Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Eh I think you may be reading too much into that wink when you asked if the slots were for DLC, much like how Vergeben misread that "raphael fans are in for some stress and sweat" comment. To me a simple wink sounds more like a playful "wait and see ;)" kind of gesture. Basically non-committal.
God, SCVI has the smallest roster since SCII... :/ Welcome to the modern era I guess, where less is more. GAH, I really don't want to bitch but like FFS. So frustrating. At least the characters we DO have are great.
Good news, it's not the smallest roster since SC2! If you include all the guest characters in SC2 (which would be fair since they were created as complete characters with all-new movesets) then SC6 has the smallest roster since... SC1!
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Representation matters across all forms of media.
No it doesn't. Regular humans don't need to share all their superficial characteristics to empathize or identify with someone. Even calling it 'representation' is nonsensical. It's absurd to think that just because someone looks like you that that's in any way representative of who you are as a person. No character in any SoulCalibur game 'represents' me.

They definitely should put more tits and ass in the game though.
On the one hand I want more female characters because I am a degenerate and I love video games titties but on the other hand I don't want to be on the same side as people who think 'diversity' in video games is important.
Reminds of when SCV made that stupid bust chart. What the HELL?????
The bust chart was from SC4. Why is it stupid? I mean, as a female I can tell you for a fact that the sizes they provided there are complete bullshit, however it could have been a tool for the 3d modelling staff if only the models were that accurate
It feels strange to see so many people being angry against people who want more female characters lmao, chill !!! Leave us and our preferences alone.
I always found the girls in SC more interesting and aesthetically pleasing than the male characters. They always come up with such great designs for them and all of them kick ass. It would be cool if they introduced an older female character, like in that other upcoming samurai game I forgot the title
Good news, it's not the smallest roster since SC2! If you include all the guest characters in SC2 (which would be fair since they were created as complete characters with all-new movesets), then SC6 has the smaller roster since... SC1!
The first version of SC6 has more characters than the first version of SC2.
Would monster women include Ashlotte? She was a hot topic, as I recall.

Regardless, I don't put much stock in which sex gets added so long as the character is interesting. Groh and Azwel suffice, as did Viola and ZWEI before them, and Hilde, Algol, and Dampierre before them, and Tira, Setsuka, and Zasalamel before them.
The Amazonian-esque character speculated about earlier on in this thread was certainly appealing in my mind since it would capture the same general aesthetic as Rock with far a less generic visual (big buff barbarian with animal head) and have room for a far more interesting outlook in the setting. (BANGOO!)

All this to say that SCVI certainly has a colorful cast of characters as is, and if there are plans to add more, be my guest, whatever they may turn out to be.
