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  1. R

    Twinhouse Basement Tourney: Farewell TL!

    best of luck to you, crow! hey maybe starslayer will hit up arcade ufo again sometime
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    The future of Algol, Hilde and Star Wars

    AFAIK the only infinites that have ever been singled out and banned in the US are Tekken 5.0 Steve's infinite, and dead-body infinites in Marvel (since they guarantee a time-out win after killing 1/3 of a team). Well, that and some Smash stuff, but Smash is its own planet compared to the rest...
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    Idea for a future major: 2v2. Thoughts?

    SRK had an interesting discussion on this matter after Evo had announced the 3rd Strike 2v2. Many players wanted to know why they weren't doing 3v3 like Japan, and the staff's answer boiled down to "the scene isn't large enough, 3v3 often means you have 2 good players stuck with a random scrub...
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    Nationals: What Went Right/Wrong

    fixed Also, due to the number of shady tournaments that have arisen since SF4 came out, SRK has recently added a stickied thread of "Tournament Directors to Avoid". After everything seen here, I have recommended they add DFG to the list. You'd be surprised how powerful this can be - any...
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    Thank you so much !!!!!!!!!!! (From Frenchies)

    The funny thing is that he is mad humble in SF4. Even told me I have a better Seth than Arturo, which is nowhere even near true. Perhaps he realizes even he can't match EC SF scene hype. ;)
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    Soul Calibur 4 National Results

    just popping in to say that Arturo used Dhalsim in the MM, Daigo specifically said no console characters except Cammy & Sakura And i think Daigo's rules were FT3 for between $20-50, and FT5 for $50-100. FT5 with Arturo was $100, and the FT3 he lost to Ryan Hart was $50. He still won close...
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    Nationals: What Went Right/Wrong

    But here's the thing, SC4 isn't that broken compared to what else is out there. This must be a pretty inexperienced/whiny community if they really think it is.
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    Community Lives! <3

    I've said this before, but the economy may be the bigger issue...turnouts across all majors, for just about everything besides SF4, have been dropping over the past year+. The trend started well before 4 even came out, so you can't blame it on that, and I know of many people who couldn't go to...
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    WCG Fighter Club RESULTS!!

    re: ultimate gamer it really says a lot about your network when pro wrestling is your LEAST embarrassing show
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    [Michigan] The Dirty Glove!

    man, sorry to hear about that crow =( =( =( btw, for whoever here that still cares about SF4, perfect legend is running a tourney in toledo next sat. check SRK, too lazy to link =P. it's a qualifier for an SF4 side tourney at evo w/ $250 entry
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    Street Fighter 4!

    Shotos aren't even the problem for him. It's that he only outright beats a few of the top and upper mid characters...Sim, Rufus, Gouken, Bison, and that's about it. Gief vs. Sagat and Seth are two of the most lopsided matchups in the whole game. And from what I hear, the Japanese now think...
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    Street Fighter 4!

    alright, my shot at an overall console tier list... top = sagat, viper, seth, akuma, ryu, dhalsim upper-mid = gief, balrog, rufus, blanka, bison, gouken mid = chun, fuerte, cammy, gen lower-mid = ken, honda low = guile, abel, fei-long, sakura, dan, vega, rose discuss
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    Crowtournationals #10 - The Year We Made Crow

    i'm always down with giving rides to people, i just haven't been able to make the last couple because school is that serious it looks like i will be able to go to this one, however, so if we can set something up then you would be more than welcome!
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    Digi-Ops Monthly 3 Results

    god dammit who keeps putting jeff hardy in the tags
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    Digi-Ops Monthly 3 Results

    Here are the other results I remember... SF4 Singles: 1st. TheAlucard (Balrog) - This was the guy who won the Ohio Gamestop regional btw. 2nd. Josh Ballard (Seth, Balrog) - I only used Rog a few matches because their PS3 setup didn't have Seth unlocked, lol 3rd. Ladymachine (Sagat, Rose) - Our...
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    Crowtournationals #9 - I'm Running Out of Titles

    Crowtournationals #9 - I'm Running Out of Titl 142nd i should keep updating this in my sig like magnetomaniac's PSN record
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    Final Round XII results

    The south is more of a Tekken region it seems...DR got 68 people (almost the exact same number as Evo last year lololololol) That said, SC4 still did better than most of the 5 million games at FR. Only finished behind SF4, Guilty Gear, DR, and 3rd Strike. I keep making this point, and I'll...
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    Street Fighter 4!

    Seth can do just about everything, and he has the tools to handle almost any situation. Focusing on defense since that's obviously the issue with him... - Reversal teleport is golden at midscreen, just KILLS Fuerte's mixups and such. Only thing is that there is a risk of punch teleport...
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    Street Fighter 4!

    east coast marvel player "demon hyo" has been caught doing this multiple times keep in mind that this was the same guy who "accidentally" reset the game in evo top 8 when sanford was beating him down also, since i feel like doing a quick random post, here are my predictions on where the...
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    Crowtournationals #8 - You, Me, And Shoryuken

    shardz why must you lie about your favorite SC4 characters? =( it's almost as're using those boxes to make a commentary on high-level play! btw, it looks like i'll be there. just wish the SF4/SC4 times were switched around but i'm only one guy so it's all good