Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

This was a bad idea. They specifically said game mechanics and most of the questions are about turning off armor break and if 2P costumes will return. I really hate casuals. You're not getting armor break removed, especially since it would require adding more to the HUD.

EDIT: They are doing wishlists for stages, CAS, and unrevealed characters. Literally anything other than discussing game mechanics.
Removing armor break in the options menu takes little more than and if/then statement. Is no harder than a helmet toggle or gore toggle. The laziest thing they can do is a armor break toggle and it's the height of lazyness if they don't at least do that.

Personally I'd prefere a bit more if/then statements and be able to toggle gear for breaking individually in CaS. No more elves losing ears.
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Interesting that people think there are extra characters on the next build. That would imply that people assume we will get the character(s) reveal the Thursday before EVO, then? I feel like it would make most sense for them to do the reveal on Sunday before/after T7 or DBFZ's finals.
Evo being next friday makes me think there will be a announcement next week, but I don't think they will use a new build in it.

For EVO I think we will be getting the E3 build. Also, next week, there will be 11 weeks before the games drop, with 8/7 characters left to reveal, I'm guessing information influx will pick up, with CAS announcements and such, getting this last three months information on a weekly basis would be smart of Namco.
Removing armor break in the options menu takes little more than and if/then statement. Is no harder than a helmet toggle or gore toggle. The laziest thing they can do is a armor break toggle and it's the height of lazyness if they don't at least do that.

Personally I'd prefere a bit more if/then statements and be able to toggle gear for breaking individually in CaS. No more elves losing ears.

They aren't going to add those high/mid/low armor indicators that SC4 had, the HUD has enough on it already.

That's the only way the toggle is going to happen, otherwise, there's nothing to indicate what is broken from a lethal hit.

At the end of the day, the game isn't going to get any better gameplay-wise by listening to casuals who don't follow simple instructions.
They aren't going to add those high/mid/low armor indicators that SC4 had, the HUD has enough on it already.

That's the only way the toggle is going to happen, otherwise, there's nothing to indicate what is broken from a lethal hit.
But those armor breaks are purely cosmetic and don't affect gameplay as far as I'm aware, so who cares if people can't tell which part is broken? Hell, Geralt is in the game and he already has unbreakable armor.
An ATP stream with Namcops closely watching is pointless lol. I care way more for Aris's personality than his gameplay.
His smack talk is the main reason I tune in to his streams. When he's got someone next to him in his own room he goes quiet which makes watching his matches lackluster in comparison.
We can’t test to see if broken armor = more damage taken in that zone without actually having the game though.

That’s the question for me.

If it does increase damage, a visual indicator (broken armor) is important.

If it makes no change in damage, then I’d like to see a toggle.
They aren't going to add those high/mid/low armor indicators that SC4 had, the HUD has enough on it already.

That's the only way the toggle is going to happen, otherwise, there's nothing to indicate what is broken from a lethal hit.

At the end of the day, the game isn't going to get any better gameplay-wise by listening to casuals who don't follow simple instructions.
If guests can get away with unbreakable armor without breaking the game, so can everyone else.
We can’t test to see if broken armor = more damage taken in that zone without actually having the game though.

That’s the question for me.

If it does increase damage, a visual indicator (broken armor) is important.

If it makes no change in damage, then I’d like to see a toggle.

French journalists from JVC asked about it months ago when they were invited to test SC6, and they have been told that broken armor = more damage taken in the zone without armor.
You can hear it here at 4min50.
I don't know if it's legit or not, but the journalists confirmed it.
Removing armor break in the options menu takes little more than and if/then statement. Is no harder than a helmet toggle or gore toggle. The laziest thing they can do is a armor break toggle and it's the height of lazyness if they don't at least do that.

Personally I'd prefere a bit more if/then statements and be able to toggle gear for breaking individually in CaS. No more elves losing ears.

Did you post this on the their twitter yet? I think you should if you didnt. =D
Well then keep the broken armor.

Also I don’t think we’re going to get a reveal next week before Evo, but I do think we’ll get multiple characters probably after Tekken’s grand finals that Sunday.
French journalists from JVC asked about it months ago when they were invited to test SC6, and they have been told that broken armor = more damage taken in the zone without armor.
You can hear it here at 4min50.
I don't know if it's legit or not, but the journalists confirmed it.
Which doesn't matter as there already tournaments that restrict people from using CaS characters already and there's no reason they couldn't make it purely aeshetic from the side of the person choosing not to see it. What does anyone care if someone chooses to handicap themselves as long as you don't have to?

Three options. Default break. Custom break. No break. Putely your choice and only affects you unless they choose to allow the same. Is simple.
French journalists from JVC asked about it months ago when they were invited to test SC6, and they have been told that broken armor = more damage taken in the zone without armor.
You can hear it here at 4min50.
I don't know if it's legit or not, but the journalists confirmed it.

Oh yeah indeed totally forgot about this one.

Well then should keep armor break, in the end of the day i should just be glad Ivy don't go barefoot XD

About 2P costumes Mokamoka made an awesome suggestion about Ivy costume in the other topic, also thinking about it also had a great potential for armor break

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