Viola General Discussion / Q&A

what are some things i should do against players w/ against viola? my only real thing so far is just try to play a safe punishment game since they know they can duck the orb recall.
Viola Vs Ivy
step to the right if evading, punish her whip moves 66b, 3B
make full use of combos when you can
pressure is best
lol not even sure, every time I've used 6ab seemed to always hit, ill check later
but tbh, shouldn't use unless you anticipate your opponent is gonna sidestep or has just suffered guard break
and if they dont sidestep, next time just 6A+B become SET i15 similar dmg
6AB is a NCC so yes, it has to be a counter attack to be guaranteed.

I'm assuming that you're talking about 6AB B+K BE because 4AB isn't a valid move. To connect it properly, you have to get the 6A to be a counter hit and then you input the B+K BE. Another way to do this would be to press 6A and then mash R1 (A+B+K aka the BE button). It should give you your desired effect. But, remember, 6AB isn't a natural combo, so if you want it to combo you have to get it on counter hit or have the opponent not block the B part.

This is the numerical counterpart to the directions.
You meant 6, not 4, right?

He meant 4A+B
Thanks for the answers and sorry about the confusion - I'm still getting used to SC notation. I've heard people say you can combo of violas lows after 6B+K but I cant see how. I use 6B as the mid mixup which I can combo into 3B fine. How do I get the combo of something like 2K? Thanks and I appreciate that the answer is probably painfully obvious haha.
Thanks for the answers and sorry about the confusion - I'm still getting used to SC notation. I've heard people say you can combo of violas lows after 6B+K but I cant see how. I use 6B as the mid mixup which I can combo into 3B fine. How do I get the combo of something like 2K? Thanks and I appreciate that the answer is probably painfully obvious haha.
You can't actually combo off 2K, you have to input it as iFC K. So basically you do 6B+K, then hold 2G to enter full crouch and as soon as you enter the crouch state you do FC K, let go of the 2 so you stand back up and do B+K BE. It takes a bit of practice at first
If you want to break the game, here's a combo I suggest:

SET 6B+K, iFC K, B+K BE, 6A+B semi charged, 2B+K BE, 6B+K, 66A, AAB, 6A+B slight charge, 2B+K BE, 6B+K, 66A, B+K BE, 66B, 66A+BB.

100% meter (Combo regenerates 1 BE though)
239 dmg - thus not an instakill combo and considered legit by idiots, lol.
Will instakill with any clean hits.
Will instakill if you use 3A instead of iFC K as the mid variant.
Thanks, thats insanely broken - the combo doesnt require much execution either...
Thanks, thats insanely broken - the combo doesnt require much execution either...
In case you're having trouble with the 66A part you have to buffer it during the 6B+K. Or in other words do 66A as fast as you can after 6B+K. Someone else trying that combo couldn't get the 66A part and asked here so I thought I would just tell you now in case you had trouble.
In case you're having trouble with the 66A part you have to buffer it during the 6B+K. Or in other words do 66A as fast as you can after 6B+K. Someone else trying that combo couldn't get the 66A part and asked here so I thought I would just tell you now in case you had trouble.
Thanks, I've been using B instead because I was having trouble with 66A. This should help!
Theres no data in the thread or the guide for SET 6B+K on block and hit, is this because nobody has found a reliable way to test it yet?
Hello Viola Forum users :) . I am here to apologize on behalf of 8WR for any information we do not have or any slight mistakes with the forum. We were recently told to re-do this forum from the old SA mod and it has been a tiny bit hectic. We will be looking into any data we dont have soon(Although only a select few are allowed to change the Wiki pages). If any of you have any questions or concerns on this matter feel free to contact me. And remember feel free to post any guides or information you have in a new thread if it needs to be. Viola does not have many threads atm. -Rhythm
uh oh. I am double posting XD. Shoot me :). I have now added individual matchup threads for characters. Please feel free to make good use of them and post in them when needed. That is all,Thank you, -Rhythm
Ok sorry to be treading on toes here.
There is frame data for all recalls, its not in the frame data chart, how ever arragh has it on there profile or definitely in one of there posts, and im sure its in the discussion thread