Tekken 7 is a thing...

So let me get this straight, everyone's bitching about a shitty character design... in Tekken. The game with obese cops, animated wood dummies, loli robots that throw their heads at you, a fucking bear, and a dude with a leopard head. But somehow a generic waifu design is too much? Seriously, what the shit. You idiots are the reason we can't have nice things. Now she's being taken out of the US release... GEE, WHY AREN'T THERE MORE FEMALE CHARACTERS IN VIDEO GAMES?

Apparently this was all because some retards went to Twitter and told Harada that they don't like the character, linking to a NeoGAF thread. His response:

He later followed up with this:

And this:

And this:

I seriously hope he's just trolling, because holy shit people. How fucking entitled do you have to be to bitch to the producer of a game because you don't like a character design? Here's an idea: don't like something? Don't buy it.

You know it's a sad day when a 4chan joke becomes a reality.

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That's just Harada being a troll as usual. Everyone will have to suffer Lucky Chloe equally.
I think the reactions on some forums and on Harada's twitter are more embarrassing to look at than the trailer itself.
That isn't necessarily talking of this board, but it's important to understand that we're talking about something subjective. No one's going to convince someone else to like/not like the character. No one's 'not allowed' to dislike the character, but we should avoid slamming each other. No one's going to 'win' this debate, you know what I mean?

As for me:

Her hair reminds me of Marie Rose from DOA, but her height, body, face and mannerisms weren't any different than the women on that anniversary presentation stage. So I don't think the the claims that its a perverted character from other forums hold up. She's the adult pop idol that's paid to act stupidly cute.

Aesthetically it's too much for me. I think it's the pink fur half-coat with cat paw mittens built in. If they dropped one of the design choices: the coat, or the tutu, or gave her some track-pants she'd be a lot better. Still I'm not going to sit here and demand she be removed from the game. I'll live.

Gameplay wise she seems to have some capo-esque animations along with some Ling ones. She might be a replacement for Eddy/Christie? As long as she doesn't B+1,4 and relax stance all day I'll be okay with her. I feel bad if those were your faves, though.

Harada seems pretty disappointed in how people are voicing their opinions. It's one thing to not like the character. With Tekken's vast cast there's bound to be at least one character we don't like, either aesthetically or moveset wise. That doesn't mean you spew that much venom. (Not directed at anyone in particular here, but I would sleep on it before coming to conclusions just be safe).
I like Lucky Chloe. I think she fits in just fine with the rest of the wonderful absurdity in Tekken.

There have been characters introduced to fighting game series that I didn't particularly care for in the past, but they never effected my purchase decision.

Such drama...
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Indeed. The inclusion of one character whose design I find outrageous will not change my decision to play this game

I'll look forward to destroying the people who play her online, and I will enjoy using her as my Practice Mode dummy.
now... I'm going to add my opinion to this, and here's my thing about Lucky Chloe. She's going to be your tekken mascot for cosplay.

I swear, whenever you see an event for tekken, like you saw Nina, Lili, Asuka, Hwoarang, and Ling, you're now going to see Lucky Chloe. The way she's designed, she'll make a great commentator/side character to be on stage with Harada and introduce folks to Tekken.

Her character lends itself to speaking to a crowd. After all, she is an "idol". I mean look at her intro, that should tell it all right there. and guess what? the cosplayers are going to eat her up. And all of you haters are going to be admiring these cosplayers. Oh yes. I'm callin it now. We will see lucky chloe cosplay out the ass.

And the great thing about her design is this, if you didn't know tekken, and you saw her. You wouldn't think she was a tekken character. That alone makes her interesting. People saying she's a bland design.. I wonder if they actually know what design is. All they know is what they like, and what they don't like. and if they don't like it, they blame something as broad as design.

In reality something like a character's design can be debated for hours on end, and you know what?

if we want to go into originality, I haven't seen many characters that are pop idols. wear the cat ears. and have a jet set radio vibe.

my conclusion to this is that most of you who are complaining about her "design" really just don't like the fact that this type of character is in tekken and your character for all you know isn't.

I love how you all cast judgement and scream how so and so isn't in the game, and this that and third won't be in it because so and so has a move that looks similar to it. You look stupid. You look immature. You look like an idiot.

but I'm also okay with her because both King and Hwoarang are in the game. So I'm good anyway, but if they weren't.. I'd wait until the game was released, and all the "time-locked" characters are brought out before bitching and moaning about so and so not making the cut.

You all need patience.

meanwhile, I'll be chillin.
My problem with lucky chloe is that she's nothing new,just a mongrel mixture form previous tekken characters and other characters.Like her cat costume,is totally from blazblue's taokaka,and the rest from marie rose,her moves look like a mixture of capos,lili and ling.They could have made something new,what i feel sad about is that they didn't,are they losing their creativity?
I'm going to denounce this character design even though I have zero game development expertise. Gamers these days have an automatic negative reaction to any video game news even though they will inevitably buy whatever they are complaining about. I mained Lili because everyone hated her and now...Lucky Chloe shall now take up the torch as my main.
Yes, because only developers are qualified to review video games, just like how we only accept film makers' reviews of movies.
Who's really complaining about Chloe, and why did Harada feel the need to respond to the reaction? I bet the complaints must be coming from new casuals who couldn't understand Tekken's brilliant character designs.
Why not compare the reveal trailer vote ratio to see how Chloe fares compare to her predecessors? I actually like Lili, Bob, Alisa, and Eliza when they came out.
She's definitely Japanese. She speaks completely an Engrish and is based off of Japanese pop idols. Something to note, these Japanese idols often use "western" stage names because they sound cool to them.

See, I'm not so sure she's Japanese.

What most people don't realize is that the Japanese language is really flat. They don't stress their vowels like natural English speakers do. So when you do hear her speaking those English words, there all completely unstressed and sound heavily Japanese accented.

But then there's that rather clear English pronunciations. It's sounds so completely clean and clear that I really don't think she's a natural Japanese speaker, but an English one mimicking Japanese. Given her blonde hair and eye-color and name, I suspect Lucky Chloe is in-fact, a Japanophile - or someone who embraces and loves Japanese idol culture to a certain extreme.

My problem with lucky chloe is that she's nothing new,just a mongrel mixture form previous tekken characters and other characters.Like her cat costume,is totally from blazblue's taokaka,and the rest from marie rose,her moves look like a mixture of capos,lili and ling.They could have made something new,what i feel sad about is that they didn't,are they losing their creativity?

Except not. Lucky Chloe's design is heavily based on idol/anime culture. Whereas Marie Rose's design pulls from the Japanese Elegant Gothic Lolita fashion trends (and her name likely pulled from fashion designer Rose Marie). The two designs are pretty different, though bear some similarities. Lucky Chloe tends to ape more on Eileen's (VF5 character) alternate costumes and even her move list. Lucky Chloe is not using a "mongrel" fighting style of Capoeira, Tricking (Lili's fighting style), or anything similar that. Rather she's using Da Sheng Pi Gua or Monkey Kung Fu. It looks to be a variation of the Tall Monkey style, and because this is Tekken the fighting style isn't 100% transfer to the game.
time out...

did I read that right?

lucky chloe, looks like taokaka.......

so you're saying this..


looks like this


that this character..


strongly resembles this character



listen to me when I tell you this... shhhh... @sspaajms120 you don't talk about design. ever. something, I say something is wrong with your eyesight, boy. If you see cat ears. cat paws. and a cat tail, and you immediately think this character is ripping off of taokaka.. simply because of those things.. without any real connection besides that.. you don't get to talk in this conversation. Your opinion is void. You're a child. Moaning about something that makes absolute no sense. They look nothing alike.

when you say something as asinine as this:



I'm looking at you as if you're stupid. in all honesty, there are no real similarities between these two characters. You can say Marie Rose.. and I'll say they share similarities in looks. but still not a blatant rip. Their personalities are too different. Sorry. Character design does not equal looks. Boy, I say boy you prove my point.
time out...
but still not a blatant rip.
I'm sorry,did you read my post?
Like her cat costume,is totally from blazblue's taokaka
Did I say that it was a blatant rip?
Perhaps i worded my opinion wrongly,it should have read "Like her cat costume is totally INSPIRED by blazblue's taokaka.
If you're talking about personality from 5 seconds of "Hiiiii"s and "Byeee"s then maybe you think that a characters personality can be defined from two words,but i don't think so.No indication of personality has been shown from her trailer.And the only similarity between this character and Marie rose is the hairstlye and childishly cute intro/outro poses.The only defining parts of this character that we can speak about is her moves,which look like Lili's flips and Capo's spin kicks.

So don't talk to me or about me until you get your head straight,before calling somebody else stupid,make sure that you yourself are not.
Except not. Lucky Chloe's design is heavily based on idol/anime culture. Whereas Marie Rose's design pulls from the Japanese Elegant Gothic Lolita fashion trends (and her name likely pulled from fashion designer Rose Marie). The two designs are pretty different, though bear some similarities. Lucky Chloe tends to ape more on Eileen's (VF5 character) alternate costumes and even her move list. Lucky Chloe is not using a "mongrel" fighting style of Capoeira, Tricking (Lili's fighting style), or anything similar that. Rather she's using Da Sheng Pi Gua or Monkey Kung Fu. It looks to be a variation of the Tall Monkey style, and because this is Tekken the fighting style isn't 100% transfer to the game.
I was comparing the base features,Her hairstyle looked like Marie's,Her face like Eileen,Her costume somewhat like a different colored variation of Leixia's skirt,and Eliza's top,while the cat parts from taokaka.
From this video(
) at 0:16 that strongly resembes like the second hit of Lili's 6RK+LK,RK+LK
at 0:24 it looks totally like Lili's RK+LK,done twice
At 0:26 it looks like the capos' LK,RK move
Then 0:33 Capos LK~RK
I had no problem with Lili,Dragunov,Raven,Feng,Miguel,Leo,Zafina,Bob,Lars or even Alisa
because they were nothing like anything i've ever seen in Tekken before,Obvioisly AK and Asuka were supposed to be replacements so they would resemble somebody,but this character is not a replacement,she is supposed to be new,but i see so much of what ive seen before in Tekken in her,thats my gripe.

Claudio received mostly positive reactions,Katarina lukewarm,this received more negative reactions that the newcomers from the past 5 games combined,there is definitely something wrong with her.
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See, I'm not so sure she's Japanese.

What most people don't realize is that the Japanese language is really flat. They don't stress their vowels like natural English speakers do. So when you do hear her speaking those English words, there all completely unstressed and sound heavily Japanese accented.

But then there's that rather clear English pronunciations. It's sounds so completely clean and clear that I really don't think she's a natural Japanese speaker, but an English one mimicking Japanese. Given her blonde hair and eye-color and name, I suspect Lucky Chloe is in-fact, a Japanophile - or someone who embraces and loves Japanese idol culture to a certain extreme.

No ur right she's a weeaboo, my bad. Her voice actor is just Japanese.
One could argue that the very concept of the devil gene and orge are out-of-place and too "fantasy." You have a Japanese guy who can grow horns, have a random marking on his chest, black wings, and can shoot laser beams (something that originated from a blue, crystal demonic dragon from Egypt named after an Islamic demon) and that's somehow more "realistic" than a j-pop idol. And then you have a green-skinned Aztec 'god' named after a creature from England, which could turn into a massive cluster-fuck with snakes for an arm as a "true form." Like SoulCalibur, there is hardly anything realistic about Tekken. And don't get me started on the bears, kangaroos, the cyborg ninja, androids, dinosaurs, living training dummy, and big-ass mech already in this series. Chloe is insanely normal compared to all of that.
One could argue that the very concept of the devil gene and orge are out-of-place and too "fantasy." You have a Japanese guy who can grow horns, have a random marking on his chest, black wings, and can shoot laser beams (something that originated from a blue, crystal demonic dragon from Egypt named after an Islamic demon) and that's somehow more "realistic" than a j-pop idol. And then you have a green-skinned Aztec 'god' named after a creature from England, which could turn into a massive cluster-fuck with snakes for an arm as a "true form." Like SoulCalibur, there is hardly anything realistic about Tekken. And don't get me started on the bears, kangaroos, the cyborg ninja, androids, dinosaurs, living training dummy, and big-ass mech already in this series. Chloe is insanely normal compared to all of that.
Did anyone say Tekken is realistic? oO Only the human characters were realistic.
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