NCR 10 Top 8 Videos By iPlayWinner

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iPlayWinner has uploaded to their YouTube channel the top 8 matches from NorCal Regionals for Soulcalibur V, which was one of the hypest finals that I've seen so far for this game.

If you happened to miss the live broadcast, you can find the videos in this playlist, and the videos for finals embedded after the break.

Video Playlist
NorCal Regionals
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Thats why european sports are boring as fuck to watch. Hype in competition is what we americans like.
I generally dislike watching sports and prefer doing them, unless I learn something from watching them. I'm the kind of guy who brought his laptop and is tinkering in photoshop while you guys are hype, and happy to know who won but that's that.
Backyard kicksacking? Count me in.
Badminton? Anytime.
One goal-gate down the square with the kids? Sure thing.
Sitting and growing a gut while yelling FKN RFREE is just not my idea of passing time.
I generally dislike watching sports and prefer doing them, unless I learn something from watching them. I'm the kind of guy who brought his laptop and is tinkering in photoshop while you guys are hype, and happy to know who won but that's that.
Backyard kicksacking? Count me in.
Badminton? Anytime.
One goal-gate down the square with the kids? Sure thing.
Sitting and growing a gut while yelling FKN RFREE is just not my idea of passing time.

to each his own.

But dont go round knockin people for enjoying what they enjoy. Youre entitled to not like. Im not even gonna try to convince you other wise. But your condesending attitude is not needed to those of us who find joy in things.
to each his own.

But dont go round knockin people for enjoying what they enjoy. Youre entitled to not like. Im not even gonna try to convince you other wise. But your condesending attitude is not needed to those of us who find joy in things.
Whoa , didn't mean to be condescending :D That's just sarcasm. Sorry if you took offence!
good sportsmanship or not. i was entertained. that's what it came down to for me. i wonder how people would have reacted if Alex J won? haha

congrats to all the placers!
Alex J. is nothing short of a community treasure. To those who think it's disrespectful to trash talk your opponent or showboat: lighten up. Alex was obviously doing it to create hype and it was all in good fun. He even congratulated me at the end.

On the subject of the level of play displayed:

I agree with most of the negative things said. I have my work cut out for me at the World Tournament in Vegas. I felt from the beginning that the NCR champion would likely not be suitable for the Vegas tournament simply because there were no east coast players in attendance. It's no secret that SC is not popular on the west coast and nobody here has the same amount of tournament experience and regular practice vs. top players that the east coast has.

So yeah, you don't need to point out every error that I or Alex J. made, because we know where we stand. Can't put us in our place if we're already in it.
Alex J. is nothing short of a community treasure. To those who think it's disrespectful to trash talk your opponent or showboat: lighten up. Alex was obviously doing it to create hype and it was all in good fun. He even congratulated me at the end.

On the subject of the level of play displayed:

I agree with most of the negative things said. I have my work cut out for me at the World Tournament in Vegas. I felt from the beginning that the NCR champion would likely not be suitable for the Vegas tournament simply because there were no east coast players in attendance. It's no secret that SC is not popular on the west coast and nobody here has the same amount of tournament experience and regular practice vs. top players that the east coast has.

So yeah, you don't need to point out every error that I or Alex J. made, because we know where we stand. Can't put us in our place if we're already in it.
That's shit; The West Coast is being slept on for SCV. We, as a whole, haven't competed with the EC enough to cast a valid judgement. However, the end of SCIV, I remember the little amount WC players out there were able to compete with the EC's big dogs.

Also, if you keep thinking you're going to fail VS everyone else via Vegas, then you will. Start showing some confidence already.

Also, to everyone who has nothing but signia-type responses to NCR's matches, come play me, then tell me what's good after I purchase some liquor and dinner with your money.
People need to understand, too, that the patch had only been out for 3 days at that point, and everyone was adjusting. Of course that means play will be sloppy, upsets more likely, and so on. I'm not ashamed of anything we saw in the top 3 because they were all basically running through largely uncharted territory.
Yeah try competing with completely changed movement along with a whole slew of changes with only 3 days to prepare. We all went into this expecting it to be rough.
Alex J. is nothing short of a community treasure. To those who think it's disrespectful to trash talk your opponent or showboat: lighten up. Alex was obviously doing it to create hype and it was all in good fun. He even congratulated me at the end.
This guy is a community treasure.
Yo UnseenWombat

Alex Jing in ya face...

Now that that is over. It competition. The WC players will play the EC when we do. Until then the WC players that are playing will practice up and we will see how the matches shake out when it happens. The WC has been slept on heavily and thats a good thing for folks who want to win. This grandfinals reminded me why I got into playing games competitivley. We had the dude who wanted to win hard and used every tactic to win. Used all things outside the game and got far and we had the guy who wanted to just play but got shaken onstage and got headphones. Then we had the crowd who wanted to yell for no reason at all outside of So Cal was on stage and could win it. There was pride on the line, there was winning on the line, there was no physicallity done, just a big test of balls. Either you have it or ya dont. Noface came through but Alex went hard. Also I agree with Xeph throwing down the gauntlet. Folks offended by Alex J's Antics vs ??? I want to see this dream match. Someone make it happen!
All you guys talking about AlexJ... I'm just amazed I actually saw Srayer post. I thought that guy stopped playing SC a long time ago.
UnseenWombat, I don't mind trying to argue towards decency but don't post up a chart that uses the word 'fag' twice in it like there's nothing wrong with that.
So.. any comments about the gameplay? I'd hate to think that entertaining matches were overshadowed by misinterpretations of tournament etiquette.

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