Soulcalibur V Invitational with Kayane on 9/23

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Kayane, with the help and generosity of Namco Bandai, have come together to organize an event where the top Soul Calibur players in France have been invited to play the demo of Soul Calibur 5. The event starts Friday, 9/23 at 6:30PM local time and will also be streamed through with Kayane answering questions that are given in chat.

I would like to thank Namco Bandai for allowing this event to take place and for our top players to get their hands on the game. Hopefully this is the beginning of more events to come for SC5. Check after the break for a list of local times and Kayane’s blog for additional details.

Time: 6:30PM Local | 5:30PM UK | 12:30PM Eastern | 11:30AM Central | 9:30AM Pacific | 1:30AM Sat Japan


Player List:

1) Kayane
2) Malek
3) Saitoh
4) Scud
5) Ahriman
6) Keysona
7) Dems
8 ) Varghas
9) Furzy
10) Keev
11) Dina
12) Chiyo
13) Kiira
14) Mayura
15) Asenka
16) Sakon
17) Akiru
18) Akire
19) Pantocrator
20) Freackysound
21) Yota
22) Chris
23) Xso
24) Deus Kaliya
25) Eggmaster
26) Hajin
27) Ryukozan
28) Zou
29) Tsubasa
30) Hazu
31) Captain Algeria
32) Cassandra
33) Steeve
34) PTT
35) Raziel
36) Wael
37) Hayate
38) Cop DT7
39) Fenrir
40) Zappy
41) Kerrigan
42) Ran
43) Cynefyl
44) Mystic
45) Saunic
46) Ramza
47) Samsam
48) Mister H
49) Rodolphe
The game is lookin' great so far.

Asta's shapin' up pretty well. I think he's gonna be pretty good.

Natsu is a BEAST! And the way Kayane played her, made her look even better!

Pyrrha is like Sophie 2.0, which could be both a good thing and a bad thing. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up bein' top tier.

Hilde shocked me, not by the fact that she's a good character, but by the fact that she used more than 4 moves in a match.

I didn't understand why there was so much Pat hate in the chat. I think he's shapin' up to be a pretty strong character. Sure, he's somewhat weaker than Pyrrha; Pyrrha's Sophie 2.0, a revamped version of one of the strongest characters in the entire series! So it's perfectly understandable if he's weaker than her. I think they're opposites of each other, whereas one focuses on strong linear attacks [Pyrrha], while the other focuses more on combos [Pat].

Ivy looks kinda broken to me, at the moment. I mean, if you can kill someone by only usin' two moves, regardless of range, you're pretty fuckin' broken in my eyes.

I hope they really revamp Tira. Right now, she looks exactly the same as her SCIV iteration, with two new moves and a CE....

It's good to see Sieg actually kickin' ass, and not just bein' there as the featured punchin' bag.

Mitsu looks badass, but I hope he still retains his stances in this iteration, or gain new ones.

Kenny was the one that shocked me the most. I don't know if it was the lack of character knowledge, the player, or his buffs, but he was beastin' out on the stream!

all in all, the game's lookin' great, and I can't wait to see more on Sunday!
I've watched only 30 min so far of the recorded streams, but the music is AWESOME. So much better than the unmemorable SCIV crap.

Also find it hilarious that as Pyrrha is getting rung out, she's still screaming "I'm sorry!" I hope that doesn't change and isn't just some holdover because they haven't done all the voice recordings yet.
sc4 had one of the best soundtracks since sc1 imo

sc5 music is ok in comparison so far :/

EDIT: Oooooh i GOTTA find that Pyrrah win-pose where she runs off crying, saying "YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELF~~!"

haha! [^0^ ]
omg pyrrahs voice actresses are amazing in both japanese and english. I feel so bad for her when big old sigfried is beating her face in and shes all like noooo. And when she gets rang out she apologizes poor pyrrah ;-;
After watching all the characters fight, i like Natsu, Astaroth, Mitsurugi, and Ivy. So far so good...................................

the game is looking great and all but i need to see more jg and gi action although these are "pro" players they still look like they have a lot to learn, i think the have "ring rust" plus that astaroth is anoying always winning and shit, id love to throw him my yun seong and whip his ass
It was nice to see some gameplay. I wasn't too worried about the just guard/GI changes before, and now I'm even less worried, looks like it will work out. I was a bit worried about the increased speed, thought SC5 would be a button masher or Tekken juggle fest, but it seems that bullet may be dodged.
the game is looking great and all but i need to see more jg and gi action although these are "pro" players they still look like they have a lot to learn

Because most of the inputs have changed.
Kayane said it was very confusing to them.
the game is looking great and all but i need to see more jg and gi action although these are "pro" players they still look like they have a lot to learn, i think the have "ring rust" plus that astaroth is anoying always winning and shit, id love to throw him my yun seong and whip his ass

Yun seong may not even be in the game, so I wouldn't hold my breath
3 setups + 50 people + new game + new inputs + you couldn't configurate your buttons


We got hours worth of footage and did they say that they also recorded stuff from another setup? I want to thank all the people who participated and Namco Bandai for letting the community to get their hands on the game this early. And don't forget that the Gnouz event is going to be on Sunday.

Live streams

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please check out my music

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