Soulcalibur V

  • Soulcalibur V
Namco Bandai Launches Official!
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Two weeks ago, NBGI put up a countdown teaser site, that many speculated to be related to the Soul Calibur series. We know now that these assumptions are true! With Soul Calibur V, Namco is looking for community interaction and is enhancing their social network; this new website is the next step...

Instead of slowly releasing information about SCV during the next few months, they want community participation... and the speed of releases are dependant on the community hype. If you check out the new site, you will see a bits and pieces of information about social interaction on FB/SoulCalibur. Every like, every post, every comment you make on the Facebook page will contribute towards brush strokes on artwork. The more hype we can bring to the Soul Calibur series, the more that will be revealed to us!

So this is a call to arms! Spread the word! Soul Calibur V is coming! And while you are at it, be sure to follow @Filthirich and @Daishi_CALIBUR! Also make sure people know about 8WayRun!
  • Soulcalibur V
Official Soul Calibur V Announcement Trailer...
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... Soul Calibur V!

As you know by now, last night at Namco's Level Up press event in Dubai, they announced the newest entry into the Soul Calibur series: Soul Calibur V. This new game will be a radical change in the series, as we know that it takes place 17 years after the end of the previous game. The trailer Namco gave us, tells us a little of what happens at the end of Soul Calibur IV, as well as goes so far to introduce the main character of the game: Patroklos. Patroklos, of course is Sophitia's son and Cassandra's nephew. Soul Calibur V is slated for release in 2012.

  • Soulcalibur V
Soulcalibur Announcement Coming May 11th?
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This was posted a few hours ago on Daishi's Twitter.
Hopefully I will be able to announce something mid May.

Obviously, who knows what will happen from now until that time. But then again, Namco could have stayed tight-lipped and not mentioned anything, so we'll see what happens. Hopefully we will get to hear something soon.

** UPDATE ** - NBGI has set up a new "teaser site" for an upcoming announcement which they are calling "Beginning of a New Chapter". Right now its just a countdown clock that ticks down every time the wind blows the pages over; but its looking like we can expect an announcement on May 11 (depending on your timezone). What makes us think this is a Soulcalibur teaser? Check out the sword above the book...

Turn Your Voice Into The New Game.

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I would like to start by saying Happy New Years! I hope that people are excited about the news and just want to move forward and put this gig into gears. I need to hear your thoughts on a concentrated level about the new game coming out. With that said, lets use this particular room for discussion of what you the fans / competitors / organizers / moderators / admins want in this new game.

Try your best to keep me informed as I will be working hard to really ensure that the voice of the community is heard. Everyone deserves a chance to speak their mind on things, my role here is to make sure that your message doesn't fall on dead ears.

Stay on topic : What would make the next SC game GREAT. details details details... Take care everyone.

FilthieRich ( ([COLOR=rgb(136, 136...
  • Namco-Bandai
  • Soulcalibur V
Looking And Waiting For Something Special?
  • Jaxel
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Update: Dec 25 - Patience finally pays off?
SC is back! Get ready, fans!
Well I'm sure most of you were worried, as all the surprises we've seen so far have been Tekken related! But you were promised something spectacular, and now you finally get what you've been waiting for... Daishi Odashima, Lead designer for the Soulcalibur series has just opened up his own twitter!

Odashima-san used to be a tournament player in Japan back in the Soulcalibur 1 days! Since he's the new director of all things Soulcalibur at Namco, and by his own admission, has the final say on his team; you should follow him on twitter. Merry Christmas everyone?
I say again!! The day has finally come when I can tell you all about it. Soul Calibur is BACK !!

Update: Dec 23 -...
  • Soulcalibur V
Katsuhiro Harada Confirms Soulcalibur V Discussion!
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Well for the past week, this website and several others have been ablaze, discussing the possibility of another installment in the Soulcalibur franchise. While Soulcalibur IV was hugely successful outside of Japan, the game was obviously designed to be the last in the series; especially since the word around the rumor mill is that Project Soul, the group responsible for SC3 and SC4 had been disbanded. Last week, Katsuhiro Harada, the producer of the Tekken franchise for Namco dropped the bomb that he would only look into another Soulcalibur game if it appeared to him that there was enough interest.

While some may have thought Harada was simply trying to boost his twitter following; this community banded together, with the help of other fighting game communities to show Harada that the interest still exists. In less than a week, 3,000 people signed the Facebook petition to prove to him that we still...
  • Soulcalibur V
Soulcalibur 5 a Definite Possibility?
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With the success of some community driven fighting games, it seems that Namco has realized that they too should try to be a bit more active amongst their respective fighting game communities. Since then Katsuhiro Harada, the producer for the Tekken and Soulcalibur series has been very active in talking with his fans. A few days ago, one of our local veterans, Enkindu, discovered a short mention of Soulcalibur on Harada-san's twitter. In short, he mentioned that Namco could possibly put work into a new Soulcalibur game if the interest was high enough.

Well since then, several members of these forums have been sending tweets to Harada, asking him for the game, showing him that there is indeed an interest in a sequel. Well as of one hour ago, it seems that Harada has informally responded to my tweet in which I requested a new Soulcalibur game, and that he involve the folks here at 8WayRun. I'm not sure if Namco even knew we existed, so I felt it worth mentioning. While not making...
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