Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Well, Soul Calibur 6 on PC appears to be doing very well, in third place behind Tekken 7 and Dragon Ball FighterZ. This looks to be a good sign that the series not only has a future but we may get content beyond current DLC.

I didn't include any other fighters beyond Injustice because to be quite frank they're pitiful.

STEAMCHARTS Dragon Ball FighterZ.png
STEAMCHARTS Tekken 7.png
STEAMCHARTS Soul Calibur 6.png
STEAMCHARTS Street Fighter V.png
STEAMCHARTS Mortal Kombat X.png
STEAMCHARTS Injustice Gods Among Us.png
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It's 4am where I am and just wanted to say that I love the game. It's really fun.

I have issues here and there, but most of them are an obvious result of the low budget. I'm going to try and get some sleep now.
Raphael has plenty of good options to shut down sidestep whether you're in stance or not. Other characters may have even better horizontals, but the range + speed combination of Raphael's verticals are unmatched. In other words, it doesn't matter because all characters compensate for weaknesses in different ways. You simply need to use him correctly. From my own experience, Raphael is definitely stronger compared to SCV and even in that game, he was far from weak. You're just another one of those people who disregards or doesn't know about any of his strong tools and acts like sidestep destroys Raphael's game plan. It doesn't, you just don't know what you're talking about.

Fight me.
I really hope this does well and is considered a success. I want this game to be supported for years to come, with several Season Passes ( more characters, parts, etc. ). and of course I want the series to continue as well.
Yeah but knowing them every 5 months is a new character. Injustice 2 had a lot on one single season pass with free content in patches. Japanese devs gives so little though multiple passes.
I really hope this does well and is considered a success. I want this game to be supported for years to come, with several Season Passes ( more characters, parts, etc. ). and of course I want the series to continue as well.

It would be nice to get a Soul Calibur game with all the main characters from the golden age and it's not unreasonable to expect it either which is 33.

Soul Calibur VI Charaters Complete.png

The odd few could be added like Ashlotte but this is pretty much the compete main cast.
I have a feeling that this sold poorly no matter the reviews scores are hopefully I'm wrong. No advertisements not much talk of the game etc... the online rank seems dead on mysidenor it's just there online suck.
I'm playing casual match on Xbox right now. For one person, they can ready up, but it won't let them connect to the match at all. It ends up kicking them out of the lobby. Any idea what might be causing it?

Edit: Apparently it's just me that he can't connect to?

This happened to me on PS4. Fixed it by closing the game out and restarting. Japanese devs (that aren't ArcSys) have a long way to go when it comes to developing online components.
In spite of how shitty Raphael is, I'm climbing up. Fought Xephukai's Astaroth a few times today. He whooped my ass, but we've had some close games. I think I'm doing okay for having like, two fucking days under my belt and little practice.


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In spite of how shitty Raphael is, I'm climbing up. Fought Xephukai's Astaroth a few times today. He whooped my ass, but we've had some close games. I think I'm doing okay for having like, two fucking days under my belt and little practice.

From your Raph perspective in this match up; what did you feel you had trouble with VS Astaroth? I've only run into 1 Raphael and, like a ton of low-level players, he thought he could simply BBB forever so I ate him up with 88/22B. Suffice to say, I learned little from that match.