Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

You guys should read in to this and watch the video its not really SC topic but it gives a nice insight in what Harada has done and thoughts about Teken and somewhat related to SC. you will also notice that Okubo is trying to do the same as what Harada has done with Teken

Just read the title (i'll read the rest when i'm home), but i think i have an idea of what you're talking about, and i though same when i see a video from a Tekken player name TMM where the guy interviewed Harada and this was one of the topic discussed. Before Bandai Namco were decise if they'll continue on franchise exclusively base on the sells, now it's not just sells but also the community, level of hype, if people love the game and how much and cie.

Edit: Welp just noticed it's actually based on the TMM video
In a weird way RE might actually be used more in this update. If blocking it now leads to some sort of pressure versus the risk of going to guessing games, that yields a lot more consistency from a competitive standpoint. It might lead RE as a more sought after option for dealing with certain strings now. Plus side is that now means if you do have time to block the RE, it doesn’t break the pace of the game, which lends RE to being more of an okay focus attack style attack.

Now if the new GI can also be used to GI a fully charged/riposte RE then we might actually get some sort of an interesting system out of RE. (Personally felt RE should always have been GI-able — it is possible it might be if they changed the properties of RE at full charge.)

This update is absolutely going to shake up the meta a bit. New GI is some manner of solution to the guard damage issue. Looking forward to see how much gauge it heals.
Anyone else frustrated by the question of what to do to make space for new CaS? I ran out of space ages ago, and have already deleted a few simpler projects to make room for new designs. Plenty
I have to respectfully disagree: I think 2B is one of the most faithful adaptations they've managed to translate into a Soulcalibur moveset. I'll grant you that, like many DLC characters, she came out of the gate a little unbalanced, verging on top tier. But unlike every other massively OP character in the game, rather than getting running buffs for patch after patch, 2B got seriously nerfed in the very first patch after her release and then got more nerfs than buffs in virtually every patch since. She is now, at best, mid tier, especially at high level play: I mean, think about, has she ever even made the final few brackets of any major tournament? Certainly less regularly than most characters. Remember how happy Okubo was at the sheer novelty of Kayane making a go of it? Sure, she also has some interesting tweaks on movement that can be difficult to read without some experience playing her, but that's the lion's share of the point of guests characters: getting variations on the standard formula. And if the objection is less a gameplay one, and more aesthetic, is she really more out there than Starkiller, Kratos, Spawn, Link, Necrid, or (for that matter) Azwel or Zwei?
My issues with her are more rooted in her gameplay, people using her style as a CaS with height/weight-altered hitboxes and the excessive amount of 2Bs I run into in ranked. She plays like a DBFZ or MvC character. Her presence in the game isn't that offensive to me in terms of story, setting, etc.
In a weird way RE might actually be used more in this update. If blocking it now leads to some sort of pressure versus the risk of going to guessing games, that yields a lot more consistency from a competitive standpoint. It might lead RE as a more sought after option for dealing with certain strings now. Plus side is that now means if you do have time to block the RE, it doesn’t break the pace of the game, which lends RE to being more of an okay focus attack style attack.

Now if the new GI can also be used to GI a fully charged/riposte RE then we might actually get some sort of an interesting system out of RE. (Personally felt RE should always have been GI-able — it is possible it might be if they changed the properties of RE at full charge.)

This update is absolutely going to shake up the meta a bit. New GI is some manner of solution to the guard damage issue. Looking forward to see how much gauge it heals.
Sorry im kinda lost..will you be able to parry a fully charged RE now, so you dont have to eat the chip dmg?
Would you guys be down to crowdfund for Evo Japan to put extra in the pot? Okubo and his team has gone above and beyond and I feel so strong that doing something as a community like this will show Bandai Namco and everybody else how much we put our heart and soul into this game.
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Sorry im kinda lost..will you be able to parry a fully charged RE now, so you dont have to eat the chip dmg?

It’s a theory right now, yes. The new GI supposedly can GI unblockables, and a full charged RE was sort of a pseudo version of that. So I am interested to see if the new GI can work on RE.

In-fact, if the new GI can work against break attacks then it also means it could GI the soul charge burst (something I’ve been asking for for a long time). Would help stop the knee-jerk reaction to SC when under pressure.
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It’s a theory right now, yes. The new GI supposedly can GI unblockables, and a full charged RE was sort of a pseudo version of that. So I am interested to see if the new GI can work on RE.

In-fact, if the new GI can work against break attacks then it also means it could GI the soul charge burst (something I’ve been asking for for a long time). Would help stop the knee-jerk reaction to SC when under pressure.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure at launch GI on RE was already possible and still are to some extent just with timing that is barely flexible?
In a weird way RE might actually be used more in this update. If blocking it now leads to some sort of pressure versus the risk of going to guessing games, that yields a lot more consistency from a competitive standpoint. It might lead RE as a more sought after option for dealing with certain strings now. Plus side is that now means if you do have time to block the RE, it doesn’t break the pace of the game, which lends RE to being more of an okay focus attack style attack.

Now if the new GI can also be used to GI a fully charged/riposte RE then we might actually get some sort of an interesting system out of RE. (Personally felt RE should always have been GI-able — it is possible it might be if they changed the properties of RE at full charge.)

This update is absolutely going to shake up the meta a bit. New GI is some manner of solution to the guard damage issue. Looking forward to see how much gauge it heals.

I'm not sure RE is still risky, it still negatively effects the stamina bar and depending on who you're facing it wouldn't be smart tool to use.
You also have to take into account RPS options which could leave you in a really bad spot.
Maybe the RE change was implemented so it wasn't such a dependable mechanic for players that spam it.
it was extremely annoying that it hit/initiated on block.

What has me worried at the moment are the step changes, it feels like rocking the boat unnecessarily.
6's manoeuvrability is a lot better than 4 & 5 I really hope we aren't going back to those times in terms of movement.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure at launch GI on RE was already possible and still are to some extent just with timing that is barely flexible?

At launch, a non-held RE can be GI'd, but the fully charged version becomes a break attack, meaning it can't be GI'd. Normal RE should still be GIable, and my guess is that you'll be able to RI a fully charged RE (whether or not this will be a good use of the meter is another thing entirely but we won't know until we play with it.)
Yeah, I've tried many times to GI the thing and it never works, and this is coming from someone who's pretty good at it.
Really dumb question and not sure whether this is the correct place to post this, but in a lot of guides I keep seeing the term NC. What does this mean?
I want to see Setsuka already. I hope they reveal her at EVO Japan as a twofer with Haohmaru since we already know he's there.
I don't mind waiting as long as she IS a part of the season pass. I don't think they'll slack off like they did with Cassandra again. I expected the first DLC character to be released in Jan or late December but we're getting Hilde in 3 days. Hopefully, by March or April, we get Setsuka.
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