Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3

BTW, you know what's worse then Level 3 X-Factor? Level 3 X-Factor w/ Wolverine, Dante, or Morrigan. LoL Seriously, last night on PSN every time I see a team with Morrigan or Wolverine as an anchor I would instantly swap Dante for Chris. At the end of the match it would always be a cracked out Logan on speed with an adrenaline shot and my only counter would be a steroid injected, NOS fueled full demon with an arsenal so large I still wonder where/how he carries all that shit in just a trench coat and some cargoes. Pandora's Box, maybe?

Morrigan's Illusion Clone, however... LoL Devil Trigger Dante w/ level 3 X-Factor still has trouble with dual Soul Fist spamming. Sure, no chip but the block stun's a little annoying.
Or you could learn instant overheads, proper rushdown, 100% combos and doing snapbacks in combos with the intent of dealing with a specific character asap.

Or you could take 5 minutes an learn Sentinal and be just like everyone else that uses him! YAY!

Seriously, Sent needs to jump off a cliff into oblivion.
Funny how people bitch about a character being easy to use, and at the same time don't want to put any real effort towards beating said character or improving their own game. If you're just playing completely for shits and giggles then that's fine, whatever, but don't bitch like your word should be taken over others in terms of gameplay.
Funny how people bitch about a character being easy to use, and at the same time don't want to put any real effort towards beating said character or improving their own game. If you're just playing completely for shits and giggles then that's fine, whatever, but don't bitch like your word should be taken over others in terms of gameplay.

Truth. Quitcher bitchin and learn to deal.
So I've been playing this the past three days and here's what I have to report:

The game is ridiculously easy to play. Combos kinda demand you don't get to hit-check though. But it doesn't matter because almost everything is safe so just throw shit out there.
The inputs are so simple I feel like I'm cheating. I wonder who needs simple mode? I feel sorry for them.
Dante's jab is so slow.
Sentinel is overpowered. Ridiculously fun to play. But overpowered.

I want to play Dante. I found a 400 plus point air combo for him that looks like some kind of Ragna shit with mid-air killer bee to re-pop, but his jab is so slow when he's not in devil trigger. I'm getting smacked in the face before it comes off. Tried out ranging but then the pop-up misses. Advice?

Is there a point to Spencer's hook in combos? Heck is there a point to Spencer?
Omit a normal from Dante's starting BnB into launcher. Also, your average BnBs should be doing around 500k at the very least lol. Hitchecking is actually really important, because A: the generic launcher for many characters are deceptively unsafe on block, and B: Pushblock can easily make you whiff moves and give them a guaranteed punish.

Spencer's hook can hit the opponent OTG to continue combos. The assist version can also be used to extend combos (Requires experimentation). His Bionic Arm super has a shitload of invincible frames, a stupid hitbox, and can be DHCd for more damage or to make it safe. He's got above average health and a command throw that leads into more long combos. He also has a fast overhead that he can combo from with the right assist. tl;dr he's a training mode character but really fucking good if you can get him down.
Omit a normal from Dante's starting BnB into launcher. Also, your average BnBs should be doing around 500k at the very least lol. Hitchecking is actually really important, because A: the generic launcher for many characters are deceptively unsafe on block, and B: Pushblock can easily make you whiff moves and give them a guaranteed punish.

Spencer's hook can hit the opponent OTG to continue combos. The assist version can also be used to extend combos (Requires experimentation). His Bionic Arm super has a shitload of invincible frames, a stupid hitbox, and can be DHCd for more damage or to make it safe. He's got above average health and a command throw that leads into more long combos. He also has a fast overhead that he can combo from with the right assist. tl;dr he's a training mode character but really fucking good if you can get him down.

I got all bent out of shape because you assumed I was tossing out launchers and you explained pushblock to me. But you know what? It's not worth it. I'm sorry my combo is lol worthy to you. I haven't really delved into strategies yet because I'm on a rental and didn't think I'd get serious with the game. I only asked because I thought here I could get some quick casual advice without somebody "lol"ing at me for not being pro and you do it in the first response. Sigh.

As for the rest, thanks. I mean it. Useful stuff.
I've been experimenting with various other teams and ideas. Varied results, but I do believe my main problem is I'm too excited and aggressive when playing and end up fucking up most of the time. I do not think I've ever tried to play calmed down yet.

Something about this game. I REALLY want to attack even when I know I shouldn't.
Ghengis, you don't have to rely on Dante's jab for a hit confirm. In fact, you can rely on his standing M if you'd like, it has a lot of range and very good speed for a medium hit. You can also use 6H for his jab of death, which can chain into several different moves. The good thing about Dante is that he has so many starting points, it doesn't need to be his light attack every time.
I've been experimenting with various other teams and ideas. Varied results, but I do believe my main problem is I'm too excited and aggressive when playing and end up fucking up most of the time. I do not think I've ever tried to play calmed down yet.

Something about this game. I REALLY want to attack even when I know I shouldn't.

I'm the total opposite. I am way to defensive, and that is huge no no for Viper. I need to get into the habit of advancing guard more often.

I love Viper so much, but she really doesn't suit me.
With some characters I omit L attacks in most cases and rely on advancing guard to get out of fighting them up close and losing in frames. I rarely use L with Ironman and prefer to poke with st.M and c.M. I'll L if they're right next to me and I have advantage but if I'm not sure I just wait for them to get pushed out again. I suggest the same for Dante, tho Dante is not a character I've used yet. Throwing is also another option.
Yea, advancing guard and hurling out 6 or 2 H will net you a decent starting point for some damage. However, after an advancing guard, even his launcher will whiff on most characters due to the length of the push back. His dash jabs though reach pretty far though.

Oh and 5 ranked wins in a row achievement on the first try! Suck it Idle!
lol just wait till the lag gets you mamoth. I had a nice 90% for a while with a 10 win streak from the start...then I sucked a ton of lag losses that slammed me down to 60%
Pfft, I lost the first 4 matches I played online due to lag. I WIN!......do i get a cookie?
The damage hasn't exactly bothered me yet. It still sucks to eat a lvl 3 sentinal boot and see 50% go away, but I got answers to him. My fear is what high level play will turn in to. Once people have their 70% meterless combos down and set ups, we may be seeing issues with matches going too quickly. Sounds odd and right now a lot of us are probably seeing a lot of time outs, but with the previous builds of this game, none of the pros really had figured too much out or had time to practice. And most players online aren't maxing out damage off hit confirms.

It's all speculation. With casual fights it feels fine. I really haven't had any issues with lvl 3 or sentinal where I felt it unfair, annoying, but not unfair. I'm sure Jwong with sentinal will make me rethink that though.
So I've been playing this the past three days and here's what I have to report:

The game is ridiculously easy to play. Combos kinda demand you don't get to hit-check though. But it doesn't matter because almost everything is safe so just throw shit out there.
The inputs are so simple I feel like I'm cheating. I wonder who needs simple mode? I feel sorry for them.
Dante's jab is so slow.
Sentinel is overpowered. Ridiculously fun to play. But overpowered.

I want to play Dante. I found a 400 plus point air combo for him that looks like some kind of Ragna shit with mid-air killer bee to re-pop, but his jab is so slow when he's not in devil trigger. I'm getting smacked in the face before it comes off. Tried out ranging but then the pop-up misses. Advice?

Is there a point to Spencer's hook in combos? Heck is there a point to Spencer?

I would suggest using Dante's extended hit box to your advantage and staying out of your opponents own strike range. Dante having a sword and all gives him that advantage, especially against characters with fast jabs but not as great range as him.

Like I got my jab snuffed by Wolverine plenty online til I backed off a bit, started L with a little distance between us, then ran through the basic string launcher air rave relaunch shenanigans. Dante is blessed with a great balance of speed and range with ALL his normals so if you can't beat X-23 to the jab, you should be able to hit her out side of her own jab's hit box.

Other than that, Dante can combo anything. And yeah, people say that about a lot of characters but Dante takes that general saying very literally. Seriously, all his normals have above average speed and he can easily out range a lot of his faster rush down counter parts. There are a lot of options with Dante.
I have a lot to say about this game.

Sentinel is very annoying, but I haven't encountered a really good Sentinel player yet so I've been spared the rod so far. The average Sentinel I've fought has been pretty horrible, and I've avoided the dreaded "level 3 x-factor" scrub sentinel situation by snapping him in to kill him first. Snap backs are very powerful and people I have played against have been sleeping on them. There is nothing better than snapping in a Haggar/Dormammu to kill them and leave the others without backup.

I will agree that level 3 x-factor is the dumbest fucking thing in the world. I wish it was just a one-time roman cancel, it'd STILL be damn powerful. I feel like you should be forced to choose to accept ONE or TWO of the affects of x-factor (either increased speed, regen, no chip damage, extra damage). This would keep you from being rewarded for losing two of your guys to the point you become a one man army. I have no problem with this game's damage or easy combos, matches still end with Time Out often enough. Its so hype when someone gets hit, because people die like crazy.

Chris has no anti-air but he has a flamethrower. It doesn't quite work out though. I really like Chris, but I didn't enjoy trying to building a team around him.

Haggar is awesome. Thank God, he's the mayor. Right now I'm running Magneto/Spencer/Haggar, and its working out decently enough. I plan on just having fun with this, but I love the versatility of the cast. The only things that bother me are x-factor silly-ness and the fact that Chris has no anti-air at all.