What makes SCII so great?

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I don't want to analysis or compare the strength and weakness of SC2,SC4, SC5 version. It depend on Namco design.

I just talk my felling when watched and played many SC version. Ofcourse, all player play SC is SC fan, they love SC and ready to pay. I don't think other people will have the same felling with me.

But watcher,viewer is very important. They are source of life of Football, the king of game.

Just hope for perfect version of Soul. I know why Namco design many version to split Soul player, it is their strategy but it is not perfect strategy.
I'm not a competitive player but I stil lfeel, I should share why I liked Soul Calibur 2.

I pretty much agree with everything Marceos said. I feel the reason why Soul Calibur 2 is heralded as the best is because of it's offline content. Boy, did they have a lot to keep you entertained (Weapon Master mode was so fun). Like you, I too was all over SC2 when I was around 11 or 12 when I got a Gamecube. It was the third game I ever got for the system and I was uber obsessed with it. I'm pretty sure nostalgia plays a part for us all and yeah, it can be bad to dwell on it but every now and then, it's okay to remember it. In terms of gameplay, I really liked how fast it was and it was very fun watching a match with the sidestepping and guard impacts with the occasional soul charge. I haven't played SCIIHD yet but I still play my Gamecube port from time to time and I still find enjoyment in it every now and then. But as far as offline content went, Soul Calibur 3 was the grand mother of it even if the game was broken.

But also like Marceos said, I can adapt to most gameplay and have fun. So I adapted and found enjoyment in the gameplay of Soul Calibur 3, 4, & 5 (it's awesome that they sped it up). The only reason I don't care much for SCV is the lack of offline content. Yeah yeah, I know that fighting games are supposed to be "competitive" but the truth of the matter is that's not always the case for everyone. It shouldn't be hard to know that there are some players who play fighting games for fun and witnessing the creativity of the games, or at least, that's how I am (with most fighting games).

But yeah, when playing against a spammer online, it is annoying but SCII HD wasn't the only one to have them, you could find them in all the games that offered online.
Anyway, that's just my 2 cents.
Soulcalibur II for the Original Xbox was my first Soulcalibur game. I first purchased it from a local Game Stop back when I was in forth grade, and I still have the copy to this day. I guess one of the reasons why I'm hooked to this game so much is because there are so many things to do. Literally. There is a huge variety offline modes in this game that could keep players entertained for years. Heck, I just unlocked "Extra Chapter 2" in Weapon Master mode for Soulcalibur II HD Online last night, and it only took me five months since the HD port was released (The reason why it took me this long is because I was playing other fighting games as well). As stated, there is so much you can do compared to the other SC games (I haven't played SCIII yet, so I don't know if it has just as much things to do as SCII).
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For alot of people, their introduction to the Soul series came with SC2 for multiple reasons, so that will be the game that they compare the rest of the games proceeding it to.

If you want to look at SC2 at a casual level, I don't see what was so great when the previous games had as many casual modes if not more. I still remember the time I spent playing Soul Blade on the PS1 back in the day, and SC3 is a casual player's dream.

At a competitive level, I admire the people who traveled and competed for it, but if it was really that great, then more people would be willing to play it now instead of just talking about how great the game is.
What makes SC2 great is the variety of modes it has.

It has:
  • Regular one vs one matches
  • Team battle
  • Time Attack
  • Survival
But what good is any of that if the gameplay itself isn't compelling to the player? I've played SC2HD mainly offline and I found myself going back to SCV.
But what good is any of that if the gameplay itself isn't compelling to the player? I've played SC2HD mainly offline and I found myself going back to SCV.
Cuz not everyone is in the same boat as you are. That's like saying I only play FPS for death matches only; screw CTF, Team death match, etc. as long as there are these kinds of modes of game play, for ppl in different boats to enjoy.
Cuz not everyone is in the same boat as you are. That's like saying I only play FPS for death matches only; screw CTF, Team death match, etc. as long as there are these kinds of modes of game play, for ppl in different boats to enjoy.
Didn't you say that the modes were the highlight of SC2? The modes are only as great as the gameplay itself. If someone doesn't enjoy how the game plays, do you think they'll see the modes as something fun or as chorework? Most likely chorework.
No... these modes that I mention were pretty standard, SC1 had these modes as well; pretty much the same reason I compare to FPS where the modes there are standard. If the player choose not to play these modes then they simply don't have to and if they must, they'll simply grind through it.

However, not any mode out of the blue I simply agree upon. I like modes that are constructed in a way to benefit the player in terms of character knowledge and efficiency of using certain attacks against certain characters. Sure you've got training mode, but some ppl find it boring learning from that as you may imply that it may be considered chorework. So with different modes providing different training regiments gives more learning flexibility.
You also have to keep in mind that SC2 is the last game that was released in the arcades before the console version. You can devote resources on adding extras to help sell the game when you already have the core 1 v 1 game completed.

Nowadays SC is released directly to console where there's not unlimited time & resources to put towards the final product. I just hope whatever the next game is gets the support that it needs.
Soulcalibur II for the Original Xbox was my first Soulcalibur game. I first purchased it from a local Game Stop back when I was in forth grade, and I still have the copy to this day. I guess one of the reasons why I'm hooked to this game so much is because there are so many things to do. Literally. There is a huge variety offline modes in this game that could keep players entertained for years. Heck, I just unlocked "Extra Chapter 2" in Weapon Master mode for Soulcalibur II HD Online last night, and it only took me five months since the HD port was released (The reason why it took me this long is because I was playing other fighting games as well). As stated, there is so much you can do compared to the other SC games (I haven't played SCIII yet, so I don't know if it has just as much things to do as SCII).
The problem with sc2's SP modes is that the AI button reads and abuses the hell out of GI on the harder difficulties. This pretty much made ALL the SP modes a no-fun grind to get all the unlocks. I don't care if you have a million SP modes, if the AI is fucking cheap then the whole thing is bunk.
The problem with sc2's SP modes is that the AI button reads and abuses the hell out of GI on the harder difficulties. This pretty much made ALL the SP modes a no-fun grind to get all the unlocks. I don't care if you have a million SP modes, if the AI is fucking cheap then the whole thing is bunk.
That's true. "Extra Chapter 2, stage one" from Weapon Master mode is a good example of the rage-quit fest. It took me 12 tries to win lol
Good features of Soulcalibur 2 combat mechanic :
- When you were hit by combo starter moves, opponent is continuing do combo. The victim have very few time which he can't control his character. We can GI even we're knock down in the ground.
+ When we are in the ground, we can roll to evade, GI, counter attack by while rising moves, jump moves -> many choices -> it makes the match very attractive because 2 opponent always have choices. The viewer can't guess the result -> it's uncertainly factor

- But in SC3, SC4,SC5, we almost can't GI or counter attack when lie at ground-> too much limit and it makes the match less attractive for both viewer and the player. In this video , you can see the dead time, the time victim can't do anything seems too long. In SC2, it is very short.

I know Stun combo in SC3 is a excelent improvement, very impressive style : Zasalamen, XiangHua, Setsuka, Nightmare.
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I've heard people say that sc2 has no Oki as a criticism to it's core gameplay. This is true because of what the guy above me said.

The interesting part, is that THAT is the very reason why I like the game. I don't like wake-up/oki games. I want the defending player to spring back into action so both players are making decisions more often.

Long combo's bore me too. Gee, let's see, one player stuck in a stun/air juggle state for almost 10 seconds of the match? No thanks. That shit sucks any and all enjoyment I get out of the game.

It's the main reason why I'm done with SCV. I'm hoping team soul pulls their head out of their ass and realize this isn't Tekken, or Marvel, or any other game with retarded combo mechanics.

Soul Calibur was never intended to be a combo-centric game. It became that way because asshats who love combo-fest fighting games thought it would be a good idea to make SC more like other, more popular games.

It's also the obvious reason why I don't like any other fighting game, period. SC used to be the one game that was trying to be different, now it feels just like the mainstream games. It's even more apparent with all the Brave edge flashiness and super move silliness. Even JG is directly stolen from a Street Fighter game.

To it's credit, SCV does a lot of things right that SC2 didn't. Step G is gone, and stepping in general is much more unsafe. SC2 also had a ton of useless fluff moves that no one in their right mind used, to the point of it being a 5 move game at the competitive level. SCV at least fares better in this department. You have to use a much greater percentage of your moves to be effective.

Will they ever make a SC game that has what I consider the best of both game philosophies? Probably not. I see every SC as having unique but equally bad flaws in them. 2 had step g and useless shit moves, 3 had the worst balance ever and variable cancel, 4 also had balance issues but was painstakingly slow and boring, 5 has too many easy opportunities for big damage and too much flashiness (it's an eyesore for me sometimes).

I mean lets face it, all those games suck in some ways. I wish people would stop defending SCV unnecessarily. If you like it, great! But just understand that it doesn't appeal to everyone's tastes and that there are legitimate reasons why people don't like it.

At the end of the day, it's just a game. Judging games is entirely subjective. I just get sick and tired of the people who pretend that their opinion is objective fact and that only fools disagree with them, as if SC theory were some sort of exact science (it isn't). It's entirely arbitrary and doesn't really mean shit because it's just a fucking video game.

And now I disappear for another month or so....
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