Site Updates

  • Site Updates Now Running The Xenforo Beta!
  • Jaxel
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You may already notice... 8WayRun.Com has been updated and completely overhauled! I think we can all agree that the upgrade to vBulletin4 a few months back was a mistake; it should never have been done and it did nothing but hurt this community. Thankfully, some new software has just entered it's beta stages, and it's already so polished that I'm taking the risk and upgrading our community to it.

With any new software, there are of course some changes you will have to get used to. The biggest change you will notice that when you click on a thread name, instead of it bringing you to the beginning of the thread, it will bring you to the most recent unread post (as far back as 28 days). It will take a bit to get used to this, but before you know it... you'll be browsing other forums and wondering why the feature is missing! There are other small changes that you will figure out in time.

The chatroom has been temporarily replaced with Mibbit IRC until Addonchat brings up support for XenForo. The Wiki is also relatively empty as I will be working for the next few days in converting our data to the new format. The Events RSVP system has also been completely overhauled... in which case, all existing event information and RSVPs has been lost. If you have an upcoming event, just make a new event thread, then send me a message and I will merge the old thread with your new one.

You may also notice that "premium" membership has been disabled. I'm working on ideas for the new premium membership system that will give higher incentives for people to join... things like physical goods and prizes, as well as true motivators. If you are a current premium membership and wish to get a refund for overpaid months, message me. Of course, I ask if you would instead kindly chalk it up as a donation for 8WayRun.Com and let it go.

Warning! Server Upgrade Incoming!

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For the past two months, I've been hounding our host, complaining that our server has seen a message performance decline, doing everything I can to see what they could do to tweak our settings and boost performance. But at this point, I've come to the conclusion that we've just been growing too much and now our current service plan can no longer support us.

So today I put in for a server upgrade... We'll be going from a 512mb plan to a 768mb plan; a full 50% memory boost. So the server may be down for a bit later today during the upgrade, but you probably won't notice because of how bad our server has been acting for the past few weeks...
  • Site Updates
8WR is now running VB4
  • Jaxel
  • 5,849
  • 9
As you can see, there has been some changes here at 8WR. We are now running the most current version of vBulletin4. The main reason for this upgrade was for security reasons, but with the upgrade comes a lot of changes, hopefully for the better. I really have no interest in going over them all, so I'm sure you all with figure them out in time.

As it stands, the upgrade isn't complete. Naturally I have a lot of styling work to do in order to get this website to look a bit more similar to our old styles. For now, I have released this new version as it stands so that the downtime on these forums would be minimal. I've been preparing for this upgrade for a few months now, so bugs should be few and far between; nevertheless, you should keep me informed of any issues you find.

Of course, we have also lost a few features in the upgrade. I have removed the arcade system; it just seems pointless and I don't see any reason to bring it back. As well, the online tournaments and ladder...
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