Worst Move on SC4

That auto-GI Algol has... I can't remember the notation... I think it's the one that requires them to back dash... against Algol.

His auto GI is 623B.

The one your talking about is his UB 4B+K which will only hit if the opponent walks back. Tbh I think Algol has wost then that. 4B+K I've actually landed a few times and can actually be good, especialy at far range where few will be able to punish you if you miss, few people expect it too.

Now worst and most pointless has to be his other UB -__-
I tried out most of these, and find that the worst has to be Voldo's 22_88A+B. While his plain old A+K may be mostly useless, I have been able to use it well. I've trained my friend into expecting that I can't do much if he waits until after it to attack. But, sometimes I do 4A+K after and hold it down, going into CR. Yay for a free fully charged CR A+B while the enemy wiffs with a big move.
Worst move in game...

Ivy's CL 4A+B. No one has ever been hit by this offline (cept lil billy on parker street...way to suck kid, way to suck).
It can't be the worst move because it at least does damage, unlike WP 6A+B~, which is undoubtedly the worst move in the game, it does absolutely nothing except for leaving Ivy open for attack for like 100 frames or so.