn't pronounce it right. That or maybe someone over at the voice over recording studio included the wrong segment in the timecode after the fact. (like the voice actor said it somewhat right the first time then the audio editor on the other end says "One more time please". And then she says "Oh F***" and the wrong part got included). hehe
Since SSF4 has been out for a while now, I think it's time to make fun of some of the new characters:

Adon (English)


It sound like hes saying
