Tier Discussion

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How have I bitched about it? We are talking about Tier's, I consider Aeon and Dampierre to be low teir, everyone else mid tier, and those special few to be high tier. Its a tier discussion, I present facts and you RAGING FAGGOTS('smokes') insult me. So stay on topic, bitch-ass FAGGOTS(once again, 'smokes')

Let me just get this out of the way.

True Statement: You can't turn tiers into math.

Followup Statement: You have to have supporting arguments besides math- read: player skill.

Logic dictates I ask WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU because I don't know what player skill you possess' as I've seen no evidence of your play.

Suggestion: Stop posting and let the few people in here qualified to talk about tiers do so until you prove you ought to be talking.

Statement: I'm tired of this shit, can we get a lock?
How have I bitched about it? We are talking about Tier's, I consider Aeon and Dampierre to be low teir, everyone else mid tier, and those special few to be high tier. Its a tier discussion, I present facts and you RAGING FAGGOTS('smokes') insult me. So stay on topic, bitch-ass FAGGOTS(once again, 'smokes')

Stop posting if you aren't on topic Idle, you are breaking forum rules which you are well aware exist, reported again.

>> 1000
Forum rules require you to be civil you break that with every post.
Logic dictates you stop being a scared little biotch and fight me online since we will never meet. And your entitlement to say things like "let the few people win here qualified" So what makes them qualified? I have spent thousands of hours in SCV, I am pretty damn sure I am qualified because I have experiance. Player skill is important but that means NOTHING in this Tier discussion because my tier listings are for absolute perfect playing within reasonable human boundries. Meaning taking into account reflex and anticipation, weighing risk/reward. You speak out of your ass and I would love if you would keep your trolling out of big people discussions. Grow up, not pretend to be grown up.


  <a onmousedown="spk(this,{lk:'nx1fkx',en:'wotdau',io:'0',b:'wotd',tp:'lrl',m:'wotdau'})" href="#"></a><a target="_blank" href="http://dictionary.reference.com/audio.html/lunaWAV/C05/C0516100"><img border="0" src="http://sp.dictionary.com/dictstatic/g/d/speaker.gif"></a> [siv-uhl] Show IPA
of, pertaining to, or consisting of citizens: civil life; civil society.
of the commonwealth or state: civil affairs.
of citizens in their ordinary capacity, or of the ordinary life and affairs of citizens, as distinguished from military and ecclesiastical life and affairs.
of the citizen as an individual: civil liberty.
befitting a citizen: a civil duty.

Notice number 3? I have to take a step down from being super human, and get dirty with the people spreading the dirt. THAT is what it means to be civil, it means that I HAVE TO TREAT YOU THE WAY YOU TREAT ME. So learn the word before you use it.
Logic dictates you stop being a scared little biotch and fight me online since we will never meet. And your entitlement to say things like "let the few people win here qualified" So what makes them qualified? I have spent thousands of hours in SCV, I am pretty damn sure I am qualified because I have experiance. Player skill is important but that means NOTHING in this Tier discussion because my tier listings are for absolute perfect playing within reasonable human boundries. Meaning taking into account reflex and anticipation, weighing risk/reward. You speak out of your ass and I would love if you would keep your trolling out of big people discussions. Grow up, not pretend to be grown up.


One way or another, I'm going to get rid of you. You've managed to piss off the entire forum, bitch.
Might I ask reported on what grounds? And I am forced again to report you for trolling. That being said, why do people feel dampierre is bad at all?
Un-Truth you are the only person I have ever been impolite to on a forum because you have raged at every post I have made and almost every other post successfully pissing off alot of people on here you are creating your own enemies.
I am not changing any tones, I am staying on topic whilest you continually harrass. I break no rules and stay on topic, that is why I posted that last comment, so that I was not breaking rules.

Perfect execution really helps Alpha Patroklos, any PS3 user with a computer/laptop can program macros, but even with perfect execution I feel as if he isn't the best. Who is the top ranked character?

PS: MKHSpartan, the funny part is this is a fighting game, I fight people, I don't befriend people, I destroy them. Sorry, I don't want to be part of your GUILD or whatever sort of friendship circle you are in. I want to have a bloody battle and I enjoy bettering myself. I don't need friends, no one has ever given me half as much as I have given them, so stay on topic and stop breaking rules on the forums.
Idle, stay on topic, and in response, you realize this isn't my first account? I get one banned I come back in 5 minutes. I get my IP blocked I change it in 10. I don't feel threatened by removal at all. Look at slade's comments, you dumb shit. That being said, what you do breaks the rules and you suffer 0 punishment. So, this causes me not to give 2 flying fucks about making multiple accounts, and I say what EVER I want and all they can do is try to clean up after. The fact remains that I bring valid points. So, my dick should be in your mouth getting sucked, but since I ain't gay for your ugly ass, just fuck off.
Now, post actual discussions or follow your own advice and leave this for people who qualify.
Idle, stay on topic, and in response, you realize this isn't my first account? I get one banned I come back in 5 minutes. I get my IP blocked I change it in 10. I don't feel threatened by removal at all. Look at slade's comments, you dumb shit. That being said, what you do breaks the rules and you suffer 0 punishment. So, this causes me not to give 2 flying fucks about making multiple accounts, and I say what EVER I want and all they can do is try to clean up after. The fact remains that I bring valid points. So, my dick should be in your mouth getting sucked, but since I ain't gay for your ugly ass, just fuck off.
Now, post actual discussions or follow your own advice and leave this for people who qualify.

Yes let the hate flow through you mouthy scrub. Keep posting, you just make it easier to find you.
You're all a bunch of fucking retards and if any of you report something else in the next few days I'm gonna click the fuck you button in my admin panel

Untruth you couldn't have spent thousands of hours playing SCV if you played 12 hours a day since it was released... L2count. While you're at it just play the game and don't worry about tiers, because you have no fucking clue what you're talking about when it comes to this stuff and I can tell just by reading 2 of your posts.

Idle... Why did you even go into this thread? Oh wait, you're bored and looking for your nightly kicks. Do it without reporting people 8 billion times
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