Mortal Kombat 11

MK game without Mileena? Lmao what kind of joke is that?

Kitana looks incredibly great tho, she and Skarlet are best girl in this MK11 imo. But no Mileena is too disgusting, but game isn't out yet and maybe she still in and this is some kind of troll joke by NRS, wait and see.
Someone did this lol



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I really wish they would stop doing this to Kitana. She's my favorite MK character, so seeing other characters' moves foisted on her is really dishearting, like they can't even think of new moves to give (which is clearly not the case). It especially sucks that they've done this with Mileena, as she's also a favorite of mine and means we're probably getting her as DLC at best. Otherwise Kitana looks really good in this game.
I'm starting to hesitate if i'm gonna get the game, there are things i dislike and other things i like in this game, huh
I'm starting to hesitate if i'm gonna get the game, there are things i dislike and other things i like in this game, huh
I would wait until the komplete edition then. Not only that I'm anticipating that NRS will do full roster game like they did with MK Trilogy and Armageddon as it seems tradition at this point. It's also been hinted that NRS want to put the main series to rest and move on to new projects (probably a new Shaolin Monks game).
I would wait until the komplete edition then. Not only that I'm anticipating that NRS will do full roster game like they did with MK Trilogy and Armageddon as it seems tradition at this point. It's also been hinted that NRS want to put the main series to rest and move on to new projects (probably a new Shaolin Monks game).

Is this what you are planning to do?

The game is great, and the wait would be hard specially since Erron Black is in in a great way already, but many other things i dislike:

- Heavy feminism influence in the characters design
- Seems there's many lies from Ed Boon, he said there are many endings, but those who have the game says there is one only. (Why would he even lie about this in the first place)
- And as you said there will be a Komplete edition later down line.
Is this what you are planning to do?
I dunno ATM, I didn't bother with MKX due to the art direction that went in and MK11 is worse in many aspects as a good chunk of the characters are really unappealing.
the wait would be hard specially since Erron Black is in in a great way already
I know what you're saying, NRS knocked it out of the park with Erron's design from what I've seen, his face looks incredible. This is why I say I can't stand that fucking mask of his because he doesn't need it.


but many other things i dislike:
- Heavy feminism influence in the characters design
- Seems there's many lies from Ed Boon, he said there are many endings, but those who have the game says there is one only. (Why would he even lie about this in the first place)
- And as you said there will be a Komplete edition later down line.

It's best to just wait if the vanilla release is putting you off and yeah I get the whole annoyance of feminism being injected into the game, though I'm sure the feminists that are for liberty would be on your side because even they hate the puritanical feminism controlling female sexuality in media.


I would definitely wait until the komplete edition now after seeing this, you literally get locked out of content for not having always online connection.

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I'm not excited for Mortal Kombat 11 Feminist Edition. =/

The gameplay is pretty good, but roster and character designs are... ew

Some characters look like Mass Effect, others look like Injustice...
No Ermac, Mileena, Sindel, Cirax, Sector, Smoke, Reptile, Rain, Nightwolf...

MK needs reset again.
Sigh. I have a big question and it is serious; wasn't it also complained during MKX that there was heavy feminism as well? I swear that this fucking word and topic have been thrown around a lot I can't help if people are just looking for something to complain about.
I swear that this fucking word and topic have been thrown around a lot I can't help if people are just looking for something to complain about.

No there is legitimacy to the complaints. I don't have it but there is a tweet by the costume director that their designs have matured/grown up when it comes to females showing skin which is a bat shit reason considering the MK series has always been about pushing controversy and being completely over the top. Also it's not so much to do with feminism as a whole but more specifically conservative feminism which is blue balling developers.

Personally when it comes to tits the ladies in MK11 have my favourite cup sizes, I'm more bothered about overall designs especially what they did to Noob Saibot. His look and voice actor was perfect in MK9 and my favorite character in that game and I was expecting to see something on par for MK11 but his new design and voice acting direction is so bad that I personally find him offensive to look at. How in the fuck did NRS screw him up so badly. I can't help but think this was sabotage at this point.
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