[Dec 3, 2011] North East Championships XII (Philadelphia, PA)


I'm also challenging Partisan and IdleMind to $20 money match.
How much is the SC4 registration at the venue? Also, I bought two tickets but it just has my name and me as puchasing two, that cool fr gtting them for me and the other person?
Thanks for the extension hubbs! Also Chacha Partisan, Page, Barry and Russel are still attending. I will be at the hotel by 6pm today! see y'all there!
Forgive me for being busy, but let me get this straight. Philly is getting shit because we're not picking up Ramon on Ramon's schedule? I wasn't aware that we needed to help him out and suck his dick in the process. This is news to me.

I'm sure if he didn't wait until the last minute to ask someone, or asked nicely instead of coming at people wrong about how he was failed last time, or maybe try to ask someone directly instead of assuming people to see him post in this thread which is a few pages back, or at least give an idea on when he's actually coming, I'm sure that this wouldn't have been an issue. :-)

Other observations:
Canada sucks
OOFMATIC sucks for not winning the pre-NEC tournament
thugish_pond sucks for using Amy
memes suck
Kowtow is going to get bodied in SCV, fuck yo cheesesteak
Ciernian needs to mind his own business
LP is the man
Khent knows what's up

But seriously, Philly has been gracious to everyone who has came through from the beginning (NJ, NE, France, Canada, Florida, LP while he was in the military) and continues to do so today. Talk to me offline and I can give you plenty of examples.

As for me, I don't know why I'm getting shit when I flew through Philly to take Ramon and them back to the bus station so that they wouldn't miss their bus back to NY the last time that they asked me when no one else wanted to. I do have two simple rules: don't ask me for stuff at the last minute when I have plans and don't ask me for stuff when I'm getting my drank on.

Not that I need my business out there because I usually keep my business to myself, but I always go out of my way to help Woahhzz, I helped MTFighter get to Summer Jam, I drove Seattle to get $80 worth of Popeyes and to the hood for alcohol, I drove Bibulus to the hood for more alcohol, I lent Big E my tire iron so he could change a tire, I gave food to a MK player because he had nothing to eat at Summer Jam, and plenty of other people who I offered help but didn't accept it, on top of everything else I do for the community so I'm always willing to help those in need, even NY who always suck at making plans. Plus Khent always let people stay in his room either for free or for little charge, and Sporko has always opened his place up to people to crash, even to wild animals who belong in a cage. So I better not better not see Philly shitted on like we don't help out anyone when we help out everybody.

And yesterday my car got fucked up on the way to work, so I'm busy trying to get my real life shit taken care of since I'm looking at at least $1000 out of my pocket. I'm not even thinking about video games right now, so forgive me for not replying sooner.

If I don't see you guys at NEC, have a great time. Haters can eat a dick. :-)
not to mention Greatone :P with his amazing BBQ!

the whole point Malice was that NOBODY from philly even said they couldnt! it all went ignored. A No is fine by me.
Khent those reasons are fine and all but come on now. Sporko lives 20 minutes north of Philly? I live 45 minutes away from SFO yet I've picked up all kinds of folks who have flown into my area, be it KDZ, Linkrkc, Vints, Saitoh and the French players, whoever and never asked for gas money. It's not every week you guys have a major with folks flying in from all over the place, just for one week could you go a bit out of your way to help out your fellow SC players? I'm not trying to take shots at you like my other NorCal brethren lol, I'm just trying to understand how out of a fair amount of Philly players no one can help out a fellow player and his girl?

I think it's extremely admirable that you go out of your way to do that, but not everyone is capable of showing the same hospitality. All I'm saying is that no one here should be expected to do any of that. I don't want this to get heated or personal just because we disagree on it.

Khent - i dont care about gas money, i would pay however much you or anyone needed but its cool, hopefully when DK comes i'll send someone NOT from Philly to ensure he get a ride to the hotel.

and just because we say malice is ass means he isnt gonna do anything for us like pick us up? Really!? I mean i know how sensitive Philly is when you talk shit to them (which is why i do it) but ...REALLY!?

but if everyone is too busy i understand

I gave Delnar a ride to the hotel at Summer Jam. He knows I would help him out again, and all he has to do is ask. The same holds true for you as well, only I don't get off work until 10pm.
Not leaving until midnight. See you tomorrow morning if we don't get into a car crashed/ravaged, raped, mangled, and left in a ditch.
well philly never really is one to pick people up. NJ and NY are tho!

I'm not gonna respond with rage or insults, but I will, however, respond with a confused and befuddled "What the hell are you talking about?"

I've personally picked you up in philly twice. Pretty sure I picked up Delnar one of the times I picked you up. I picked Omar up, hell, I drove that dude to Chicago. From Philly. And two other guys (Whatever happened to F-Twilight, anyway?)

I pick up people from the trainstation for Jaxeldome constantly.

I also pickup Zack to take to Jaxeldome (who lives about 20 or 25 minutes in the opposite direction)

I drove JJJ and Larry to Mass for FSAK, then drove JJJ, Larry and Krit back from FSAK, then dropped Krit off at the airport.

I drove Rigel, Idle and....a third person....who was it, Shadowfox? Jian? from Jaxeldome to a Bone tourney

I've dropped off and picked up Bibulus and KDZ from the airport. Separately, on different occassions.

I drove Woahhzz to and from NY for your Phoenix Revival thing.

I've driven JJJ to a number of tournaments, in philly and Jersey.

I have literally driven thousands of miles transporting Calibur players to and from tourneys.

.....but it's NJ and NY who pick people up?

NY doesn't even have a car!
I also recalled picking up Ramon for a tournament as well. Probably a Jaxeldome or Philly tournament.
I don't come to the forums often and participate, but I cannot believe the things I have read here about the hospitality of Philadelphia players. Let me set a few things straight about my personal contribution for helping others--particularly when they come to the area (not that I need to rationalize or defend a thing to anyone here):

For NEC, not once--but twice--I have paid for two rooms and invited all of the NY/NJ crew to stay there free of charge. Hell, I didn't even stay in the rooms that I paid for! I once drove down to the bus station, picked up Max and Dizzy, and I didn't even play in Goddamn tournament. And I live at least fifty minutes from the bus station. I have driven many players not from the area (including Ramon) to and from the bus terminal for NEC and GVN tournaments. Hell, I have picked up players from the train station near Jaxel's house, and I don't even live in that area. The last NEC I attended, I picked up Linkrkc from the airport, bought him dinner, paid for his room (and told him to invite anyone else he wanted to have in the room--among them NJ/NY players), and drove him back to the airport Sunday morning (the one day of the week I can sleep in). And I live over an hour from the hotel and airport.

Let me set some other things straight as well:

The only Philadelphia area players who have a car are Sporko, Malice, and me.

Sporko lives forty-five minutes from the bus station--not twenty (and if it's rush-hour it could take him over an hour to get to the bus station). If someone asks Doug for a ride, and if he doesn't have any prior obligations, then I am sure he would give anyone a ride that he could, as he has already said: he has driven players thousands of miles.

Malice has a full-time job. I can't speak for his other obligations. But working adults need, first, to be politely asked for any favor. They should be asked directly--text message, phone call, email--whatever. Second, working adults need time to alter their schedules so if that favor calls for a schedule change, then that allotment can be made--if it can be made.

As for me: I have two full-time jobs and a shitload of other personal and professional obligations. For example, I worked tonight until 9:30 (after working all day), so picking anyone up today would not have been possible. Additionally, I haven't been an active participant in the tournament scene for well over a fourteen months, and anyone who would expect a ride from someone who doesn't even play the game or go to tournaments anymore is foolish. But because I am generous (and have a great deal of class), I would consider giving people a ride, but my second car is broken and in the shop. It will cost $450 to be fixed (that's no problem for me--I paid it already), but the vehicle is not ready yet. Unfortunately, my other car only has one seat other than the one from which I drive, so transporting people around would be difficult because that wouldn't be "people"; it would be "person". Today I had to tell Linkrkc and his friend to take the shuttle from the airport or ask someone else for a ride because I didn't know if my second vehicle would be ready (because that's the car with more than two seats) or if I would actually attend the tournament.

Now, I don't know of any adult--any real man--who would travel hundreds of miles (or thousands of miles in some cases) to another city (where he doesn't have family--or something akin to that--to take care of him) and expect or depend on anyone or anything other than his own resources.

Nobody here on this forum in his right mind would do something like that, so Philadelphia players are no less hospitable than anyone else. And for those not in their right minds and think that Philadelphia should be taxi service simply because they have said so, then those people can suck the business end of my Dessert Eagle and make themselves a nice brain mosaic all over the ground. Fuck you and Merry Christmas.

Sorry--had to get that last bit in. I am from Philadelphia after all: inhospitality and murder are the chief exports.
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