Confirmed Characters?

Look at the character select screen.

Only 10 characters total.

Either phony or extremely beta which will unveil Maxi on a later date.

One of the 2.

Or it could be like the SC1 character selection screen, where the slots didn't appear until you unlocked them. If you fire up a fresh copy of SC1 there is only 1 row of characters, the other row doesn't even begin to appear until you unlock someone.
Tekken 5 arcade was like that too. Nobody had any idea Heihachi was in that game until he time released a few months after the game came out. Funny thing was that the console version came out so quickly after that, most people had him on PS2 before he was even in their local arcade.
It was a demo... I'm sure they didn't want to reveal everything, but revealing Kratos adds hype. Which is probably good for business.
Look at the character select screen.

Only 10 characters total.

Either phony or extremely beta which will unveil Maxi on a later date.

One of the 2.

Aren't those the same characters that were unlocked at the beginning of SC IV? It makes sense that you just have to unlock the others.
i could care less of a few missing characters, i'm just concerned if the game has any broken shit, i'm mean if algol is in it again, can we just expect another let down from project soul? hopefully if this ver. goes on console w/ bugs and broken shit taken away. I can't wait for new moves as well, a few characters could use them...

I just hope they took out hilde's doom combo, algol is tone down (esp. the bubbles). But knowing project soul, they'll fuck it up some how. all i ask from the community is if something is obviously broken that they give feed back that can change theses errors in a future patch. I love this game but, i hate the fact that no matter what ppl that know how to abuse broken shit and know it broken won't complain cuz it'll actually make them try and use they're brain than spamming broken moves.
I'm sad :(. Vader > Dampierre + Kratos. Dampierre makes us look like a bunch of fools and Kratos makes us look like 8 year olds pining over fancy aerial combos.
Kratos in my Soul Calibur?

Broken Destiny is right. Say hello to the new S tier guys. Kratos is here. L-O-FUCKING-L.

I've heard quite a few people say this already...And you're all retarded. I'm glad you already know his frame data/damage/step speed/combos/weather or not he whiffs as bad as apprentice.

Also, don't expect Kratos as DLC, atleast not for Xbox [PS exclusive]. And don't expect an Xbox exclusive char to show up on a PSP. So I'd suspect Kratos will only be on PSP. He's 0 Tier because i cannot imagine PSP tournies even happening for him to get a ranking.

And even though some people are going EW KRATOS! In my opinion, he's still the best Guest character soul calibur has ever had, overall, fitting into the era/story/with a cool fighting style. Surely moreso then starwars. He killed sophies gods and she's PO'd in that video.
Dampierre... why am I kinda spooked that his fighting style is kinda of going to be like The Joker from MK vs. DC? o_O XP

Also, his mustache looks bitchin'... maybe I should grow out my mustache and start curling it... yeah, and get some black colonial clothing with a top hat and start speeching in a weird Southern drawl and- *pauses and sees everyone in this topic staring at me* What?!
I just wanna mention....

Dampierre is Spades....

if you look at Dampierre's 'group' picture... they represent suits in a deck of player cards... if you look closely there's two characters wearing 'black' two characters wearing 'red'....

I just think it might make sense for a fighting game to include all his 'goons' playable... or else if their only purpose is for the story or to pose in a picture... they can easily just not include them and just mention them in the storyline... example.....

you often hear about mina's father.. but we havent' seen him in action since soul edge.... there's other side characters that gets mentioned often but never needs to really appear (bangoo, toki, etc)

unless they only show up as critical finish -_-;

anyways just a speculation.

I just think it might make sense for a fighting game to include all his 'goons' playable
i agree, the artwork was there with workable fighting styles, cant imagine thy're there just for dampieeres story, as 'storys' arent really SC's strong point. speaking of storys, isnt SC set in 16th century? dont know much about GoW or ancient greece, maybe some link to the sisters lol. im gonna stop typing here.