Modding SoulCalibur 2

Nice, Ian. Hopefully, you can break it through. I have lack of knowledge about this things, but I will try to see if I can help.

By the way, I have checked all the contents of this olk file. I think there is not much contents for us to change the game.

In File2.olk, they are the files relate to the presentation of Characters Command list in practise mode (Including Heihichi and Spawn command list):
2 Mitsu
3 Mina
4 Taki
5 Maxi
6 Voldo
7 Sophitia
12 Ivy
13 Kilik
14 X
16 Yoshi
18 Nightmare
19 Astaroth
21 Cervantes
22 Raphael
23 Talim
24 Cass
26 Necrid
27 Yunsung
28 Link
29 Heihichi
30 Spawn
31 all format & notation?
32 all format & notation?
33 all format & notation?

In File3.olk, most of them are pictures and some unknown files:
1 flare pic
2-7 ?
9 Water Blue background pic
10-11 ?
12 Sofdec logo
13 Soul Calibur title screen
14 Soul Calibur title screen 2
15 Soul Calibur title screen 3
16 Licensed by Nintendo pic
17 Soul Calibur II Black & White pic
18 Soul Calibur II Black & White pic 2
19 Photo Gallery Background
20 Silver Unlock Background
21 Game Over Background
22 Calibur Water drop Background
27.pkg ?
40-46 VS mode wall pic
47 VS Boss pic
48-49 Dungeon Wall Paper
50 Shifting Mode Wall Paper

53-196 ?
198 paper pic
203-204 ?

205 Weapon Master Map
206 Weapon Master Menu Blur
207 Eurydice Shrine Gallery - Map Icon
208 Shifting mode wall paper
209 Inside Map Moving Cursor
436-225 Weapon Master Map close look
226-241 Chapters Letters
242.pkg ?
243-245 ?
250-251 Dungeon entry wall paper
252 ?
266-285 Weapon Master Character's wall papers
288 Weapon Master wall paper

298-385 Collection History pictures
404-423 Art Gallery Hi-Res pictures
431-479 Art Gallery Illustrations pictures
490-498 Art Gallery special pictures
503-504 ?
505-511 Shifting Mode Wall papers

In File4.olk, the files relates to stages. Here is example of the stage files structure:
File 21 = Eurydice Shrine Gallery (Greek Stage)
File 22 = Opening Camera view motion
File 24 = ?

Ian, do you know what apps can read and edit this pic files? Thanks you.
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with pleasure look, replace the file 972 pkg with the one of yun sung in the one of play station 2, I think it was the pkg 718 it seems to me, also eh changed the music of the game I am uploading a image file so that they create


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video de la modificación del juego, yo soy latino, así que no se me da tanto el inglés , el juego en el xbox lo tengo en español y en ps2 lo tengo en inlgés

Video of the modification of the game, I am Latin, so I do not like English so much, the game in the Xbox I have it in English and in the PS2 I have it in English, link :
Look, I know what you're trying to explain, but it's not a matter of bytes, if not a matter of conversion, the mot files are blocked, and that's not byte, if not security, :O
Now the question is ... how to unlock that 972.unk, and be able to get the mot files, and the other files in that file,? Of course it will be a bit of searching, exhaustive, but nothing that can not be found
Is it possible to mod SC2 Game Cube version?
I want to change the images slightly for attracting more people to play dolphin SC2 in PC. I don't want to overdo it.

There are few things I want to do:
1) To change the name tag of Berserker to Rock.
2) To change the name tag of Assassin to Hwang.
3) The audio file of SC3 Hwang's name replaces the audio file of Berserker's name.
4) The audio file of SC3 Rock's name replaces the audio file of Assassin's name.
5) Align the eye position of Mina to correct Mina's vision. (personal favor)

Let me know if there are some tools and apps for this. Thank you.
I know how to mod the audio files. here one I modded the sound of cassandra stage. I'm happy to teach you how to mod the audio

Well, for those who want to mod the gcn version of soul calibur 2, I did find a video that tells you how to do that. Here's the link:

thanks for showing my video I think I'm make an update though.
So I've been lurking here for a little bit now trying to get into modding bits and pieces of this game, and this thread has been a good resource for adding custom music and swapping out stages. So I figured I should start posting some of my own progress.

I've been mostly messing around with the memory in Dolphin's debug mode. One of the first things I first wanted to accomplish was to use different weapon styles with a character, because I thought it would be funny. I've seen videos online showing this off but I couldn't find any help on how to actually do this.

Well, it turns out that it's pretty easy. There's a specific memory address for each player:
P1 address: 0x0034D51A
P1 value (when mitsurugi is selected): 0x00010001
P2 address: 0x0036E5BA
P2 value (when mitsurugi is selected): 0x00010001

The first 2 bytes contain the character ID that is selected. The second 2 bytes contain the weapon style. When a character is selected, it writes the character ID to the first section, and then copies that to the second section. There's actually more bytes containing the character ID; it actually repeats like 4 times. I'm still unclear what any of those additional ones do.

After inspecting the memory, here is a list of every character ID:

Mitsurugi: 0x0001
Link: 0x001B
Taki: 0x0003
Raphael: 0x0015
Yunsung: 0x001A
Cassandra: 0x0017
Talim: 0x0016
Kilik: 0x000C
Xianghua: 0x000D
Maxi: 0x0004
Yoshimitsu: 0x000F
Cervantes: 0x0014
Ivy: 0x000B
Nightmare: 0x0011
Sophitia: 0x0006
Astaroth: 0x0012
Voldo: 0x0005
Seung Mina: 0x0002
Berserker: 0x0020
Assassin: 0x001F
Lizardman: 0x001E

So basically if you want to play with a different fighting style, all you need to do is write over that second section with the character ID of the fighting style you want to use. With that in mind, I made a bunch of Gecko codes you can use in Dolphin:

P1 Play As Mitsurugi Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000001
P1 Play As Link Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 0000001B
P1 Play As Taki Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000003
P1 Play As Raphael Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000015
P1 Play As Yunsung Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 0000001A
P1 Play As Cassandra Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000017
P1 Play As Talim Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000016
P1 Play As Kilik Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 0000000C
P1 Play As Xianghua Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 0000000D
P1 Play As Maxi Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000004
P1 Play As Yoshimitsu Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 0000000F
P1 Play As Cervantes Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000014
P1 Play As Ivy Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 0000000B
P1 Play As Nightmare Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000011
P1 Play As Sophitia Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000006
P1 Play As Astaroth Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000012
P1 Play As Voldo Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000005
P1 Play As Seung Mina Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000002
P1 Play As Berserker Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 00000020
P1 Play As Assassin Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 0000001F
P1 Play As Lizardman Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0234D51A 0000001E
P2 Play As Mitsurugi Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000001
P2 Play As Link Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 0000001B
P2 Play As Taki Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000003
P2 Play As Raphael Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000015
P2 Play As Yunsung Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 0000001A
P2 Play As Cassandra Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000017
P2 Play As Talim Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000016
P2 Play As Kilik Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 0000000C
P2 Play As Xianghua Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 0000000D
P2 Play As Maxi Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000004
P2 Play As Yoshimitsu Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 0000000F
P2 Play As Cervantes Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000014
P2 Play As Ivy Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 0000000B
P2 Play As Nightmare Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000011
P2 Play As Sophitia Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000006
P2 Play As Astaroth Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000012
P2 Play As Voldo Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000005
P2 Play As Seung Mina Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000002
P2 Play As Berserker Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 00000020
P2 Play As Assassin Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 0000001F
P2 Play As Lizardman Fighting Style [itsmadness]
0236E5BA 0000001E

Some caveats: Necrid and Charade are broken and will freeze the game if you use these codes with them. Not sure why Necrid is, but with Charade being a weird character that shares fighting styles, I bet there's some custom codepath that it goes down. Also, rarely the character will keep its original move set, but will use the weapon of the swapped weapon style. Not sure why that happens. Possible timing issue?

Here it is in action:

So, I compared a PS2/Xbox moveset with a GC moveset through Flexhex and there are some interesting results.

The red areas are areas that differ soully in endian, however some are in 2 bytes and some are in 4 bytes. So if I can figure out where the endian is changed in any given file, I should be able to convert the PS2/Xbox movesets for Heihachi and Spawn for use on Gamecube. If anyone has any insight, please let me know.

Were you ever able to figure this out? I've been desperately trying to figure it out myself with no luck to the point were I joined this forum solely because of it, Also I examined the file myself and I've got an idea. maybe if we try and put the part of the file that the endian doesn't differ then we could get the moveset working, maybe the hex that differs in endian is simply wrighten for the gamecube while the parts that don't are the moveset itself. Hard to explain but lemme know what u got.
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I never got it to work, no. Give that a shot! I can try and answer whatever questions if you have any.

from what I've found a decent portion of the data within the unk (or pkg for heihachi) file between link and heihachi are the same, so by process of elimination we know this almost certainly isn't the motion data or the moveset for either because even across both versions and between both characters this data is identical, and while just a hunch I believe a lot of data within these files are header data of some sort (as evidenced by each file having "2003 N6 11 " around the beginning) and code for some sort of file system used to develop the game (just a hunch based on clues and the fact that the ps2 version has pkg files with other files contained within) If we find someone who is well versed on this topic I'm sure this would be a cakewalk but my knowledge in this field is pretty limited. surely someone on this forum could help us out here? I know oofmatic made a mod back in 2008 that had both heihachi and link on the xbox version but from what I dug up (on this very forum) he himself didn't port link but rather someone on a now defunct website known as "ninjahacker" was able to do it for him. this info doesn't help much but oofmatic is so far the only one who would know anything on this topic so he's our best shot at this it seems.


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I never got it to work, no. Give that a shot! I can try and answer whatever questions if you have any.

This is a trailer for oofmatic's mod that had link and heihachi in the xbox version so it's definitely possible.

I'm thinking about starting a thread specifically to get heihachi and spawn on the gamecube version of SC2, specifically the GC version because it'd be more accessible due to modded wii's being able to play GC backups so you could load the modified iso and the wii's themselves being abundant, as well as dolphin being a really accessible emulator (lets face it dolphin runs better than pcsx2) that also has a netplay feature.

If the topic got enough traffic I'm sure someone would be able to solve the problem here, and we're close but the issue is we don't have an automated way to convert the endian of the files regardless of if we know what needs converting or not. We could probably find which bytes correspond to motion and hitboxes by process of elimination (as I described in the last post with the files having identical hex strings regardless of character or version) BUT It'd take far too much time to do. (as you've mentioned before)
Yeah, that was the idea-- I wanted to give Heihachi and Spawn's movesets to the bonus characters or something so that the main cast doesn't suffer, and then port the HD textures from the PS3 version into Dolphin

Then... why not?
Then... why not?

from what I've found a lot of the data between characters and console is the same, if you want to help us please do.

this is link and heihachis movesets compared in flexhex


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