SOULCALIBUR 6: News, leaks and information discussion.

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Zorro would be more fitting of the theme of the game.
Um... DLC character plans tend not to be changed mid-development. Especially THIS CLOSE to launch (after 3 years in dev), and even more especially making a DLC character into a launch one. I'm calling BS on that part. Development can change parts in the middle, but it isn't so volatile that they develop a character for 3 years, suddenly design to put him into the main game, and announce him the month after.

Also Zoro is such a lame guest and I hope that's wrong too. I'd even take Jago like that 4chan leak said over him.
SCVI wasn't in constant development for 3 years. It was in development across 3 years. But not consistently in development throughout all of them.
I think a one piece character is good because one piece is so damn popular it will drive sales up, and it will probably (depending on other factors) almost secure SCVII
So Zas's VA is the same? Jeez :/ It's like he totally forgot how he did the character before. Really dropped the ball. I hope we get some gameplay of him soon 'cause I really need to see if I'm just losing my mind because he sounds nothing like the old Zas.

As far as his costume goes, I preferred how he looked in SCIII but it's "ok". Better than Kilik anyway, who so far has the worst design for me (his costume is really underwhelming).

I hardly ever played Cervantes but still think that having him as DLC would be a really weird move. He's been such a major and popular character and playstyle in near EVERY game. No idea what they're thinking if that's the case.

I haven't read/watched One Piece but I really hope this Zoro thing is BS. I understand why they'd choose him, to potentially bring in a large new crowd, but agh... it just feels weird. I'd almost rather have the Star Wars characters back, and that's saying something...

I'm totally biased though because I just want Senua from Hellblade. I can picture perfectly how she would look/play and it kills me that she probably won't be in and that some anime guy I couldn't give two sh*ts for might get in instead. I'll definitely try to make her with CAS but I never hold out much hope for CAS being that good.

Much as I love the character reveals, I'm starting to get really impatient for game modes and stages. I dunno about you guys but I feel like the two stages we've seen so far will be my LEAST favourite stages in the game, just because of how much of them I've seen over the last couple months, which is a shame because they are beautifully designed. I'm just sick of seeing them at this point XD.
I'd be all over this.

Maybe I'm culturally clueless, but is One Piece big outside Japan? I'd figure Namco would either get a bigger franchise or something more relevant to people who play games.
South America and Europe, other parts of Asia too like Indonesia, yeah. The United States never clung to it due to a really bad dub and changes 4kids made to it when they originally got the rights. Funimation has been putting in the work to make it bigger to English speakers since they got the rights though.
The show in any language is a commitment to get into, I won't lie. But having 825 episodes and counting will do that.
The manga has 87 volumes as of this moment.
Oh, and apparently a live-action show is in the works by Hollywood btw. lol
The budget's supposed to be more than Game of Thrones and Rome last I read about it. Which is insane.
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Wasn't there rumors that Zorro is what they tried to translate with Raphael? Which made Raphael, a french man, dance flamenco?

I hope they let people play this build soon, I wanna see how Ivy stances will work.
One Piece is mostly considered to be one of the big names of anime/manga. Naruto, DragonBall Z, Bleach, etc. Like how most gamers know Mario.

In regards to the leak
Hwang would be great to implement. Just give him moves from SC2 and SC3 Arcade Edition (since he, Amy, and Li Long got updated in it). Just give him some more fakeouts amd slide inputs. Some martial moves to balance out his long range swings.

Idk about the Grøh and Sieg sharing a father thing. You know, there is also a hero named Siegfried in Norse Mythology also so maybe that would be a reasoning for it.
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I'd be surprise if they don't take the opportunity to add a character from Dark Souls universe because:

- It's their IP (won't be hard business wise)
- It's super popular franchise with very popular iconic characters.
- It would fit perfectly the SC universe.
I personally don't care about guest characters, they aren't for people like us who have been with the franchise for years and already love Soul Calibur. They are there to tempt potential new players. So the guest character can be anyone and I wouldn't care: anime, other games, movies, who cares? As long as they are very popular so that they bring in new players and are made to fit the Soul Calibur aesthetic, anyone is good.
One thing I hope is that we can customise the guest this time.

Speaking of which, does anyone know when abouts was character customisation stuff shown for SCIV and V? I'd imagine it being a pretty late thing but I don't remember how those games revealed it.
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