Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

It's almost time...


EDIT: I would also like to point out that the repos are usually updated prior to the DLC being released, and that Amy's repo wasn't updated before her announcement, but after. So I wouldn't round out the possibility of a next-day release! Just don't get your hopes up too much. :sc4amy1:
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"Cassandra's release date? It's written right over here on the, right there--lean in closer and I'll show you exactly...that's right...-SMASH!- YOU GET WHAT YOU GET, WHEN WE GIVE IT TO YOU--YOU GOT THAT!?"

Note: Awww, seems everybody and their mother on the twitter feed (Azul here as well) already hit upon the obvious intuitive caption. I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with doing it best. ;) But I should have gone with the more general "This is the game you get--love it, LOOOOVE IIIIT!"
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Aaaaand just when I thought my hype level couldn't rise any more, Okubo says this in response to a question about EVO announcements:
Looking at the previous comment to which Kayane was replying, and what they were both jokingly saying about Okubo, it seems clear to me that Okubo's response was just a tongue-in-cheek joke about why he has to play coy/dodge questions/appear inscrutable on such matters. Indeed, "Astral Chaos did it" seems like it has real "the dog at my homework" meme potential as a go-to excuse from Project Soul's senior figures: "Bad news, guys, we had season two just about finished...and then the Astral Chaos wallowed it. Cassandra too--she just has the worst luck with that stuff! Nine more months until the next release, sorry!"
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Astral Chaos being a reference to SoulCalibur V, though, it could only be referring to Cassandra, Edge Master, or Night Terror. One of those three are next!

I will only be okay with Night Terror as long as he is well balanced and playable online. Not stupid broken like Inferno (which I feel he will be.)
Astral Chaos being a reference to SoulCalibur V, though, it could only be referring to Cassandra, Edge Master, or Night Terror. One of those three are next!
(I tried to say this immediately, but the maintenance cycle started right after your message). I know you're almost certainly just joking yourself here, but before anyone takes this and runs with it, it's pretty clear from context that this is not what Okubo was talking about.

I will only be okay with Night Terror as long as he is well balanced and playable online. Not stupid broken like Inferno (which I feel he will be.)
Night Terror was never "balanced" and I don't think he ever would be in any guest appearance: he was secret boss character for SCIII and never included in any multiplayer mode. He's not meant to be balanced and would be useless in the role he serves if he was. For that matter, Inferno is clearly not meant to be a competitive/balanced fighter either, which is why he is not playable online: sticking him into the offline vs. roster was clearly just a "why not?" afterthought/toy that they gave us.
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So the constant I see on these steam depot updates is that whenever it updates, we get a character sometime from 7-16 or so days.

The only slight difference is Amy who had her info updated Feb 22, and she did not get another update until Mar 12. She released on March 25/26.

However, the already released at this point CAS Pack A got a store update on Feb 22 so maybe it was just housekeeping on their part.

TLDR: A) Cassandra is most likely going to be released in the next 14 days, add a few or take a few off.

OR B) Cassandra is actually one month out. Okubo = Inferno and shall burn us with his wrath.

Option A is most likely though!
Cassandra seems very likely to be announced and released all at once at EVO, by my own estimation, but we'll see.

(I tried to say this immediately, but the maintenance cycle started right after your message). I know you're almost certainly just joking yourself here, but before anyone takes this and runs with it, it's pretty clear from context that this is not what Okubo was talking about.
Yes, it was a joke, as if we didn't already know it was Cassandra. Just having a spot of fun. :sc4amy1:

Night Terror was never "balanced" and I don't think he ever would be in any guest appearance: he was secret boss character for SCIII and never included in an multiplayer mode. He's not meant to be balanced and would be useless in the role he serves if he was. For that matter, Inferno is clearly not meant to be a competitive fighter either, which is why he is not playable online: sticking him into the offline vs. roster was clearly just a "why not?" afterthought/toy that they gave us.
All of this is true, and Night Terror would be redundant, because Inferno took some Night Terror traits and combined it with Inferno traits as well as a permananently Soul Charged Nightmare and gave us the overpowered mess of a character that we do have, waste of slot, can't be used online, all the things that have already been said, instead of giving us a mimic style to use, which would have actually been practical. (Come on, Edge Master as a free bonus to cap off the first season pass or a median tideover before the second season pass!)
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