Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

He sounds COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. And pretty awesome.
Why the hell english voiceover is done in a way that basically makes him a different character altogether?
Either the studio sucks at voice coaching or the developers want the English voice that specific way. I put my money on the former.

At least with the Soul Calibur series the dialogue is short and the game oozes with cheese so it's not as if it destroys the tone of the game, unlike the English voice acting for the Final Fantasy games. I'm at a point where if the voice acting isn't on par with Frog Nation's English voice coaching for a heavy narrative game then I just check out as it breaks my suspention of disbelief. Sorry for the mini rant folks it's just that really bad voice acting in video games these days burns my nipples. :P
I kinda like this little gimmicks every character has now.

Sieg has dark legacy

Taki has cheap damage

Zas can stop time

and Sophie can deplete half of your health bar with double TASB

Taki has cheap GI bait so she can kill you with Lethal Hits.

She is a ninja afterall lol
"万字忍術の奇抜なる体術の数々は相手の意表を突くことを眼目としており、自らの動作を見切られることなく敵を討つ!" :sc2yos2:

SC Twitter + Famitsu
Seen on Twitter (via Wonkey): Yoshimitsu will have special mechanics in which he uses his Soul gauge for his attacks, reason why he can "steal" some gauge from his enemies.

that sounds beastly. It looked like it healed him. but if thats his mechanic then oh boy
I'm guessing those moves where he flashes yellow (such as after door knocker) are his "brave edges". He also flashes yellow when he steals part of your soul.
If Cassandra has a gimmick I hope that it will involve her Angelic Twirl.

Something like "parrying with AT's auto GI gives access to a launcher version of quarter circle B" or access to a different, more powerful string.
The Japanese trailer has been released!
His voice sounds much darker in this version

Btw, here's Yoshi's Bio in SC6 site

I don’t know, seems too serious for Yoshimitsu. He seems like the type of character to have a goofy voice with all the goofy stances he has. I’ll go with English for his, but for some others such as Taki the Japanese was better.
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For me at least, what Vergeben said about Yoshi subverting your expectations works both ways in ENG and JP. He's got a goofy aspect to his character for sure, but he's not a comedic or joke character necessarily. Playing it up in ENG works because he sounds goofy, but he's still an intimidating character, especially with this new design. The contrast works.

The JP voice works the other way, where you have a pretty serious, menacing voice coming from this goofy "joke" character prancing/flying around. The juxtaposition works there too, Yoshi is all about not being easy to pin down.