Siegfried Q&A / General Discussion

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I only think he needs a few and I'll be happy. Don't like how NM's 66B is superior to Siegs.
That has always perplexed me. NM's 22_88B is better than Sieg's 66B in every way. More push back, damage, and a better auto sidestep. He even comes with a GTFO move... I miss SCIV 6K. =(

EDIT: Anyone know an effective way to get into 8WR mode quickly besides doing QS? I want to do 22_88A 22k(A), and 22ka2A without telegraphing them nearly as much.
There were certain stuff I missed from SCIV, also 6K. I wasn't too competitive, SCV being my first time in the scene, so I don't if SBH A high was good or not in IV. I do miss 'that' certain overhead from one of his side hold stances in IV, it's been long, can't remember.

Also, nice meeting you at EVO, Nightblade.
Nice meeting you too man. Sorry I was fucked up most of the weekend, including in pools, lol. Vicious_Suicide brought some goodies...

Nice to see Siegfried well represented on the World Stage!
I know I've asked this before but what do you all think about Sieg's step distance? I'm only asking because I'll read my opponent doing a vertical, QS it, but still get hit even if the move barely tracks. Am I attacking from QS too early or do you think he needs more step distance? Better built in step for 22_88A and 22_88B? Please tell me your thoughts.
I know I've asked this before but what do you all think about Sieg's step distance? I'm only asking because I'll read my opponent doing a vertical, QS it, but still get hit even if the move barely tracks. Am I attacking from QS too early or do you think he needs more step distance? Better built in step for 22_88A and 22_88B? Please tell me your thoughts.

From my experience, he seems pretty average in stepping. What is everyone elses thoughts on this?
There aren't really very many verticals that can hit you out of a quickstep (doesn't matter which character). If you *do* get hit by one, it's most likely due to

a) stepping too early, thereby enabling the opponent to put himself back on axis when he starts his move
b) stepping too late, thereby getting hit before QS activates
c) attacking too soon, thereby moving your hitbox back in the enemy's path

I generally don't have a problem moving with Sieg. He's no Nightmare, but he evades stuff just fine (that goes for his backstep, too).
I know I've asked this before but what do you all think about Sieg's step distance? I'm only asking because I'll read my opponent doing a vertical, QS it, but still get hit even if the move barely tracks. Am I attacking from QS too early or do you think he needs more step distance? Better built in step for 22_88A and 22_88B? Please tell me your thoughts.

I tested it with beta version during the guide project (with debug features).
For the distance coverered, Sieg has the worst in the game for backstep and sidestep. But the best for frontstep (Namco should think that he really need to go to close range hahahah)
Nightmare has the best distance everywhere (back, side and front)

For the speed of the side step, Sieg seems to be top tier. No debug feature to be sure this time, but he is evading string very well. For this the speed is the most important.

QS seems the same for everyone. But it's slower than a normal step.

sorry guys. one step from top 8 :( Really wanted to get sieg up there because i wanted to show how well balanced this game was.

Please keep playing siegfried. He's very good.

For the moment tournament are still a lot about knowledge and player's basic, far less about Match up. The most important is not especially the result but what happen in match.
So I watched every Siegfried match. Sorry but I'm still not convinced.
BTW the game is dying in France mainly because of the balance. There is almost less people in tournament than during the end of SCIV.
Meh i dont mind siegfrieds movement being bad. The only thing that bothers me is his backstep because it was designed with the idea that backsteps are safe, now that they are -20, short and fast BS's are by far less valuable than before.
If his stances actually evaded stuff the movement would not be so bad but roulette barely dodges and if it does my SCH B whiffs half the time and I don't always have time to realign it and his SSH transition doesn't dodge squat lol. And I would like SBH to tech crouch earlier personally it seems to crouch very late in the transition (I could be wrong on that though).
I am happy with what we have, except 2KKKKK (...). And since Siegfried can still step some strings and StepG is -20, I don't think I should complain...
About the backstep... Hmm, What if we could put more pressure to the opponent, so that we make him choose to backstep instead of us? Plus we have tools to create space. SSH may not have the best backstep in the world but after using it a bit it saved me sometimes, I think the same happened in tourneys where people used Sieg. So I guess by these ways we could reduce the times we'd have to backstep, but that is just my opinion. We cannot do anything to change our step now, just find other ways to create space or deal with what we have...

@ShenYuan: congrats about EVO. It's ok you didn't make it to Top 8 (Against Kaamage: That Mitsu tracking was ridiculous TBH), but your Siegfried was overall a beast, I really loved him ^^!!

@MKHSpartan: I think you are right about SBH, I've been grabbed some times after I entered it even if the transition was about to be completed
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