Rock Videos

No, I do and did mean 2B+G, B+K. I don't know why I'm typing anything different.

2B+G, 9B, as far as I remember, prevented AC pre-1.03. Doesn't anymore.

PO step is the biggest problem I have with Taki. Haven't figured out a way to interrupt it effectively, so I'm just standing there waiting for the UB or throw attempt. Not a good place to fight from.

Sets, well I'm sure I was making a lot of mistakes. Like I said, the first decent offline Sets I've played against. I just know that a lot of the time I couldn't punish moves on block and I wasn't getting steamrolled because of it.
I think i read somewhere that you can crouch grab taki out of her possesion rushes/sidesteps, so try that. It wont work on stationary possession, so don't try that.
No, I do and did mean 2B+G, B+K. I don't know why I'm typing anything different.

2B+G, 9B, as far as I remember, prevented AC pre-1.03. Doesn't anymore.

PO step is the biggest problem I have with Taki. Haven't figured out a way to interrupt it effectively, so I'm just standing there waiting for the UB or throw attempt. Not a good place to fight from.

Sets, well I'm sure I was making a lot of mistakes. Like I said, the first decent offline Sets I've played against. I just know that a lot of the time I couldn't punish moves on block and I wasn't getting steamrolled because of it.

I'd really like if you start testing things before you assume they don't work before you actually try them, it would make it easier on yourself and others :p

2G+B -> 9B, regardless on whether it disables AC it's irrelevant, what matters is that it prevents them from doing a regular tech. What also matters is that they land in front of you as well. So a 2B is ALSO guaranteed unless they just ukemi. If they DO just ukemi, another crouch throw is a PERFECT tech catch in ALL directions. You can test it yourself, but i know this for sure, so you can take my word for it.

You can crouch throw her out of PO UB if you have good reflexes. Similar to Sophie's WS [A+B]. Her PO step, is just something you have to look out for. If you're ducking while she PO runs, do bullrush. You can however gamble crouch throw and WS K from time to time. Keep in mind, you can't crouch throw Taki out of PO unless she's in PO run. Block and GI are your friends here. Play patiently and you will be rewarded. Many of Taki's attacks on block leave her in throw range.
I don't mean to come across as disbelieving, I'm not. I admit that I skimmed past the 2B+G, 9B combos because of some perceived post-1.03 problems. I will test them out myself.

As I said before, my current strategy vs Taki is to wait out the PO, low throw the UB, and break the throws. I just think it's a horrible position to play from, and so much easier to deal with using Mina. Sometime this week I'll have another Taki session and I'll see how that goes.

Now, the 2B+G, B+K stuff. I did test that (in game, not practise), and it was teched every time, except against Hilde. Against Hilde the move just plain whiffed, even 2_8A+B was whiffing against Hilde. I don't have a copy of SC4 on me right now, but next time I get near a machine I'm going to retest this and probably record it. Either I'm doing it very, very wrong (which is entirely possible), or . . . I don't know what.

3A+B, B+K works perfectly. I don't know why I wasn't using this before.
Now, the 2B+G, B+K stuff. I did test that (in game, not practise), and it was teched every time, except against Hilde. Against Hilde the move just plain whiffed, even 2_8A+B was whiffing against Hilde. I don't have a copy of SC4 on me right now, but next time I get near a machine I'm going to retest this and probably record it. Either I'm doing it very, very wrong (which is entirely possible), or . . . I don't know what.

3A+B, B+K works perfectly. I don't know why I wasn't using this before.

Good luck vs Taki :) she's really not that tough, she does crappy damage

2B+G -> B+K, you need to recheck again lol. This is a combo. You're probably doing ti late, just mash the hell out of B+K. I haven't had 2_8A+B whiff either, so you gotta check that over too haha.

I'm not sure what is 3A+B. Not sure what attack you referring to. Gotta get the notations right mon :p
You're right, I meant 3A+G, B+K. I'm clearly an idiot. :/

You're not an idiot lol, everyone makes mistakes. Anyway now that you cleared up that...3A+G -> B+K is combo.

Now i have to ask if you're sure that it's 2G+B (the CROUCH throw) that you're doing as opposed to 1G+B (the ground throw) or 2G+A the OTHER crouch throw.

Cuz B+K only truly combos with 2G+B; after 1G+B it's very character specific and tend to whiff a lot after 2G+A it can always be teched. So you gotta be sure, that will clear up any misunderstanding. Which is it that you're doing? Describe the throw

Yes, I know, there were problems with the B+K not coming out and me getting blanks off 3A+G. It happens... oh well.

First vid is of me playing against a sophie who kept breaking wrong

Second vid is of me playing horribly, then very well, then medicore on the last round.
use 2A+k RCC -> 1A vs taki (it's combo)

u gotta work on your ground throw break mixups. Doing 1A is unproductive, considering your other offensive options

You need to ibullrush much more.

Don't be afraid to eat Taki's 6A+B on the's pretty pitiful.

u're right second round u played very well vs Taki

here's my comments on your Rock.

I did enjoy watching your vids.

I liked how you use 66AB i'll keep it in mind... however i felt like your CH bait were overly used gotta mix it up with some real stuff

I thought your Rock lacked the 'dash' that makes Rock wake up game even better... the fact that you're just doing uninteruptables after 3A+G/1B+G/GT break is not enough... they get used to standing you gotta dash in for more throws and stuff... if you get the dash down you can get stuff like 3A+G -> 3A+G simply because they try to play dead.. they can interupt you when you do the dash.. but it's not easy and they are taking a huge risks...

another thing i feel like you're missing is command throw B i dunno why you seem to never do this command throw.. the jf to it is pretty easy but the damage is pretty damn high not to do it... you can follow it up with dash + ground throw or simply just 6B+K if you want safe confirmed damage.... if you time the dash and the GT properly you get over 90+ damage... rock really needs this.

Arise! Lau had a bunch of great matches against Chang's Fd playing as Yoshi. Man, his iMCF is fucking deadly.

Lau, i see that your throws get broken ALOT. Is that because you are going for the "best" option all the time? i.e. A+G when near the ring edge etc. or is it just unlucky? it seems that sometimes you get robbed of some damage.
Well, yeah. :) I guess what I mean is how much of throw breaks is the mind game? Once the execution is down, and I have no doubt that Chang's Fd has near 100% execution, how much can you mitigate throw breaks by using mind games? I guess its always changing if your oppenent is smart. :)
Well, yeah. :) I guess what I mean is how much of throw breaks is the mind game? Once the execution is down, and I have no doubt that Chang's Fd has near 100% execution, how much can you mitigate throw breaks by using mind games? I guess its always changing if your oppenent is smart. :)

You can't'll always be 50/50. Given that Rock RELIES on throws much more than others, the opponent should always be expecting throws all the the mind game really only lies in WHICH button to break, and not really the EXPECTATION of a throw then to break.

If you understand what i mean
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