Maxi General Discussion

Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

Yeah, thats pretty much what I do. Lots of NC and NCC to train them to block, then quick one stance shift mixups when they start to expect the simple shit. Seems pretty effective, have yet to have my game shut down. Just keep pressing with the simple stuff until they try to get wise, then use your flashy shit.

that is perfectly put. that explains the way i play with maxi to the tee. give em a lot of pokes and simple stance change ups, then let em have with a nice 10 hit string! most of them never see it coming.
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

in the last few weeks ive come across a bunch of yoshi's. they all started the same way, they start flying in the air and try to do a bunch of fancy stuff that wiff's big time. ill start of with my 3B or my 6A and they never have a chance after that. i think its a bunch of noobs that are facinated by all his fancy shit.
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

Add me, my Yoshi isn't spectacular, but effective at least. I won't be on over the weekend though; going to PA. I'll definately play you Monday!
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

Add me, my Yoshi isn't spectacular, but effective at least. I won't be on over the weekend though; going to PA. I'll definately play you Monday!

cool man...look forward to it!! monday is my day off so ill be on all day trainin for that tourney in S.D.
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

in the last few weeks ive come across a bunch of yoshi's. they all started the same way, they start flying in the air and try to do a bunch of fancy stuff that wiff's big time. ill start of with my 3B or my 6A and they never have a chance after that. i think its a bunch of noobs that are facinated by all his fancy shit.

I start out with the flying shit and I'm a NOOOOOB ;) If you add me I'll probably show you a thing or two that will make you think twice about ever knocking on Yoshi... haha and I'll probably show you a thing or two with maxi as well...

To say that you starting off with 3B and 6A that yoshi never has a chance after that hits is just dumb.... iMCF interrupts ALOT of maxis strings also if he ducks any of maxis High moves which alot of maxis do.. with the 6A's and such your in trouble... FC 3K will be in introduction to Mix-Up city... or The show as i like to call it....

My fancy stuff doesnt whiff... and being fancy with yoshi is the biggest part of his play... its kind of like maxi hes got a WTF factor... Once maxis strings start if you know him they are easily interuptable, punishable, steppble, and throw able....

Maxi is my second but Yoshi is my Main.... and He straight up kills maxi... since maxi has to be in kinda close most of the time which is the definite danger zone when playing against yoshimitsu...
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

I start out with the flying shit and I'm a NOOOOOB ;) If you add me I'll probably show you a thing or two that will make you think twice about ever knocking on Yoshi... haha and I'll probably show you a thing or two with maxi as well...

To say that you starting off with 3B and 6A that yoshi never has a chance after that hits is just dumb.... iMCF interrupts ALOT of maxis strings also if he ducks any of maxis High moves which alot of maxis do.. with the 6A's and such your in trouble... FC 3K will be in introduction to Mix-Up city... or The show as i like to call it....

My fancy stuff doesnt whiff... and being fancy with yoshi is the biggest part of his play... its kind of like maxi hes got a WTF factor... Once maxis strings start if you know him they are easily interuptable, punishable, steppble, and throw able....

Maxi is my second but Yoshi is my Main.... and He straight up kills maxi... since maxi has to be in kinda close most of the time which is the definite danger zone when playing against yoshimitsu...

by all means, didnt mean to knock any yoshi players. didnt mean to get anyones panties in a twist. hajimeowari told me you were really good. so i sent you an invite. im not claimin to be top notch or anything, but im definetly not horrible!
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

I start out with the flying shit and I'm a NOOOOOB ;) If you add me I'll probably show you a thing or two that will make you think twice about ever knocking on Yoshi... haha and I'll probably show you a thing or two with maxi as well...

To say that you starting off with 3B and 6A that yoshi never has a chance after that hits is just dumb.... iMCF interrupts ALOT of maxis strings also if he ducks any of maxis High moves which alot of maxis do.. with the 6A's and such your in trouble... FC 3K will be in introduction to Mix-Up city... or The show as i like to call it....

My fancy stuff doesnt whiff... and being fancy with yoshi is the biggest part of his play... its kind of like maxi hes got a WTF factor... Once maxis strings start if you know him they are easily interuptable, punishable, steppble, and throw able....

Maxi is my second but Yoshi is my Main.... and He straight up kills maxi... since maxi has to be in kinda close most of the time which is the definite danger zone when playing against yoshimitsu...

by all means, didnt mean to knock any yoshi players. didnt mean to get anyones panties in a twist. hajimeowari told me you were really good. so i sent you an invite. im not claimin to be top notch or anything, but im definetly not horrible! could always use a few tips for my maxi game
here's what i do, what about you?

this sounds silly but i tend to have very different styles for different people.

i normally start a match with a quick tester to see how a person reacts, a simple 6AA tends to show anyone with no knowlege cos they wont guard or duck at which point comes


all out atack. it seems that a lot of people forget what the green smartie button* does, thats right if you dont block i will hit you, if you dont duck i will hit you. i find often simple things work..

6AAKK 3BBB,BK A+KBBB A+K-B+KBBA BT B+K etc throw in an unblockable for a giggle even a 236K and watch them run in to it and there left going O.o "mummy the nasty man is being mean to me". chuck in a couple of mixups and nothing to worry about over and delt with nice and fast next challenger.......

second tester, if they can guard how well do they know my moves do they know to guard BLKK for example. here comes


throw out a few testers and see how they respond, then mix it up and see what happens. like throw out a sidwinder i use 33B but 99B works too, if they didnt guard then juggle it with KK (on (CH) full launch the fist K wiffs but second plants nicely (most the time :P)) and keep to some basic mixups you should win without to much worry.... if they did guard then use somthing else (nothing to fancy just a couple of basic moves from the nutter maxi (but dont put yourself in a punisable situation though)), closely followed by 33bAKK 4B+K BT B+K and they go O.o "you didnt do that last time mummy the bad man is being mean.... again" how ever if they blocked or dodged all that then here comes


thats right if they got your moves down and you cant see a way in grab that green smartie* and cling to it. watch there moves and spot the openings, intrupt them with 2A, close in 4BBK (or variations) punish were possible with 6A+B just try not to be to obviouse in your moves and watch them. when you see that opening strike with every thing you can muster. you have to go in and try to keep it mixed up enough that they dont know what your planning, use your faster moves i find 33A or A+B or 2A etc if you cant build up a string but just keep them busy and keep the presure on. moves i have found useful lately and these wont work on everyone or be to everyones taste but

3BKAK (yes i know its bloackble but often doesnt leave a gap to really think in but be very careful with it that K after 3B is pretty slow and easy to interupt. i wouldnt sugest over using it, maybe atfer you train them a bit with 3BB or 3BA)

2ABK(stun on CH opening you for a 3BB(and if they dont ukemi)B

3BAAK (stun on CH opening you for a 3BB(and if they dont ukemi)B

RCK, i use the crouch from that (not seen many people do that) then FC 1ABBK or FC1 ABB (slight delay lets RC come back) RCK (use duck) 3A (and improvise with your own fun from there but i have been able to go back ad forwards between FC 1ABB RCK 3A(AA)B RCK and your back to start. you basicly spend the whole round either crouched or atacking seen some people just go O.o erm help)

RCKK (after a bit of the train from above) use the full RCKK(;K) if you dont do the JF then you have a couple of options you can either 236A, 33_99B (tech trap), 4B+K and if the start to roll while the unblockable is starting 4b+kG 3BB (the first B wiffs but the second tracks pretty well and i find normally conects)

remember your PSL's and just think about what you want to do. plan it, see the opening and go for it. go for throw (though i have to admit i am not a good one for that)

in turtle mode rember GI and parry and throw breakers.

any way thats just how i am playing at the moment. im not the best but i do ok. just posting this to see how others play and if my post helps anyone then thats an added bonus (sorry its so long)

*Green smartie = the green button on xbox controler so for PS3 users sorry its guard incase you didnt realise.
here's what i do, what about you?

LoL you took the time to tell everyone this? anyways I play the same everytime , I try to figure out my oponent and capitolize.... If i figure my opponent out in the first 10 seconds... then hes getting raped... I dont care if he plays the game everyday or has never played once before... I will play you with my best play just about every time... That way if you beat me you really earned that win and should feel great ! :)

P.S. people turtle with maxi ?? haha thats funny..... they must not win much...
here's what i do, what about you?

O.o yeah i turtle maxi on harder fights,

thats what i mean, you cant just go all out atack everytime. how do you rushdown someone that is blocking or guarding your moves or wont let you get an atack in.

try and out rush taki (or some talims), or a good sigfried that uses technics to keep you just out of range, you wiff and then get punnished.

on people with not much maxi experiance rush down and do what you like most will not know what to do, but against a good player if you dont turtle and then rush when the opertunite moment is at hand, then its a whole world of hurt your bound for, maxi is just so punishable at the slightest error.

like i siad im not great (infact lastnight i was absolutly rubbish) but i do have online specail level of 100 with 70% wins (1300+ wins)(most losses was at the start of my game) and level 50 in standard with 55% ratio (400ish wins) i do ok. and i turtle quite often of late. (i would like offline experiance too but i dont know anyone lol)
here's what i do, what about you?

Turtleing could be effective... but in the end I dont think its maxi's best idea to turtle... maybe to Bait every now and then but hey everyone plays their own game ;) to each his own
here's what i do, what about you?

Red, a turtle Maxi can be quite effective. I hate playing that way tho :p
here's what i do, what about you?

Red, a turtle Maxi can be quite effective. I hate playing that way tho :p

What characters would turtleing with maxi be effective on ?? I cant see it... Maxi's pressure, mindgames, and evaision are what keeps him alive in my book... you take away pressure and mindgames by turtleing for the most part so all you have left is evaision which doesnt work very well unless your working on the pressure and mindgames haha so i just cant see it... unless your playing someone thats a retard and whiffing dumb moves all day...

I know if Maxi turtles against Yoshi... Maxi is getting wrecked...