Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Nope, the glove was part of the costume and not the weapon.

ah, ok. thanks.

but was V the one that also had the Devil Jin fighting style? which was also a no weapons fighting style.

so, I suppose it is possible to include a no weapons fighting style in CAS to allow for Azwel's style to be included.

so how many slots are left in the Base roster?
Btw, it seems like Azwel's Japanese name is アズウェル, and Grøh's master name is オーズル.

Azwel isn't Grøh's master, but he could be his father ^^
Going to make a wild prediction that Groh's master is actually Zasalamel and for training groh he used his joke weapon Beak. This could explain why Groh started calling him オーズル (Ozuru) or "Big Stork".
I've watched some SC1 Inferno footages since i'm not too familiar with the game, now i think he would be fine as a mimic.

I don't really remember how he played in SC3? but i don't remember he was a mimic. Olcadon was the only mimic in that game from what i remember. But it's more likely they'll go with a mimic.

Cervantes: Of course he would be in the game
Raphael: Same as Cervy,even tho we were a bit scare he couldn't make because you never know
Hwang: He had very low chances at first, but now when you think about he make a lot of sens, he has all the argues that Cervy and Raph,but thing is that he wasn't too popular, but now they can revamp him and reintroduce him to the new players and those who never played SC1.
Lizardman: Let's be honest, a Soul Calibur game without a Lizard on it would feel weird. When you think about it, he even made in SC5 soooo... i mean.
Going to make a wild prediction that Groh's master is actually Zasalamel and for training groh he used his joke weapon Beak. This could explain why Groh started calling him オーズル (Ozuru) or "Big Stork".
Hmm... You're on to something there. I also speak Japanese, so I attest to the "great stork" thing. Their eyes are also... Artificial-looking.

Edit: On the other hand, sometimes katakana names can be significantly different from their romanized versions, so Oozuru could still be Azwel.
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You know it would make a lot of sense to put Inferno (if actually unlockable) to the right of the Random Slot on the character select screen. Create-A-Soul will take a spot on the bottom left (not the circle) and the circle to the left will be for one of four things.

Option 1: Bonus Characters: Similar to IV these will have the same moveset of other characters and unlike IV these will be the characters that appear in the story mode but don't have actual unique fighting styles. Basically this will be an area for all of Project Souls own create-a-soul characters that appear in the story mode like Rothion or Xianglian. There isn't really a reason for them not to do this as it would be a simple enough method to share with us.

Option 2: DLC Characters - This will be where the DLC characters appear for the game.

Option 3: Unlockable Character 2 - If Inferno is unlockable on one side or in the middle this would open up this slot for possibly another character.

Option 4: Nothing...cut from the game due to not having enough time.

Regardless of what these two slots do represent they will be for something and I'm curious to find out what.
I am fine with the last 5 being Cervantes, Hwang, Lizardman, Raph, and Inferno, but to not release another female in base is barf-inducing.

Why do you want a mimic like Inferno to be playable? Just because some random 4chan leaker got Azwel right doesn't mean Inferno will be a playable character. I know we all saw the story trailer, but face the facts: Inferno is just mimic that should only be an unplayable boss in the story mode because boss like Algol & Azwel are more unique styles in their respective games. Inferno should be a skin for Cervantes & Nightmare.
Why do you want a mimic like Inferno to be playable? Just because some random 4chan leaker got Azwel right doesn't mean Inferno will be a playable character. I know we all saw the story trailer, but face the facts: Inferno is just mimic that should only be an unplayable boss in the story mode because boss like Algol & Azwel are more unique styles in their respective games. Inferno should be a skin for Cervantes & Nightmare.

I mean, I'd be happier if another character was substituted for Inferno, but I don't mind him :p
False alarm, there just isn’t an automatic alert to say a post has been deleted. Thank you to the mod who sent me a message indicating so.


I want a mimic because I enjoy playing as them. I miss Mokujin in Tekken, and I would be sad if one wasn’t included in this iteration of Calibur.

I enjoy playing all of the characters and not only that, I like the random switch up between rounds.

It keeps everyone on their toes, and if we had a mimic, why not Inferno?

He’s already there, and it’s better than Charade (but not better than Edgemaster or Olcadan).
To me Okubo seems more troubled by the bureaucracy than just being lazy. He worked with what he was allowed to have. Would you rather lose Libra and/or Chronicles just to get those costumes? I want to think he did the best he could. Just trying to be glad this series has one more chance.

I suppose the generic stages may account for the story as well. They’re pretty even if some are plain. Too much yellow in the desert for one.

My hopes are that at least the SC4 2P parts can come back and we get classic outfit pieces for DLC. Not bikinis or diapers.
You all better appreciate this game, or simply say good bye to Soul Calibur, forever.

Azwell looks neat. Getting his biography information translated as soon as I can.
Damn, there's so much propaganda with SCVI, Libra of Soul story mode and Azwel. We've been manipulated by the powers that be and Okubo is not happy - I can see it in his face. If only I could talk about it, but my post will just get deleted, and I'll end up getting banned. Put it this way... this will definitely be the last SoulCalibur - success or failure - because the human race is doomed as per Azwel's quote - and I guess the same evil conjurers will end up saving a chosen few. Azwel seems to have caused a very positive response, but doesn't he stand out from the rest, and look a bit awkward and unpredictable in this game? He's got too many moving parts IMO...
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