EVO 2012 Information Blowout

If you haven't been keeping track of all of the Evolution 2012 news that was released on Monday or happened to miss it, then you are in luck because I've taken the time to consolidate the important stuff into one convenient post for you to check out.

Check after the break for the latest EVO news, online brackets, pool assignments and schedules.


The first piece of news that was released today is the record attendance at this year's EVO World Finals, with players from over 40 different countries in attendance. For Soulcalibur V, we will have 414 competitors battling it out on Friday, July 6th to make it to top 8 for a part of the $5,000 prize pool that will be divided among the top 8 finishers.

If you will be attending EVO, make sure that you check out the 2012 Indie Showcase Titles that will be presented to the fighting game community. I'm particularly interested in Divekick, especially since the two main protagonists hail from my city.

New for 2012, EVO has partnered up with Guidebook to produce a free, mobile application for your Apple or Android device to provide you will all the information that you need for EVO such as pool information, schedules, panel information, live tournament updates, and local dining information.

Lastly, the bracket and pool information is available online. You can click here to check out the brackets/pool assignments. If you don't want to click through each bracket and want to search for your pool assignment, you can do so by clicking here and entering your name or email address that you registered for EVO with.

Make sure you leave your comments or predictions also. See you guys at EVO.
Well its a natural response...

AE has a 10k bonus, MvC has a 5k bonus, MK9 has a 20k bonus, VF5 has a 15k bonus...

Soulcalibur has a 1k bonus and its the only game namco has there. With the history of the way namco has treated Soulcalibur, and the way SC5 feels rushed, even from day one... It's only natural for the Soulcalibur community to feel like they've been abandoned.
And still the community feels better, more events than never before and a skill level unparalleled...gotta say that the SC community rocks! even if namco threats the saga in that way. And if money is the problem you guys have MLG.
im not sure why malice made this thread.
its not helping at all infact its only serving as a deterant, which could see players boy court evo 2012.
evo is not just about prizes, the experience you get from attending such an event far out ways potential prizes.

this is a big opportunity for you to play your favorite game at such a huge world event.
everyone will be watching, evo 2012 despite the prize pool it is much bigger than mlg.

dont let greed spoil your chances,soul calibur isnt at evo every year.
this years evo will see the best players from all over the world taking part.
this includes notable japanese , european and americans players.
placing well here really proves that you are the best of the best.
im not sure why malice made this thread.
its not helping at all infact its only serving as a deterant, which could see players boy court evo 2012.
evo is not just about prizes, the experience you get from attending such an event far out ways potential prizes.

Pretty sure thats why Malice made the thread. Everyone else chimed in with thier "hate spreading" words. Not Malice.

malice makes things to get Hype about. he aint like that homes.
Flights from Germany were 1300-1500 Dollar. No gambling, no hotel, no drinks included. Checked months ago.

We had no EVO Qualifiers and not one single tournament since months. Game is non existent at least offline.
Screw all the Namco hate man, get ready for EVO and get HYPE! You have players coming over from all of the world to compete, and may prove to be the best SCV competition yet. And your mad because there is only a 5000 dollar prize pot? Add on entrance fees to that and the pot is nothing to smirk at.

Also I think it is funny how most of the people who are complaining I did not see in the brackets. If you are actually going to compete and think you have a good chance at winning, then you can complain. If you are just sitting at home watching the stream, how does it affect you? A lot of people travel all over the country for tournaments and never make a profit, sometimes never even earn any money. They do it for the love of the game and community. I remember last year at EVO Aris said during the Tekken finals:

"No one travels for the money, we travel for the experience"

So chill out and get HYPE!
no1 hyper than me!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK brackets A23, B23, C27, C29, D24, D26, and D27!!!! And whoever is in bracket B27 with J. Wong... make sure he dies (if he even plays)!!! Yall cant let Evil Genius crew to take this game too!
Haha, people act like they never went to play Soul Calibur with a 500$ (or less) pot. 5K is a lot- a portion of that would cover my trip. Anyways, to everyone who's going-
we're about to have a good time and get white boy wasted! Maybe punch a couple hookers on the way. See you scrubs there.
Haha, people act like they never went to play Soul Calibur with a 500$ (or less) pot. 5K is a lot- a portion of that would cover my trip. Anyways, to everyone who's going-
we're about to have a good time and get white boy wasted! Maybe punch a couple hookers on the way. See you scrubs there.
wish i could go and get white boy wasted! you can keep the hookers though xeph... they only want you for your controller...
I'm not going to say that the money is all that matters...but I'd be lying my ass off if I were saying that I wasn't hoping for an easy bracket. Honestly, I think I'll enjoy getting to play so many people I wouldn't get to play otherwise than winning the tournament.
Speaking of winner's i didn't see any predictions on who's bringing home that 1st place trophy...... I personally wanted to see Keev dethroned.... but rumor has it he is not going (cries*).... with such a large pooling and so many good players, it is hard to predict to say the least!!! I definatley want the US to bring it home for sure!
Im taking Haweye or LP. Frenchies aint takin this one
I know LP wants it BAD... all he talks about lol... but RTD has been running strong and practicing alot I might add... hes seems focused enough to go all the way... if I were placing bets, id feel good with my money on any1 of those 3!

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