Sean Ruben

Sean Ruben

Sean Ruben

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NEC19 Donation Drive to get Kura in attendance!
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NEC 19 will be held in King of Prussia, PA, December 14-16th. As of right now, we have representatives from Singapore, France and Mexico confirmed. As well as America's best, and possibly Canadian representatives!

Now we're trying to pull in the money to help Kura (The top Korean competitor) to NEC! He's already received a bit of help, and promotes a donation goal to get to NEC himself via his twitch:​
  • eSports
  • Tournaments
EVO 2018 SCVI Side Tournament Action!
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Starting Friday, August 3rd, Namco Bandai will be hosting a multitude of exhibitions. From a 192 man singles tournament via Friday, to a Teams 5v5 event. Myself and @Party Wolf will be in attendance, among other notable competitors! Make sure to tune in both Friday and Saturday!
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  • Namco-Bandai
  • Soulcalibur VI
SOUL CALIBUR VI Ring Out Event + Exhibition Recap
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Namco Bandai held a special event for SOUL CALIBUR VI this passing Thursday in San Francisco, California. Fortunately for me, I was invited to attend and compete in the exhibition portion of the event. Though there was no announcements, or any sort of reveal, we did get to experience more coverage on gameplay.


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It's coming to that time of the year again. The time of hype, glory, competition, and most importantly, saltiness. NECXVII is over 3months away, being hosted on 12/16/2016-12/18/2016, via King of Prussia, PA.

I encourage anyone and everyone to try and attempt to make this trip. As of recently, there has been some discussion about foreign competition attending. One in particular competitor, GOLD Shad, has shown interest in attending. GOLD Shad is one of the best players in EU, and has proven his mettle and skills on US soil. With the placing of 4th at NEC2014 and 2nd at NEC2015.

On top of all this, I have offered a donation towards EU/JP players. I'm donating 100$ towards the attendance of EU/JAP players. Alongside my donation, Bruno (a member of the FR Soul Calibur community) has also promised a donation of 100$.

Anyone is welcomed to follow suit in hopes to sparking, and assisting foreign competition on attending NECXVII. I encourage more people donate to the cause for...

Soul Calibur V: USA Tier List(s)

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It's been exactly 3 years, 4 months and 7 days from today's date since the release of Soul Calibur V. That being said, I feel it's been a substantial amount of time to try and formulate a tier list. Before we dive in, there's a few things we need to lay out when in discussion on tier lists.

Firstly, it's damn near impossible to create a solid, 100% accurate tier list. Reasons vary from things like region, the game's life-span, knowledge, and the fact that not everyone will agree on one tier list. I think it's important to honor this notion and get several tier list's from distinguished community member's rather than a group effort on an absolute tier placement.

When we see a tier list, there's always going to be a debate in which a lot of people will partake in, "flame wars." This is not the intentions of this article, so please keep discussion civil. It's also important to note that all the tier lists' in this article are opinions. Whether or not you want to deem it...​

NECXVI and its pot bonus!

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NECXVI is an event/tournament hosted by none other than the legendary Eric "Big E" Small. For those who don't know, Northeast Championships (NEC) is arguably the most consistent, prominent tournament that Soul Calibur has. The event itself is hosted in Philadelphia, PA and will be taking place December 4th, 5th, and 6th.

Of course Big E does feature Soul Calibur as a main game at his other events (Summer Jam, East Coast Throwdown, Winter Brawl). Though, the community of Soul Calibur has enforced the notion of Northeast Championship to being a "main event" in terms of tournament and attendance.

Xephavorites: NECXV Pool Play/Top 16

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Welcome to the first ever "Xephavorites" article. Just for the sake of introduction... What to expect with "Xephavorites?" Well, aside from playing the game, much like a lot of you here, I enjoy watching matches. Whether it's for comedy entertainment purposes, or because the skill is potent in the match, I'm a fan of the 'sport' that is Soul Calibur. This particular "Xephavorites" article will revolve around NECXV's Pool Play matches that might've been skipped over and/or top 16.

This isn't to say that "Xephavorites" article will only pertain to video play... but we'll cross that bridge when the times come. Also, as a bonus, every "Xephavorites" article will have a guest's input. This article @GreatOne1939 (will edit and add his favorite's when he's finished filtering through them) will be showing you his favorite matches from NECXV, alongside my top 5 favorite's. Without further due, let's jump right in!
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