Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Hello guys,

Got the game yesterday and I'am writting a full review about the game (also preparing some videos for beginners) but I won't be able to post it before tomorow.

Somes little things:
There is still that weird buffer or maybe input lag, I still don't know, I have to test more for my review.
Feel a little disapointed in terms of polished contents : intro, cinematics and the things that we already know : P2 & Stages, but the overall content seems great, and make the game better than SC5 & SC4 I guess, I will detail more tomorow.

I didn't tested CAS enough yet.
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I was completely ok with Natsu, Kiba and Leixia replacing old characters. I understood the whole “change of generation” thing, for me that was never an issue.
Replace Taki, Kilik. Are you in your mind?
No you can't replace and remove iconic well designed unique characters with non unique cheap trash characters which have zero impact to story. That was "fatal mistake" to SC franchise. That mistake killed SC franchise, as result there is no continue story after SC5, there is revive/resurrection/reboot SC franchise from the beginning - SC6.

I've read all you posted.

About Okubo, he is a pro and we don't know what he deeply thinks. But because this new game could have never existed, then we are grateful. However i've been frustrated too when he tweeted so much about Tekken while we were so eager to get Soul Calibur news. I mean... i would have liked to get a dev full time on Soul Calibur, not half time Tekken half time Soul Calibur, but that, it's Bamco's fault not Okubo. And for the other faults, it's industry to blame. Incoming Hitman is cut 6 missions normal version 7 silver version 8 gold version and it says all about AAA industry. The gold era of videogames maybe has passed but i'm still glad in the end to get a new Soul Calibur on PC after the last one for me... on PS2 so long time ago.
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Uh oh, the input lag comment worries me.

Is this just in matches? Or is it other places as well? During the net test I had visible input lag on one of the menus which was super confusing to me, as well as a little bit in matches (specifically I would get locked out of moving sometimes?) and have the wrong input in RE contests.
Menus are still hell of laggy, I don't understand why... even if it's not inpacting the gameplay that much, I think it can be fixed

Are you still under NDA too until tomorrow ? Thanks for all the infos you give !

Yeah I can only release my full review and my video for tomorow.

Thanks again Hayate ! Sad about unlocks not here, maybe online conditions maybe there are just not unlocks. Anyway, tomorrow will be a great day ! :D
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I didn't feel any lag in the beta at all. Weird that full game has that. Hopefully it will get fixed with day one patch.

Thanks for the preview @Hayate
Wow your lucky I had RE constantly reading I wasn't hitting anything even though I was plink mashing harder then ever before the hit to initiate RE even connected
New Ivy art
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Anyone got a link to Taki's Soul Chronicle? I figured it'd help hold my wait if I can watch my favorite SC girl's story.