Soulcalibur V coming as a Digital Download!

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Namco just announced today that Soulcalibur V will be coming as a digital download to both Playstation Network and Xbox Live this Tuesday on April 23. Though this shouldn't really matter since everyone reading this message on this website should already have a copy of the game!

The game will be available at a discounted price at $19.99. So if you haven't picked it up yet, this would be a great time to do so... especially if you don't have it for both consoles. In Europe as well, there will be a "Legendary Edition" for 29.99 which features the game and all available DLC.
SOULCALIBUR™V is coming to Xbox® Live Games on Demand and PlayStation®Store!

The latest entry in the premier weapons-based head-to-head fighting series continues with the epic struggle of warriors in search for the legendary Soul Swords.

SOULCALIBUR™V will be available for 19.99€/19.99$ in Europe, North America, Middle East, Africa and Australasia for download on April 23rd, 2013 on Xbox® LIVE Games on Demand.
It will be available on the PlayStation®Network for 19.99€/19.99$, on April 23rd for North America and on April 24th for Europe, North America, Middle East, Africa and Australasia.
In addition to the stand-alone version of SoulCalibur V is coming to Xbox® LIVE Games on Demand and via the PlayStation®Network, an exclusive SOULCALIBUR™V: Legendary Edition will also be available for download in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Australasia for download for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system for 29.99€.

The Legendary Edition includes the full game, plus the additional character Dampierre and the downloadable costumes and armor sets.
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Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
i guess that second paragraph was aimed at the wrong person. but I don't remember seeing Kayane or Keev go back to their comfortable characters. heck, i loved watching Keev fight as NM. my old roommate, who doesn't even play SC or have much interest in it, likes watching Keev fight. I just found it a shame when he stopped playing NM for a good while.

i was disappointed with the fact that Kayane dropped Leixia because Leixia was my main as well. i wanted to pick up Leixia before the game even came out.

i don't know Keev personally and only met Kayane for casuals once. i don't know their actual reason for dropping characters. i know the patches had some persuasion on Kayane's part but i'm not sure about Keev. i'm not a high placing tourney player but i don't think that's a reason to slap someone's opinion about the game aside. i hear all this stuff about, "patches are for high level players. etc, etc." wasn't this game originally made to appeal to the casual audience. i mean, there are supers taken right from street fighter. there was the elimination of an entire button combination A+K. and a LOT of work went into the CaS stuff. so, to me it's hard to take this game super seriously for tournament play because it wasn't really built with high level players in mind.

granted this is my opinion though.

It's a perfectly good reason to slap someone's opinion aside. We don't let paraplegics go around teaching neurosurgery just because it's the nice thing to do. Fuck that noise.

If anything, SCV wasn't built with low level players in mind. That's why you folks get online and get angry that you get hit by some 'random shit' or a 'random CE' by Joe Donuts. SC5 is one of the fairest fighting games out right now and I can bring out ACTUAL high level players WHO DON'T like the game to back me up on that (SU, someone you may be familiar with, comes to mind). It's just the lot of you folk overestimate your skill, get hemmed up, and blame it on some 'inconsistency' you find in the game.

As for the first paragraph, you need to actually follow SC then because Kayane has changed to Leixia at just about every tournament since she's picked up Viola at some point in the tournament and Keev just recently played Nightmare in his Ft10 with shad or whoever the French aPat guy is.

I don't even know where I'm going with this anymore and I've got a paper to do so I'm out. I'll come back to whatever nonsense you all put up prolly tomorrow.

O yeah, but I do thinks it's even funnier that, after the 'random super' tech was found out, lots of people started bitching about that. It's like, "Whatever is beating me off in my ass at the moment is the cheapest shit ever and so stupid and I would abuse it but I have so much honor that I won't. But, if I did, I'd be the best but the game is so stupid that anyone can be the best, especially people who aren't me. God, this randomness. I'mma go play Solitaire, a real man's game, dewdz. Out."

Gud stuff.
It is true and that's it.
Normally, I like you, but your implication that a fighting game is made only for tournament players is completely absurd, and if it were true, we wouldn't have any. For real, where do you get off? Yeah, you're good. Congratulations. But that doesn't mean you get to tell casual players or even quasi-core players "this game isn't for you."
It's when you get a thousand scrubs who think they know what they're talking about being vocal about things they don't understand (no matter what game you play).
This is something I don't dispute, and is why I made sure not to cite any specific examples at all.
(you people) x infinity
If you continue to point fingers at me and talk to me like that, I'm going to do an acrobatic fucking pirouette directly off of the handle and into the anger zone. I'm trying to be reasonable here.
...either get better, stop whining, or stop playing. That's as simple as it is.
"Stop playing" is the alternative that many have chosen and is why this game is dead. I'm registered for UFGT. I talked to Keits when he brought Divekick to Arcade Legacy. And the numbers for this game right now are straight up horrid.
"Get better" and "stop whining" are the preferred options, obviously. All I'm saying is that this is easier to do when the counters for powerful tactics are more easily accessible. That results in less players who choose "stop playing", and a game that can stay alive longer. That's all I'm saying. Where's the harm in that?

EDIT: I can see that it's not obvious, but I'm speaking purely in hypotheticals and general terms here. I'm not asking Namco to come patch SCV again. I'm not copping out of learning these counters, because while they're not easy to find, they're still there. I'm just saying; more people would be able to realize that in a game where the counters are more easily accessible.
Normally, I like you, but your implication that a fighting game is made only for tournament players is completely absurd, and if it were true, we wouldn't have any. For real, where do you get off? Yeah, you're good. Congratulations. But that doesn't mean you get to tell casual players or even quasi-core players "this game isn't for you."

This is something I don't dispute, and is why I made sure not to cite any specific examples at all.

If you continue to point fingers at me and talk to me like that, I'm going to do an acrobatic fucking pirouette directly off of the handle and into the anger zone. I'm trying to be reasonable here.

"Stop playing" is the alternative that many have chosen and is why this game is dead. I'm registered for UFGT. I talked to Keits when he brought Divekick to Arcade Legacy. And the numbers for this game right now are straight up horrid.
"Get better" and "stop whining" are the preferred options, obviously. All I'm saying is that this is easier to do when the counters for powerful tactics are more easily accessible. That results in less players who choose "stop playing", and a game that can stay alive longer. That's all I'm saying. Where's the harm in that?

Okay, lemme get some stuff straight for you: I don't give a fuck if you like me; I'm here for you people to stop saying dumb shit. No one said ANYTHING about fighting games being exclusively for high level players. We said balance is a competitive issue (and this game is balanced competitively, a couple of butthurt scrubs doesn't change that). Don't change my words into something I didn't say.

Second of all, lemme make this really clear: I don't give a fuck about the numbers for SC. As long as people show up and I can go play, I will. If it's taken off the tourney circuit, then so be it. People will still buy the game, there'll be a new one, and I'll play casually. I have more than enough shit going on in my life than to give a fuck, honestly. With that being said, I'd rather have no one play the damn game than put up with another one of you people who think you have a clue what the hell is going on, don't show up to tournaments, and want to criticize this damn you know nothing about at every corner because 'you love it so much.' gtfo with that shit.
Okay, lemme get some stuff straight for you: I don't give a fuck if you like me; I'm here for you people to stop saying dumb shit.
Woohoo, can't wait to meet you at UFGT.
No one said ANYTHING about fighting games being exclusively for high level players. [...] Don't change my words into something I didn't say.
Oh really.
I hear this argument all the time, and it's very flawed in that it implies that a fighting game is made only for the tournament players, and this is simply not true.
It is true and that's it.
Choose your words more carefully and I won't misinterpret them.
We said balance is a competitive issue (and this game is balanced competitively, a couple of butthurt scrubs doesn't change that).
I believe that balance is something that should be considered for all levels of play, and you believe it should only be considered for high levels of play. This is a matter that we will simply have to disagree on.
Second of all, lemme make this really clear: I don't give a fuck about the numbers for SC. As long as people show up and I can go play, I will. If it's taken off the tourney circuit, then so be it. People will still buy the game, there'll be a new one, and I'll play casually. I have more than enough shit going on in my life than to give a fuck, honestly.
Seriously... lol, what? Your "I don't give a flying fuck about the people below me on the totem pole" stance makes more sense now.
I'd rather have no one play the damn game than put up with another one of you people who think you have a clue what the hell is going on,
Have you ever stopped to consider that you truly don't know as much as you think you do? I already know what you're thinking. "I'm one of the best. I know everything!" But you're jaded by your skill. You don't remember what it's like to start from the bottom and endure an onslaught of stuff you're trying your damnedest to understand, but don't. And now that you can understand everything, you don't give a shit that the people below you are struggling to do so.
don't show up to tournaments,
What did I JUST say?

I hate everything.
Almost all of that was irrelevant. So I'll get the point:

I've helped lots of players, from new players to even people like Woahhzz, Xeph, and Hawkeye with their game in one way or another. Can you say the same? Can you even say you have the ability to do so? Once you understand that, then maybe you'll understand just how much I 'think' I know.

I don't discriminate with who I play or advice and I'm a very honest and open person so gtfo with that shit too.

And, yeah, you maybe meeting me in person will help you understand quite a bit. I'll just say that a lot of people confused by the way I type and the way I actually am.
I've helped lots of players, from new players to even people like Woahhzz, Xeph, and Hawkeye with their game in one way or another. Can you say the same? Can you even say you have the ability to do so? Once you understand that, then maybe you'll understand just how much I 'think' I know.
No, I can't say that. I haven't helped many people and I don't have the ability to do so. The most help I've given anyone is explaining the bare fundamentals that I touched on last page. When someone spends a match trying to mash out of my offense, I tell them to block. And that's basically it.

I'm not hot shit. I'm not even lukewarm shit. I don't know much. I'm struggling to understand the way things are in this game. The true metagame is beyond my reach right now because I feel like I'm getting beat by just whatever anyone wants to throw at me. I know it's my own fault, but I haven't figured out what to do about it just yet.
I don't discriminate with who I play or advice and I'm a very honest and open person so gtfo with that shit too.
I... am not sure what shit I am supposed to get the fuck out with here.
And, yeah, you maybe meeting me in person will help you understand quite a bit. I'll just say that a lot of people confused by the way I type and the way I actually am.
I'll be frank, you're coming off as super abrasive and angry here. Which contrasts with even other ways I've seen you present yourself around here. It sounds like you're in the thick of finals though, which does kind of expain everything when I think about it.
That's the point. Shit like frames, punishment, matchups, that's all basic shit that most people still don't understand. It's like giving someone E = mc^2 and telling them to fill in the holes. I'm not blaming anyone for being bad but, with that same concept in mind, don't act like you understand things you don't and spread that ignorant shit. Well, do it if you want. Nothing I can really do about it other than cuss you fine folks out over the Internet.

Regardless, like I said, maybe you need to meet me in person. I wouldn't say anything here I wouldn't to you in person and there's no malice in any of these words (much like how I responded to IAB. Don't mind that guy at all, even, but there's a time and place for everything and that was the time and place to tell him to shut the fuck up, twice). I'm not an emotional guy. If I were, I wouldn't have lasted this long. But, damn, you guys' bitching is some of the most annoying shit I've ever experienced.
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I am happy about the HD download, if we get just a few more players that would be nice. I would go to tourneys but i use hilde and she not good enough or what ever.

Sc5 is poverty gaming ..kumite kumite kumite
That's the point. Shit like frames, punishment, matchups, that's all basic shit that most people still don't understand.
Oh, no. I'm not that kind of bad. I'm the kind of bad that sidesteps a tracking vert, gets hit by it, and says "that's dumb, fuck that." I do know the kind of bad you're talking about, but that ain't me.
I'm not blaming anyone for being bad but, with that same concept in mind, don't act like you understand things you don't and spread that ignorant shit.
Again, I'm not trying to talk on things that I don't know. I have not once called out a specific tactic in this game as broken, and at most I have referred to a large generic group of moves in any game as really hard to deal with.
Regardless, like I said, maybe you need to meet me in person. I wouldn't say anything here I wouldn't to you in person and there's no malice in any of these words [...] But, damn, you guys' bitching is some of the most annoying shit I've ever experienced.
Hey, I've been speaking on generics and hypotheticals this whole time. Ideas to help balance for the low to mid level players, and help them get to the meat of the game more easily. I'm just throwing around ideas here.
All I gotta say is LP better drop that "you people" shit. I never even talked about me in terms of player skill but then he comes off as lumping me in the scrub or plain casual group like I never played this game competitively. I dropped this game because I got bored and Dead or Alive came out. That's it. Not because I lose. Not because of patches. Not because of any other reason than I GOT BORED. I put my ass forward to support the SC scene and for someone to think I gave it up for made up opinionated reasons is insulting.
All I gotta say is LP better drop that "you people" shit. .

O chit. imma get beat up. i have a family plz man

Honestly, I don't care where I lumped anyone and that's why I did it. If you fit the bill, check your shit.

Got bored of Calibur? That's cool and all but there are tons of people who also did (SU comes to mind again) who either play other shit or don't play anything at all and don't spend time badmouthing Calibur every chance they get. 'd be great if you did the same.
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I'm just gonna say this, if balance is really such a big issue, why is UMvC3 so popular in tournaments.

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