Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Guys, I know this is kinda out of nowhere, but I didn't got the feedback I would like on reddit in regards to the following speculation and train of thought, so I am summing up it here and would REALLY like to know what you guys think. I based the above on the end of the vídeo that I attached here (about 7:50 mark if I am not mistaken).
I honestly believe that Lizardman will be in the base game. I mean, wouldn't make sense introducing his moves only for them to be part of a single random henchmen like it was in the Killik story. Also, his pose is waaay different than Sophitia, with his right arm being way back when compared to her. If he is to be a clone of her with just some new moves, wouldn't that difference mess up some of her animations? And why go the extra mile and change his pose, again, just for a single random henchmen?
I mean, if Inferno is playable, doesn't that signal a change in design philosophy? We weren't able to play as Night Terror back in the day. I don't remember a OP boss being playable in the history of the franchise. To me that shows us that if we see it, we can play it.
I may be jumping the gun here, that is obvious: put I am pretty sure of what I'm talking about.
From what I can tell, he is just Sophitia with some unique Lizardman moves. Also, it's very likely they would just have him in story mode, MKX done it with characters like Sindel, she had a unique fighting style but only appeared in story mode as a boss battle and that's it. It's nothing new to do in fighting games.
Hmm, interesting opinion. I thought we wanted more playable characters.
We do, but I don't want them shoehorned in. I like a boss character for single player modes and such a character by definition must be OP. Following on from that, I'm grateful PS made him playable, although I would've been fine with it either way. Since Inferno is playable, he obviously needs to be limited to off-line only for the competitive health of the game, otherwise it brings up issues of having to ban him in tournaments or having him over represented. Having said that, he could be allowed in unranked imo.
I guess I prefer quality over quantity and it seems like a very polished game. We will get more characters as DLC and although that's a dirty word for gamers it's certainly a good way to keep a publisher invested in supporting the game with content and balance/performance patches.
I'm all for DLC if it's good content, but I'm on the other side of the fence when it looks like a cash grab.
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