What ARE Shenanigans?


[13] Hero
I read this word so often but i can't quite figure out what it means by context.
Can anyone tell me what they are?
hmm...i guess you could say they are actions taken by people that would appear abnormal or outlandish.
Shenanigans = cheap stuff or weird stuff. It can really be used for either.

If a moveset for a character is just plain BROKE... you can say that character is Shenanigans.

If a player is doing crazy stuff for the sake of being a retard, you can say he is committing Shenanigans.
When you get ringed out on that rotating platform stage - hit a statue at the exact same time but still be in the match with your health even though the ring out title has passed over. thats Shenanigans.. escpecially when it happens twice.

Main Entry: she·nan·i·gan
Pronunciation: \shə-ˈna-ni-gən\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1855
1: a devious trick used especially for an underhand purpose
2 a: tricky or questionable practices or conduct —usually used in plural b: high-spirited or mischievous activity —usually used in plural