Modding SoulCalibur 2

So I'm new to modding SC2, but I want to know if anyone here knows how to extract sound effects from the GameCube version (Link's SFX, of course). I've tried using several tools, and apparently those SFX are stored in the root.olk file, but I have no idea how this works.
So I'm new to modding SC2, but I want to know if anyone here knows how to extract sound effects from the GameCube version (Link's SFX, of course). I've tried using several tools, and apparently those SFX are stored in the root.olk file, but I have no idea how this works.

you need olk explorer here


No, it will not. I need the LE and the BE standart files (Link and Heihachi)
Hello Topaz, I've been watching this post a lot and I must say that I admire you for the work you are doing, as a colleague said, we are already closer to being able to play with link in the ps2 and xbox versions, I don't know much about that, but .. finally it could ?? or is it already impossible?
I've decided to give this port thing another shot. wish me luck.
I wish you the best of luck. The MOT files are full of 8, 16 and 32 bit values. Without knowing what values are which, the reversing LE to BE and vice-versa is impossible.

However, if someone were to start research on MOT files, I may tap in. I mean, I will not do it myself because my hands are full with real life and Soulcalibur 3 but, I will try to help to my best ability. Although real life may say "fuck you" like it did the last time.
At the moment, I can get as far as getting the VMX file of one of the characters by using GreedXplorer with the Xbox version of Soulcalibur 2. However, I'm trying to use the unfinished maxscript that was made by MK64n a while back. I'm trying to export the character's complete model and textures into a more tangible form.
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