Kayane's Hands-on Impressions of SC5

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Namco graciously invited Kayane to come to GamesCom to try out the build of Soul Calibur 5 that they brought with them, but was unable to share her impressions of the game until August 30th because of a media embargo that was in place. Now that the embargo is over, Kayane stayed up until 6AM her local time in France just to share with the community her impressions of the game.

Check Kayane's blog for the full details, and leave a comment with any questions that you may have for her.
(can anyone explain [brave edge]? Please?)

To compare with Street Fighter 3 and 4, Brave Edge = EX moves. For half a super bar, they take regular moves, and adds properties to them, such as extra hits that combo, or bigger damage. If I'm not mistaken.

I think you even turn yellow when ya do 'em. :P
@docvizzo: I talked to Mick about this before when I asked him which version of SC he prefers. He plays SC4, but that doesn't mean that he's happy with the game or doesn't have complaints or wants to see changes made. The game he prefers to play is SC3.

As for top players not whining, many avoid posting on the forum to begin with for several reasons.
You should speak to mick and tell him that his opinion is very important, and that i also prefer soul calibur 3 jejejejejejej, props to mick for the massacre in the summer jam tournament very high level gameplay.
Now, i am going to complain cause im tired of Namco doing watever they want with soul calibur, just take out the GI sistem altogether and the 8wayun sidesteping and call it another name not soul calibur, im glad there is a lot of people complaining, make your voice be heard, dont know what fans are namco listening too but they are not soul calibur fans.

SC5 has step/sidestepping
SC5 has 8wayrun

...as far as I know :P

Yeah yeah i got the you know all the top players etc story, i've met a few of them too :)

I just dont get why you are hating everything already before you have actually played the game. Nobody has played the game except Kayane and she doesnt sound like Just Guard is a big problem. She even thinks you will like it, lol...maybe SC5 is fucking awesome, who knows :P

If you just want a balanced version of SC3 or SC4 you will be disapponted for sure.
Yeah yeah i got the you know all the top players etc story, i've met a few of them too :)

I just dont get why you are hating everything already before you have actually played the game. Nobody has played the game except Kayane and she doesnt sound like Just Guard is a big problem. She even thinks you will like it, lol...maybe SC5 is fucking awesome, who knows :P

If you just want a balanced version of SC3 or SC4 you will be disapponted for sure.
You know thats not what i want, you know why im complaining, i have accepted all changes good and bad, No soul charge ok, slower and boring game ok, GI modifications ok, reduce moveset ok, a fuck up online ok, unbalanced ok, ridiculous guest chars ok, no complaints whatsoever.

Now i have to complain cause im tired accepting namcos bullshit, look i was talking to a tekken player called QDOG, hes a friend of filthi rich and ect, so i gave him my piece of mind about soul calibur and namco, and we got to the subject of guest chars, and then he told me i know but you gotta understand that is a bussisnes ect, SO HERE COMES THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION, i asked him what would you say if you see darth vader and yoda in tekken 6 or tag 2 would you like that, HELLL NOOO WAS HIS ANSWER, so i asked him would you complain, of course, i dont want no vader in tekken, lol, so he told me he was going to speak with filthi and the namco staff ect. You know why we get a shitty game every time because we think is cool to accept everything. People in tekken complain a lot thats why tekken is tekken now.
Omega, are you making your voice heard on Twitter? You may possibly want to make your voice heard on kayane's blog post too. I am sure Project Soul are reading th0se responses there. Please don't let the naysayers hold you back. Go out there and fight! FIGHT! i will back you up.
Omega, are you making your voice heard on Twitter? You may possibly want to make your voice heard on kayane's blog post too. I am sure Project Soul are reading th0se responses there. Please don't let the naysayers hold you back. Go out there and fight! FIGHT! i will back you up.

Lol so people who say, "guys relax its way to early to judge anything" are naysayer...makes sense.

You know thats not what i want, you know why im complaining, i have accepted all changes good and bad, No soul charge ok, slower and boring game ok, GI modifications ok, reduce moveset ok, a fuck up online ok, unbalanced ok, ridiculous guest chars ok, no complaints whatsoever.

Yes i dont like GUest Chars too, i dont like slow gameplay, i dont like unbalanced, i didnt like when they took out Soul Charge, i didnt like SC3 X, nor do i like Hilde or Ivy in SC4...

But what we ALL want (at least people who want to play competitive) is a well balanced game that is fun to play.

Right now there is zero reason to not believe this will be the case. So i dont see where all this complaints are coming from. Kayane said its easy to build up meter to GI. So GI is still in :P

We dont know if characters will be broken, we dont know how GI exactly works, we dont know how JG will turn out in the game. You are beeing way to negative only based on what Namco did wrong in SC3/SC4.

What we know is Namco said they will patch the game multiple times, right now imo everything looks pretty good.
Omega, are you making your voice heard on Twitter? You may possibly want to make your voice heard on kayane's blog post too. I am sure Project Soul are reading th0se responses there. Please don't let the naysayers hold you back. Go out there and fight! FIGHT! i will back you up.
I already responded kayane on facebook, now im going to twiter.
I'm not even going to dignify your trolling with a response.

Seriously i wasnt trolling, i dont get who you mean with "naysayers". The people who are going nuts about a game engine nobody has ever tested including asking Daishi via Twitter to remove/completely change it or the people who say relax, everything will be fine? I really just dont understand.
I understand both sides POV and also agree with both.
But one thing for sure is, Docvizzo is NOT trolling...but placing SOME valid points in his post.
However, it has been quite sometime since SCV has been announced, so it's good to express your opinion NOW...rather then later.
But Namco does plan to make this game more base on "tournament play", then I'm sure patches and such will come along once the game is finally released and everyone starts noticing flaws.

We wont know until the game comes out but I do agree on not shitting on this game if you haven't touched it yourself.

PS: Thanks for the info Kayane.
I'm starting to think that JG may not be gamebreaking, barring any option selects.

What it may do is force some altering of staples, instead of just using BB, you may have to use AA or AB or 2K or throw. As long as characters have sufficiently varied tools, that won't be a problem. Movesets will have to be expanded though.

I still don't think JG is optimal, but it may not be gamebreaking- though I can see it really hurting online play. I would still prefer the old GI system , in addition to the new GI.
The use of JG and the awkwardness of GI sounds kinda iffy. However, it's going to make it harder to break throws if people try to whore JG. I'll just run up to you while you're mashing X and just throw you :)

The game is still under production and a lot of progress hasn't been made yet. Give it time people. This community tends to spaz out when there is a change in gameplay. Welcome to trying to improve mistakes! It's alot harder to do when you aren't at a high level in SC.
And here we go again. You're going to get people that disagree, if someone wants to voice their opinion they are free to do that. Telling someone they shouldn't be upset about the changes because "it's too early" while at the same time saying, "things look good so far" is hypocritical and therefore trolling.

It's not my position to tell people here what is wrong with only having one input for GI or that it's even more stupid that it uses meter. Or what potential damage adding super moves could do to character balance. What I am going to do though is voice my concern to the people that are making the game in hopes that they will understand that these gimmicks are too risky. They themselves don't even know how it will work out in the end. What we wanted when we signed the petition was a SoulCalibur 5, not Super SoulCalibur HD Remix.
noticed how I clicked the like button, because I like your reply. It made me smile :) Most characters have auto GI's? Have you seen how useful they were (outside of top tier characters)?

Oh and last time I checked, SC4 was part of the series. Namco told me
ha. That's cute. Yeah, last time i checked, it was the part of the series that pissed off the veteran players. Anybody like me, who was a fan since before Soul Blade was on the PS1 console, felt alienated by what NamcoBandai offered up (or didnt offer, rather) in SC4. So when we're talking about developing the best game yet, you Must disregard SC4 mechanics-- while not disregarding the development of the characters themselves.

As for top tier characters, when Soul Calibur 1 was released, Kilik was not considered one until someone won a tournament with him. Why? Maybe because they knew how to use his GI attacks.
Telling someone they shouldn't be upset about the changes because "it's too early" while at the same time saying, "things look good so far" is hypocritical and therefore trolling.
You have a very broad sense of the term "trolling".

Strongly worded posts are still quality posts if they actually lead to something and are not just antagonistic for the sake of being confrontational.
As the most extreme example, lets say JG is total garbage, makes SC5 virtually unplayable, and the worst SC ever. I hope they design the JG mechanics in a way so as they can be patched or taken out of the game completely as a safety net.

I'm optimistic that this game will be fun and good, but present backlash will turn into a destroyed community in the future if the new mechanics are shit.

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