[Toronto] The Race to 10,000 Mountain

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Made it back home from MTL last night.

Thanks for the good times/GGs in Toronto, everyone. Special thanks to Eli for housing Reptile and I throughout the weekend!
Such a drama queen oof lol.

If you want people to play you seriously, then you should be beating them so bad they have to play you seriously. Otherwise ppl get bored if they kept winning and start messin around and if that's working then they'll see what else they can get away with. Good thing you don't play LP!
Dino: "You don't want your son to see you in a trash bag!"
Lol at Oof. always calling Chu-Fye the Drama Queen, now Drama-ing it up by himself.

1. ELI - It wouldnt have made a difference with 5 screens, it didnt even make a difference with 3 screens. Why? Because you had 2 people playing on stream, 2 people commenting on stream, and 2-4 people watching the matches. That only left me trying to grab people from what was happening on stream to play them. So CLEARLY the only thing that mattered to anyone was the stream, not the Tourney which people came to join and play and win. So you are incorrect Eli.

2. OOF - You decided to blaze before you FT10 Match, even when I questioned it, you said you play better. I didnt even pay attention to your match (since I was trying to play anyone I didnt get a chance to play) but time I looked, you were losing 8-6, 9-7, when I didnt even say shit to you. Don't be a pathetic loser and try to blame me for your loss. I would much be rather heckling ELI, but you didn't even give me the chance, you jus made yourself look bad. I tried to motivate you, but I forgot how EMO and sensitive you are.

3. OOF - Dont lie about trying to run the Round Robin Tourney. If I got there at 6pm, and I'm being told "No one has even mentioned the Tourney" the problem is with the Tournament Organizer, not the community. You're jus upset for a variety of reasons and trying to do damage control.

4. For those of you who have been on these forums, this is probably the 6 time OOF has quit the game/community/etc. I pity anyone that loses to Eli in a MM, especially when they own a system HAHAH!!

5. I'm sorry to school you OOF/ELI but these are the facts. If you guys weren't 100% focused on your gay MM and Stream, then things would have went well. Sadly your egos got in the way, at the cost of what would have been an excellent tourney. Lesson learned I guess.
Just made ELI feel dumb as shit. Still thinks he can make jokes. Guess I was way too nice to him at A&C. Pathetic Loser. Guess I need to make him cry.
OOF gets bodied and quits? Lol. He can't quit until Jim takes his money at NEC though.

hes not gonna be able to pay anyone back for a while, clearly he already stated hes saving up for xbox one and gta 5, which are much more important priorities than paying back your debts, hes trying to set a good example for his kid, get off his back guys
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