Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Wow some of you are really entitled. Not every character in a fighting game is going to be to your taste, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve a place.
Cassandra has fans that want her back, she is not a "wasted slot". Most characters aren't. I personally am not a fan of Rock, but if he was announced as DLC I wouldn't be complaining about his inclusion. He has his fans and not every character in a fighting will be to my taste, and they shouldn't be.

Some of you should grow up and get over yourselves.
"Why are you playing SCV?" I ask myself. "Neither of your mains (Kilik and Amy) are truly in. You should go play Soulcalibur IV! What a splendid idea, old chum! I shall do just that!"

My. Fucking. God. Soulcalibur IV is ABYSMAL, and I'd forgotten just how much (I can't believe my younger self played it so much, or that I even thought SCIV was better than SCV). The sluggish gameplay would be enough but the lack of an 'Easy' option in Arcade... FFS I struggled on the 3rd fight, and then Kilik comes in as opponent #4 and almost annihilates me like a try-harding little bitch. And don't get me started on the ring-out spamming Astaroth and Hilde were doing. Hilde legit slide tackled me three times straight to knock me out (when she didn't have her thumb superglued to the Guard button that is...) It's so fucking cheap and hard, way worse than I remembered even with my rustiness taken into account. I was dreading the Apprentice because he almost caused more broken controllers and ripped-up magazines than I care to count, and despite living up to my memories, I somehow beat him on my first attempt (lost round 2 though) which is pretty much unheard of 'cause he usually trashes me 3 sets in a row before I even have a shot. Then Algol was just being an irritating twat and I thought "you know what, this isn't even fun, fuck this game" and I rage quit after like 10 minutes. I understand part of the reasoning is there IS no difficulty option, so they had to make it challenging for the more advanced players but fuck me... SCVI BETTER have difficulty settings in Arcade like SCV did or I will not be happy. I've changed my mind on SCIV being better than SCV that's for fucking sure. At least SCV is actually fun to PLAY and in in order for SCV to piss me off, I actually had to CHOOSE the higher difficulty, or play Legendary Souls WILLINGLY (or just play Story Mode and get forced to use the two hardest to play styles in the game against the two hardest bosses.....). Not that Nightmare on Easy doesn't make me rage like fuck when he flips his 'fuck the difficulty setting, u ded' switch randomly at the start of a round... But at least it doesn't make me rage quit.

Sorry for the massive noobish rant but I needed to get that out 'cause I was heading for self-destruct territory.

But now I REALLY need Amy in SCVI because I'm never touching SCIV again and I don't want to lose her forever. Just fucking glad Kilik isn't in Nirvana or whatever he was in V and is his old style again (and looking fun as hell from what little I played of him in the beta).

UGH, I feel like I'm going stir-crazy or something. I wouldn't have even touched that shit if SCVI was out already. I'm dying over here, send help.

Anyone else doing crazy shit from withdrawel? Just me 'cause I'm a nutcase? Ok... GG.

"Why are you playing SCV?" I ask myself. "Neither of your mains (Kilik and Amy) are truly in. You should go play Soulcalibur IV! What a splendid idea, old chum! I shall do just that!"

My. Fucking. God. Soulcalibur IV is ABYSMAL, and I'd forgotten just how much (I can't believe my younger self played it so much, or that I even thought SCIV was better than SCV). The sluggish gameplay would be enough but the lack of an 'Easy' option in Arcade... FFS I struggled on the 3rd fight, and then Kilik comes in as opponent #4 and almost annihilates me like a try-harding little bitch. And don't get me started on the ring-out spamming Astaroth and Hilde were doing. Hilde legit slide tackled me three times straight to knock me out (when she didn't have her thumb superglued to the Guard button that is...) It's so fucking cheap and hard, way worse than I remembered even with my rustiness taken into account. I was dreading the Apprentice because he almost caused more broken controllers and ripped-up magazines than I care to count, and despite living up to my memories, I somehow beat him on my first attempt (lost round 2 though) which is pretty much unheard of 'cause he usually trashes me 3 sets in a row before I even have a shot. Then Algol was just being an irritating twat and I thought "you know what, this isn't even fun, fuck this game" and I rage quit after like 10 minutes. I understand part of the reasoning is there IS no difficulty option, so they had to make it challenging for the more advanced players but fuck me... SCVI BETTER have difficulty settings in Arcade like SCV did or I will not be happy. I've changed my mind on SCIV being better than SCV that's for fucking sure. At least SCV is actually fun to PLAY and in in order for SCV to piss me off, I actually had to CHOOSE the higher difficulty, or play Legendary Souls WILLINGLY (or just play Story Mode and get forced to use the two hardest to play styles in the game against the two hardest bosses.....). Not that Nightmare on Easy doesn't make me rage like fuck when he flips his 'fuck the difficulty setting, u ded' switch randomly at the start of a round... But at least it doesn't make me rage quit.

Sorry for the massive noobish rant but I needed to get that out 'cause I was heading for self-destruct territory.

But now I REALLY need Amy in SCVI because I'm never touching SCIV again and I don't want to lose her forever. Just fucking glad Kilik isn't in Nirvana or whatever he was in V and is his old style again (and looking fun as hell from what little I played of him in the beta).

UGH, I feel like I'm going stir-crazy or something. I wouldn't have even touched that shit if SCVI was out already. I'm dying over here, send help.

Anyone else doing crazy shit from withdrawel? Just me 'cause I'm a nutcase? Ok... GG.


And this is why I skipped the beta. The withdrawal would kill me if I played it.
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I have too much of a gaming backlog to get too worked up, I always have a lot of choice of what to play in the run up to a big anticipated release like this.

The only problem is I just finished DQXI today and need to find something that'll take me exactly a week, since I'll be abandoning it unfinished for a while as soon as SCVI comes out if it takes any longer than that.
Lol I know, spices things up a bit haha.

On a serious note, she's not unique at all.
Everyone is entitled to what they like of course etc, but hwang at least is more deserving of a roster spot over Cassandra and her ridiculous ass attacks...pure satire

Some satire, not PURE satire, that would be Dhampierre and satire does have a place. Also, are you not aware Sophitia literally nestles her ass directly onto an opponents face before forcibly slamming them onto the ground? Its cool if you dont like Cass, i hate Xianghua, Maxi, Mitsurugi and Kilik but you didnt honestly believe she wouldnt get a spot in the game, did you?
Wow some of you are really entitled. Not every character in a fighting game is going to be to your taste, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve a place.
Cassandra has fans that want her back, she is not a "wasted slot". Most characters aren't. I personally am not a fan of Rock, but if he was announced as DLC I wouldn't be complaining about his inclusion. He has his fans and not every character in a fighting will be to my taste, and they shouldn't be.

Some of you should grow up and get over yourselves.

We all have the right to at least be a little entitled if we're paying for the game. You should recognise though, that people saying things like 'this character is a wasted slot' are just opinions unless they try to make it sound like an objective fact. But even then, you can't deny that characters such as Charade and Berserker shouldn't ever be prioritised over characters that are more popular, unique and significant. Even if all 12 or so fans of those characters are going to be disappointed, it would be a bad decision to cater to the minority. Are you seriously going to tell me that you wouldn't be displeased if your favourite character were to be shoved aside in favour of a character that you don't care about...


Honestly they can save Cass for dlc or whatever. The character isn't unique.

Even though I don't play them, Hwang and Rock are more welcome in regards to the sc1-2 timeline.
If going beyond that then Hilde and Setsuka

Cassandra can be last on that list with her ass moveset... Seriously, can't understand the hype for her. Just dress up Soph


If they can make the effort to separate Mina from kilik they can do the same for Cassie.
We have enough dudes no more guys— no more sausage!

Cassandra has every right to be in the game and has been closer to the two swords than rock or Hwang.
She has potential and a strong fan base.

I hope PS make her moveset brutal.
Expand on her grapples more sheild bashing and forceful sword play.

She can be more aggressive with a bitchy attitude!

“I’m gonna pound you into the ground!”
I just automatically skip over any posts that are in ALL CAPS or are weird colours.

on a completely unrelated note, how long beforehand has Tekken 7 revealed each of its season pass DLC characters? It'd give a decent indication of what to expect with SCVI.
We all have the right to at least be a little entitled if we're paying for the game. You should recognise though, that people saying things like 'this character is a wasted slot' are just opinions unless they try to make it sound like an objective fact. But even then, you can't deny that characters such as Charade and Berserker shouldn't ever be prioritised over characters that are more popular, unique and significant. Even if all 12 or so fans of those characters are going to be disappointed, it would be a bad decision to cater to the minority. Are you seriously going to tell me that you wouldn't be displeased if your favourite character were to be shoved aside in favour of a character that you don't care about...


I don't have to tolerate opinions like that, I can and will call them out. People can be disappointed but to say things like "this character is a wasted slot" is pointless negativity. Berserker and Charade aren't real characters, one's a cheap Rock knock-off and the other is a mimic that's only looks cool. What have they got to do with Cassandra? A popular character that's been around since SC2? It's a false equivalency and you know it, otherwise you would have used characters like Yun-seong, or Hilde, or Amy in your argument.

No one's been shoved aside because of Cassandra, she hasn't even been announced. All of this is about art in story mode.
Some of you are going to have to realize that not every character is going to make it in. It's fine to be disappointed, I never said it was a bad thing, but to shit on characters that do make it in is childish.
Some even insult the fans of some characters, I remember the Amy pedophile thing. It's pathetic.
For the CaS'ers in here:

I just thought of a kind of simple but cool idea. The game has multiple language selections, right? Or at the very least Japanese and English. Wouldn't it be cool if we could choose the language as well as voice for each of our characters? For example, most of my characters were ethnically different from each other and it would have been awesome to use whatever language is already in the game aside from English.

Yay? Nay? Only me?
For the CaS'ers in here:

I just thought of a kind of simple but cool idea. The game has multiple language selections, right? Or at the very least Japanese and English. Wouldn't it be cool if we could choose the language as well as voice for each of our characters? For example, most of my characters were ethnically different from each other and it would have been awesome to use whatever language is already in the game aside from English.

Yay? Nay? Only me?

Lol. I like the idea, but nay. Tekken has all these people speaking their own language and I think it looks dumb. I'm fine with everyone speaking english or japanese.
Hilarious considering Sophitia and SCIV Lizardman were closer to each other than Cassandra and Sophitia were.

Do you have numbers on that? Unique moves vs shared moves and the like? I'm actually very curious about the quantifiable differences (aesthetics are another matter). Maybe I'll investigate it when I get the time.