Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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It was the whole cast that lost moves though, not even just Ivy and Mitsurugi.
Yeah iirc Mitsurugi lost his Relic stance and Ivy lost her ability to switch between her coiled, whip, and standard state of her sword. Every character has lost at least something even if some of their moves weren't particularly useful.

Just look at Raph :sc5rap1:and Aeon:sc5aon1:, they have barely anything worth noting in their movesets in V lol.
Well yes obviously but many moves the other characters lost werent important anyway and didnt change their gameplay. Mitsu and ivy are a different story.
But well whatever
This was posted on the SC Twitter page today:
Can anyone confirm if this is new or old?

Edit: just to clarify I meant if it has been seen before. I haven't personally.
Viola not Amy confirmed Kappa
Yeah, like Pyrrha isn't Pyrrha Ω.

The amount of effort put into that crap makes me sad.
Yes, its disgusting how they try to make it look epic and such and its just a garbage pachislot.

This was posted on the SC Twitter page today:
Can anyone confirm if this is new or old?

Edit: just to clarify I meant if it has been seen before. I haven't personally.
I don't recall seeing it exactly, but its clearly SC3 art. SC3 HD confirmed?
This was posted on the SC Twitter page today:
Can anyone confirm if this is new or old?

Edit: just to clarify I meant if it has been seen before. I haven't personally.
I did reverse Google search and found nothing. Hmm...
This was posted on the SC Twitter page today:
Can anyone confirm if this is new or old?

Edit: just to clarify I meant if it has been seen before. I haven't personally.
Looks pretty well done judging by the artwork. :D
They've been switching between SCIV and SCV Cervantes for quite some time, now. It's like they're not sure which one they want to use. The monster in the trailer is actually one of the statues from Nightmare's Stage in SCV. With Seong-Mina and SCIV Ivy and others appearing, I'm not sure if they're doing some time travel plot by combining SCIV and SCV elements or they're just throwing in whatever they feel like. I found this trailer hard to watch, tbh.
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